Party conduct and clean government construction
Learn from the Model Procurator (10)
Time: September 29, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Editor's Note  

   Only by advocating heroes can heroes emerge, and only by striving to be heroes can heroes emerge in large numbers. The deeds and spirit of heroes and models are a powerful force that inspires us to move forward.  

   In order to solidly promote the education and rectification of the procuratorial team, carry forward the spirit of heroes, encourage and guide the procuratorial police to faithfully perform their duties and take on their responsibilities, the procuratorial organs around Anhui have carried out activities to learn from the advanced deeds of the provincial political and legal heroes such as Zhou Huiming, Wang Min, Gao Haiyan, Zhao Yangfan, so as to lead the procuratorial police to follow the example of heroes, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and be brave in taking on their responsibilities Willing to contribute, the spirit of heroes has been transformed into a powerful driving force to promote procuratorial work in the new era.  

   Let's take a look at the sentiments and experiences of Anhui procuratorial police~  

   Create greatness in the ordinary  

   (Author: Xie Qingqing, Fifth Procuratorial Department of Fuyang Procuratorate)  

   Through watching the network exhibition of the report on the advanced deeds of Anhui political and legal heroes, I felt deeply.  

   Gao Haiyan, the excellent case handling prosecutor of the provincial procuratorial organ who has stuck to the position of complaint and appeal for 14 years and made every complainant feel warm, regards poor households as his brothers and sisters; Jiao Fengjun, who won the National Poverty Alleviation Contribution Award, has always supported Wuhan in the epidemic situation; Ren Shasha, who was awarded as an advanced individual in Anhui Province to fight against COVID-19, Zhao Yangfan, a national expert in juvenile procuratorial work who is engaged in unchecked work and ignites the lives of children, Yang Bigui, a national outstanding people's policeman who has repeatedly broken homicide cases and forged a strong character, and Wang Min, a loyal people's procurator, who has forged his life. In order to maintain social fairness and justice and realize the people's aspiration for a better life, they stick to ordinary posts and make extraordinary achievements.  

   Behind each model, there are many unusual stories. Each story reflects the political nature of the political entity, which is dedicated to the party, the people and the law by building the foundation of the rule of law society with one cavity of blood. These examples around us prove to us with practical actions that great comes from ordinary, and ordinary makes great.  

   As an ordinary procuratorial police officer, through the study of political and legal heroes, I have a deeper understanding of my responsibility and mission.  

   Be loyal to the Party and the people. Being loyal to the Party, the people and selfless dedication are the excellent qualities of Communists. The cause of the Party and the cause of the people are constantly forged by the loyalty and dedication of millions of Party members. It is the requirement of the Party and the people to improve the three political forces and achieve absolute loyalty, purity and reliability to the Party. It is also our solemn commitment to the Party and the people.  

   We should improve our ability to perform our duties and work hard on practical actions. Whether as a procuratorial policeman or a Communist Party member, serving the people is the purpose that we should always keep in mind. To put it into practice, we should focus on our own work, work hard, forge ahead, and build strong skills. We should resolutely put the performance of duties and responsibility into every task, handle every civil case, give full play to the procuratorial and litigation supervision function, and truly do practical things for the people and do good things.  

   Be honest and self disciplined. Honesty and self-discipline is the key to fighting corruption and strengthening the construction of a clean and honest party. Whether the procuratorial police can set an example is crucial. The procuratorial police should be strict with themselves, fair and clear, play a leading role in honesty and self-discipline in accordance with the system and regulations, and win the trust of the people. Keep a clear head and be strict with yourself in all aspects. To correctly exercise the power in hand, we should be clear about major issues and strict about minor issues. He is an honest and upright person.  

   Learn to catch up with heroes and models in the new era  

   (Author: Xiao Jinlu, Sixth Procuratorial Department of Fuyang Procuratorate)  

   An example is a mirror, a flag, and a beacon on our way of life, illuminating our way forward. The times need heroes as well as role models. After watching the online exhibition of the advanced deeds of the political and legal heroes, especially after learning the advanced deeds of the procuratorial heroes, I was deeply moved and could not calm my mood for a long time. In combination with the actual procuratorial work and work functions, I have the following experience:  

   We should base ourselves on our own duties and be willing to be ordinary. Political and legal police are responsible for ensuring the safety of people's lives and property. As an ordinary procuratorial policeman, most of the work I do is related to the interests of the people. There is no earth shaking action or feat of making achievements. But every judicial case is related to the vital interests of the people. Only by successfully handling each litigation case can we reflect the value of a common political and legal police officer, closely combine our usual work with the great spirit of the times, and be worthy of this great era.  

   Be honest and willing to contribute. Every story and every character shows the charm and positive energy of Anhui political and legal people. Political and legal police officers will face many temptations in every case. Only by strengthening their ideals and beliefs, constantly improving their ideological level, basing themselves on ordinary post life, and always having an ordinary mind can they reject corruption and maintain the original mission of Communists forever.  

   We should strengthen our study and improve our skills. Political and legal work is a highly professional work. Strengthening legal supervision and maintaining fairness and justice are the duties of procuratorial police. We must constantly improve our professional level, handle every case, respond to the demands of every people, and do every procuratorial supervision well.