Party conduct and clean government construction
Chuzhou, Anhui: the Procurator General went to the Municipal Party School to give a special lecture
Time: June 14, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
   <Issue 4514>Chuzhou, Anhui: The Procurator General went to the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee to give special lectures    <Issue 4514>Chuzhou, Anhui: The Procurator General went to the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee to give special lectures
 <Issue 4514>Chuzhou, Anhui: The Procurator General went to the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee to give special lectures

"The functional orientation of the procuratorial organ can be summarized in two sentences: one is the judicial organ; the other is the legal supervision organ. The judicial organ mainly exercises the functions of approving arrests and prosecuting in criminal proceedings, and the legal supervision is characterized by supervision in handling cases and handling cases in supervision..."

   On June 9, Li Yuke, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Chuzhou Municipal Procuratorate, walked into the Party School of Chuzhou Municipal Party Committee and gave a special lecture on the topic of "Deeply implementing Xi Jinping's rule of law thought, and assisting the construction of a new modern Chuzhou in a new stage with high-quality legal supervision". Jiao Yichao, Vice Chairman of Chuzhou CPPCC and Executive Vice President of Chuzhou Party School, presided over the report meeting.

Li Yuke gave lectures in three aspects: the development process and functional orientation of the procuratorial organ, the basic ways and means for the procuratorial organ to exercise its functions and powers, and the basic requirements for doing well in procuratorial work in the new era. Using video, pictures and other forms, and combining specific case handling data and typical cases, she gave a vivid interpretation of the "four major procuratorial functions". At the same time, it introduced the experience, practice and effectiveness of the procuratorial organ of Chuzhou City in bringing together all parties to promote the construction of Chuzhou under the rule of law, systematically explained the mission of the procuratorial organ to perform its legal supervision duties, and enabled students to have a deep understanding of the procuratorial organ's stance of abiding by the objective and fair handling of cases and faithfully performing its legal supervision functions.

On how to help the construction of safe Chuzhou and rule of law Chuzhou, Li Yuke stressed that we should adhere to the independent exercise of procuratorial power according to law under the absolute leadership of the Party; Insist on serving the overall situation and the people's justice; Adhere to the advanced work philosophy; Adhere to active performance of duties and integrated case handling; We will continue to work hard to build a team. The procuratorial organ of Chuzhou will be able to perform its duties, set a high standard, and take advantage of the situation to write a new chapter in Chuzhou's procuratorial work in the "forge ahead on a new journey and sprint for the top 80", so as to provide a strong legal guarantee for accelerating the construction of a modern new Chuzhou in the new stage, and meet the convening of the 20th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements!

The report meeting was attended by 130 students, as well as full-time and part-time teachers, from the 9th training class for county and department level cadres, the 39th training class for township and section level cadres, and the 30th training class for young and middle-aged cadres in Chuzhou Party School (School of Administration).