Party conduct and clean government construction
An application for Party membership sent from the isolation ward
Time: April 2, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   "I am willing to join the Communist Party of China and will strive for the cause of communism all my life! This is the most solemn and sacred thing in my life, and it is also an oath I made to my life before joining the Party." On the morning of March 31, The Party Branch of the Procuratorate of Fanchang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province received a special application for joining the Party. The applicant, Gui Jingcheng, was in the isolation ward at this time. He took a photo of the neatly written application and sent it to the organization.  


   Gui Jingcheng, 25 years old, is a young police officer in the Procuratorate of Fanchang District. He has been on the job for less than half a year. Since he entered the hospital, he has changed his role rapidly and actively engaged in his work.  

   According to Zhang Nan, director of the Political Department of the Procuratorate of Fanchang District, during the "late spring cold" epidemic, Gui Jingcheng took the initiative to go to the "epidemic" line and be on duty at the intersection of Eshan Expressway in Fanchang District. At 4:00 a.m. on March 23, before dawn, Gui Jingcheng was on duty at this checkpoint. On the same day, he was identified as a close contact because he checked the health code, travel code and nucleic acid test report of the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Fanchang District at the checkpoint. Gui Jingcheng was isolated that night and was later diagnosed as asymptomatic.  

   When asked if there were any difficulties and needs in the isolation ward, the post-95 boy always said that everything was fine, but he could not participate in epidemic prevention with his colleagues. He always remembered and wanted to do something more.  

   In his application, Gui Jingcheng wrote that in the face of the sudden COVID-19 epidemic, the whole region was united and united to fight the epidemic. As a party member, my father also volunteered to fight the epidemic. Through the shadow of my father, I saw the CPC's fearlessness and selfless dedication. At the same time, as a member of Fanchang Procuratorate, the people's procurators around us also use their actual actions to constantly infect and inspire themselves. "Looking at Fanchang, all Party members and cadres and the grassroots people are working hard on the 'epidemic' line, I feel like there is a fire burning in my heart. I understand that it is my strong desire to join the Party".  

   It is understood that Gui Jingcheng has been an active member of the Party in the university. After receiving his application for joining the Party, the Party branch of the Procuratorate of Fanchang District preliminarily considered and will start relevant procedures as soon as possible to develop.  

   On April 1, the Wuhu COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control and the promotion of "six stability" work headquarters issued a circular stating that on March 31, five new asymptomatic infections were found in Fanchang District. Facing the severe and complicated epidemic situation in Fanchang District, A group of procuratorial volunteers like Gui Jingcheng are working day and night at various posts on the "epidemic" line