Party conduct and clean government construction
100 Questions on Basic Knowledge (10)
Time: October 12, 2021-12 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
   Editor's Note

   At present, the education and rectification of the second batch of political and legal teams in the country is progressing steadily. In order to promote learning and education throughout, Anhui New Procuratorial Media has launched a series of questions and answers on knowledge to help people learn more carefully, learn more often, keep their theories clear, and strengthen their sense of action. Learn together~  

   94. Development Goals  

   When General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Anhui, he asked Anhui to "break a new path in the rise of central China", which anchored the development goals of Anhui in the new era.  

   95. Development orientation  

   We will focus on the "key variables" of scientific and technological innovation, achieve the "maximum increment" of high-quality development, create "three regions and one district", and hand over the "Anhui" and US answers to promote high-quality development in the central region.  

   96. Development pattern  

   It has been upgraded from "the total amount is in the middle, and the per capita is in the middle" to "the total amount is in the front, and the per capita is in the middle". It has stronger development strength, more momentum, and better quality. It has a solid material foundation to start a new journey and achieve new goals. The most symbolic thing is that Anhui's economic aggregate has moved towards the first square in the country. In the past five years, its GDP has risen from 13th to 11th in the country, and its per capita GDP has risen from 25th to 13th in the country.  

   97. Development momentum  

   The golden signboard of Anhui's innovation has become more and more bright, and a batch of major original achievements such as quantum communication and dynamic memory chips have emerged. The regional innovation ability has ranked first in the country, and the added value of high-tech industries and the output value of strategic emerging industries both account for more than 40% of the industries above the designated size.  

   98. Development  

   The key task of poverty alleviation in Anhui Province was completed on schedule, and the per capita disposable income of urban and rural permanent residents increased steadily. At the same time, the ecological environment quality of Anhui Province continued to improve. In the first half of this year, the annual average concentration of PM2.5 dropped to 39 micrograms/m3.  

   99. "Five Powerful Provinces"  

   Build a province with strong economy, culture, ecology, science and education, and talents.  

   100. "Three places and one district"  

   It is the birthplace of scientific and technological innovation, the focus of emerging industries, the new highland of reform and opening up, and the comprehensive green transformation zone of economic and social development.