Party conduct and clean government construction
100 Questions on Basic Knowledge (7)
Time: October 11, 2021 Author: News source: SRC-25708896 [Font size: large | in | Small

   Editor's Note  

   At present, the education and rectification of the second batch of political and legal teams in the country is progressing steadily. In order to promote learning and education throughout, Anhui New Procuratorial Media has launched a series of questions and answers on knowledge to help people learn more carefully, learn more often, keep their theories clear, and strengthen their sense of action. Learn together~  

   67. The First National Congress of the Communist Party of China  

   The first National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held on July 23, 1921, at No. 106 Wangzhi Road (now No. 76 Xingye Road) in the French Concession of Shanghai. The last day's meeting was transferred to the cruise ship on the South Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province. Chen Duxiu was elected Secretary of the Central Bureau. The central topic is the formal establishment of the Communist Party of China.  

   68. "Power comes out of the barrel of a gun"  

   Mao Zedong's famous thesis was put forward at the Hankou Conference in Hubei Province on August 7, 1927.  

   69. Zunyi Meeting  

   It was held in Zunyi, Guizhou from January 15 to 17, 1935. Main contents: criticized Bogu, Li De and other people's wrong political and military lines, affirmed Mao Zedong's basic principles of military operations, reorganized the leadership of the Party and the Red Army, and actually established Mao Zedong's leadership in the Party and the Red Army.  

   70. Basic Policy of Yan'an Rectification Movement  

   Learn from the past to avoid the future, and cure the disease to save the patient.  

   71. "Good Party Cadres"  

   Jiao Yulu was praised as "a good cadre of the Party" in the 1960s.  

   72. The first atomic bomb  

   On October 16, 1964, the first atomic bomb was successfully exploded at the Lop Nur Test Base in western China, effectively breaking the superpower's nuclear monopoly and nuclear blackmail, and improving China's international status.  

   73. The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee  

   The Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee held in December 1978 was a great turning point of far-reaching significance in the history of the Party since the founding of New China. The meeting decided to shift the focus of the whole Party's work to socialist modernization. It marks that China has entered a new period of reform and opening up.  

   74. "Four Consciousness"  

   Political awareness, overall awareness, core awareness, and alignment awareness.  

   75. "Four Confidence"  

   We have confidence in the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, in theory, in institutions and in culture.  

   76. "Two maintenance"  

   We will firmly uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping's core position in the Party Central Committee and the core position of the whole Party; We will resolutely uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership.