Party conduct and clean government construction
Learning from the Model Procurator (XI)
Time: October 11, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Editor's Note  

   Only by advocating heroes can heroes emerge, and only by striving to be heroes can heroes emerge in large numbers. The deeds and spirit of heroes and models are a powerful force that inspires us to move forward.  

   In order to solidly promote the education and rectification of the procuratorial team, carry forward the spirit of heroes, encourage and guide the procuratorial police to faithfully perform their duties and take on their responsibilities, the procuratorial organs around Anhui have carried out activities to learn from the advanced deeds of the provincial political and legal heroes such as Zhou Huiming, Wang Min, Gao Haiyan, Zhao Yangfan, so as to lead the procuratorial police to follow the example of heroes, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and be brave in taking on their responsibilities Willing to contribute, the spirit of heroes has been transformed into a powerful driving force to promote procuratorial work in the new era.  

   Let's take a look at the sentiments and experiences of Anhui procuratorial police~  

   Always have the heart to serve the people  

   (Author: Xing Siyuan, Eighth Procuratorate Department of Fuyang Procuratorate)  

   Watching the network exhibition of the report on the advanced deeds of Anhui political and legal heroes, I was most impressed and moved by the deeds of Comrade Wang Min. As a former colleague of Wang Min, Chen Chanjuan tearfully told the story of her most respected "Teacher Wang". As she explained, my mind gradually outlined the image of a justice and selfless prosecutor, as if I saw Wang Min riding a new bike that was changed last year, wearing a white washed procuratorial uniform, smiling and waving  

   Wang Min was a former member of the Party Leadership Group, Deputy Procurator General and First level Procurator of Shucheng County People's Procuratorate of Lu'an City before he was born. On June 19, 2021, Wang Min died on duty on June 28 due to a sudden illness due to continuous overtime work. With 33 years of loyalty and blood, this veteran of the procuratorial system has fulfilled the lofty mission of being a Communist and a people's prosecutor.  

   Be diligent in research and teach each other. Wang Min insists on lifelong learning. Every time he sees a new law book, he will buy it and study it carefully. His excellent professional ability comes from the accumulation and study day after day. Chen Chanjuan said, "On weekdays, everyone is used to calling him Wang Jian, but I am more used to calling him Teacher Wang, because he has always been the best chief of the public prosecution section and the teacher I respect most in my heart." When Chen Chanjuan entered the public prosecution section of the People's Procuratorate of Shucheng County, Wang Min was the chief of the public prosecution section. When encountering difficult cases and problems that she does not understand, Chen Chanjuan always wants to ask Wang Min for advice. Wang Min always knows everything and says everything. He selflessly imparted his knowledge to each new procuratorial police officer, hoping to cultivate more outstanding procurators who love procuratorial work and guide young procuratorial police officers.  

   Stick to the original intention, integrity and preciseness. I was quite impressed by Comrade Wang Min's words. "What we deal with is an ordinary case, but for the party concerned, it is related to a person's life, even the future of a family." This is what Wang Min often says. Wang Min treats each case in accordance with the law, the rules of evidence, the facts and the law. Treat the parties with heart to heart, put the people's concerns in mind, and insist on doing practical things for the people. Over the years, the People's Procuratorate of Shucheng County has not had a case of wrong or missing prosecution. "People should live with dignity, cherish their own feathers, be worthy of the Party, be worthy of our procuratorial uniform, and don't let people look down on them." Wang Min did it, and he was worthy of his heart, the people, and the procuratorial blue.  

   Their deeds inspire me. They are ordinary people in ordinary positions, holding a heart of serving the early Republic of China and embodying the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly in every bit. We should take education and rectification as the baptism, model spirit as the guidance, build the soul of loyalty, always maintain the clean color, practice the foundation of responsibility, and become qualified political and legal police.  

   Follow the example and strengthen the mission  

   (Author: Liu Peng, Eighth Procuratorial Department of Fuyang Procuratorate)  

   Through watching the exhibition of the provincial political and legal model's advanced deeds report, I felt the infinite power of the model. The political and legal heroes on the show did not have heroic words, but were so inspiring; No flowery words, but still vivid and moving. In plain language and vivid examples, they told the story of the years of the political and legal people. Their feelings and experiences were like a timely rain, which irrigated and baptized the spirit of the procuratorial police.  

   As a procuratorial police officer, we should learn from the heroic models who are loyal to the Party, have firm faith, enforce the law impartially, and punish evil and promote good; Learn their steel will to fight bravely in the face of difficulties; Learn their noble feelings of keeping the purpose in mind and serving the people wholeheartedly.  

   As a procuratorial police officer, we should learn from their decades of dedication. We should follow the model as an example, always be absolutely loyal, absolutely pure, and absolutely reliable, dare to fight, be good at fighting, be willing to contribute, be brave to sacrifice, and earnestly shoulder the sacred responsibilities and missions entrusted by the Party and the people.  

   As a procuratorial police officer, he should be more concerned with the people, wholeheartedly solve their problems, work like a model, and realize extraordinary life values in ordinary posts. At the same time, we should also take the model as an example, learn from their noble personality and integrity, base ourselves on their own duties and work steadfastly for the people, and make due contributions to the high-quality development of procuratorial work.