Party conduct and clean government construction
Learn from the Model Procurator (XIV)
Time: October 12, 2021-12 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Editor's Note  

   Only by advocating heroes can heroes emerge, and only by striving to be heroes can heroes emerge in large numbers. The deeds and spirit of heroes and models are a powerful force that inspires us to move forward.  

   In order to solidly promote the education and rectification of the procuratorial team, carry forward the spirit of heroes, encourage and guide the procuratorial police to faithfully perform their duties and take on their responsibilities, the procuratorial organs around Anhui have carried out activities to learn from the advanced deeds of the provincial political and legal heroes such as Zhou Huiming, Wang Min, Gao Haiyan, Zhao Yangfan, so as to lead the procuratorial police to follow the example of heroes, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and be brave in taking on their responsibilities Willing to contribute, the spirit of heroes has been transformed into a powerful driving force to promote procuratorial work in the new era.  

   Let's take a look at the sentiments and experiences of Anhui procuratorial police~  

   Inherit Wang Min's spirit and strive to be a model of the times  

   (Author: Xiang Lin, Tongling Procuratorate)  

   In the network exhibition of the report on the advanced deeds of Anhui political and legal heroes, I was most moved by the advanced deeds of Comrade Wang Min from the Procuratorate of Shucheng County.  

   Comrade Wang Min is a member of the Party Leadership Group, Deputy Procurator General, member of the Procuratorate Committee, and first level prosecutor of the Procuratorate of Shucheng County. On June 19, 2021 (Saturday), due to a sudden illness caused by overwork, he was killed on duty on June 28. His life was fixed at the front line of the case. He was only 53 years old. He wrote a moving chapter of the prosecutor in his ordinary post.  

   One of the moves is that Comrade Wang Min has been engaged in procuratorial work for 33 years. He has used his ordinary life to interpret the persistence of a Communist Party member and the faith and responsibility of a procurator. He always put the cause of the Party at the top of his heart, and took strengthening legal supervision and maintaining fairness and justice as his lifelong value pursuit. He firmly believed in his ideals and consciously integrated his pursuit of personal value into the lofty cause of the Party and the procuratorial cause. As a procurator who has been engaged in procuratorial work for 36 years, I should learn from him to always love his procuratorial work, always listen to the Party, follow the Party, and unswervingly be the builder and defender of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.  

   The second move was that Comrade Wang Min worked hard to become a teacher. His colleagues around him called him "Teacher Wang". He loves learning, delves into business, and never stops learning. Just a few days before the outbreak of disease, he was still consulting the Criminal Trial Reference for a difficult case, in order to meet the ultimate standard. I want to learn from him to do his job, drill his way, and refine his work. I will do a good job in procuratorial work with the strictest standards and requirements, and constantly improve my skills.  

   Third, Comrade Wang Min's excellent style of modesty and enterprising gave the young police selfless help and encouragement. He is studious, rigorous, and honest. He silently influences everyone around him with his words and deeds. He is willing to impart his knowledge to young people without reservation, and help young police officers grow into talents as soon as possible. I will learn from him, play the role of "spreading, helping and leading", and cultivate more procurators who love procuratorial work for Tongling Procuratorate.  

   Fourth, Comrade Wang Min, with great love, took the lead in setting an example and was honest in his professionalism. Comrade Wang Min wrote in his diary: "When he was young, he was always indomitable. He always felt that everything could be taken into consideration. After he got married and started his career, he found that it was too difficult to do both things." When people around him had already replaced bicycles with cars, he still rode that shabby old bicycle to work, never changing. After his death, his family followed his will and donated corneas. I want to learn from Comrade Wang Min, be honest and upright, disregard fame and gain, and be a loyal, clean and responsible people's procurator.  

   Practice the spirit of model and put serving the people at the heart  

   (Author: Zhou Qingying, Tongling Procuratorate)  

   It was a shock to my soul and a profound spiritual baptism to watch the online exhibition of the report on the advanced deeds of Anhui political and legal heroes.  

   The deeds of the political and legal heroes are moving and inspiring. They are ordinary, because they are ordinary people in ordinary positions; They are also great because they have created extraordinary achievements. Behind the deeds of every political and legal model, there is an unusual story. They are either tear jerking, vigorous, or plain and ordinary. But each story reflects the light of the new era, and describes the loyalty and responsibility of the political entity. From the political and legal heroes, I learned that as a Communist Party member, we should always put serving the people at the top of our hearts. Like Comrade Wang Min, we should put the cause of the Party and the people at the top of our hearts, devote our lives to our mission, safeguard fairness and justice, and give back to the society. From the political and legal heroes, I learned that as a Communist Party member, we should be conscientious and conscientious in our own work posts, and shine in ordinary jobs.  

   To learn from the deeds of heroes, we should carry forward the spirit of heroes, and let this great spirit continue to be inherited and immortalized. In our daily life and work, we should combine the learning and education of the Party history, work hard to learn the deeds of heroes, find out our own gaps and shortcomings, take the initiative to keep pace with heroes, achieve the unity of knowledge, trust and practice, and the integration of learning, thinking and application. We should effectively find the integration point with our own work, and conscientiously practice and inherit the spirit of heroes in practical work.  

   From the deeds of the models, the most feeling I get is moving, but beyond moving, I can feel the great patriotism of the models. In the centennial journey, countless heroes have devoted themselves to the Chinese revolution, construction and development. Even if it is the flood of epidemic, they will not turn back. This contains the simplest feelings, namely patriotism, which is the core of the Chinese national spirit. Every time I see their heroic deeds, I feel a sense of respect. I am proud to live in this land full of patriotism!  

   As an assistant prosecutor of the civil prosecutor, I am deeply grateful for the happy life I have today, and I dare not forget how the happy life came about. I will always remember history, take history as a mirror, learn from the advanced deeds of heroes and models, take heroes and models as examples, learn from their political nature of never forgetting their original intention and always maintaining loyalty, their feelings of justice for the people and serving the people, and their sense of responsibility of not fearing difficulties and overcoming difficulties to become the next model. In the future work, we will take the spirit of heroes as the guide, adhere to the people as the center, base ourselves on our own work, work hard, and shine in our own posts.