Party conduct and clean government construction
Theme Party Day | Procuratorate Security Department: help, comfort, do practical things, survey, guide and solve difficult problems
Time: December 13, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the 11th Provincial Party Congress, on the morning of December 3, the party branch of the Procuratorate Security Department of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate went to the grass-roots contact point Lujiang County Procuratorate to carry out the party day activity themed "Loyalty, Diligence, and People First", visit the Lujiang Hall of Fame, and have a discussion on party building and procuratorial security work.  

   Student Aid Donation Caring for Martyrs' Children  


   Although the winter is cold, it is warm. At the beginning of their visit to Lujiang, the branch and the party went to the happy campus of Chengbei Primary School to visit five poor students, two of whom were children of flood fighting martyrs. According to the situation of each child, the branch carefully prepared personalized "gifts". When aunts and uncles sent their love winter clothes and school bags to the children, their small faces burst into bright smiles and they could not put down their clothes. "I grew up in the countryside, and I hope that the current children can receive good education and change their destiny through learning." Facing the principal of Chengbei Primary School, Hu Daoyin, deputy director of the Procuratorate Security Department of the Provincial Procuratorate, said passionately, and expressed his willingness to provide more financial assistance within his ability.  

   Visit and learn to inherit red genes  


   As the first celebrity museum at the county level in the province, Lujiang Hall of Fame focuses on more than 3000 influential historical figures from Lujiang in the Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms, modern times and contemporary times with the theme of "diving into the Sichuan and wisdom in the Lujiang River". "Look at the demeanor of the heroes and learn from the teachings of the ancestors." Under the guidance of the commentator, Party members of the branch watched and talked all the way, recalled the heroic deeds of the ancestors, and felt the brilliant civilization and glorious history. Picture after picture of exhibition boards, physical sculptures and projection scenes show the stories of celebrities in a three-dimensional way, giving a vivid party lesson to party members and cadres.  

   Investigation and discussion to guide grass-roots construction  


   At the symposium, the Lujiang County Procuratorate reported the procuratorial security work, existing problems and work suggestions. After listening to the report, the branch and the delegation "felt the pulse" of the procuratorial security work of the hospital, issued a "good prescription", and provided on-site answers and business guidance on the proposed expenditure standards, public funds security standards, purchase and update of official vehicles and other issues, so as to effectively help the grass-roots hospital solve the problems of procuratorial security construction.