Party conduct and clean government construction
Learning from the Model Procurator (8)
Time: September 27, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Editor's Note  

   Only by advocating heroes can heroes emerge, and only by striving to be heroes can heroes emerge in large numbers. The deeds and spirit of heroes and models are a powerful force that inspires us to move forward.  

   In order to solidly promote the education and rectification of the procuratorial team, carry forward the spirit of heroes, encourage and guide the procuratorial police to faithfully perform their duties and take on their responsibilities, the procuratorial organs around Anhui have carried out activities to learn from the advanced deeds of the provincial political and legal heroes such as Zhou Huiming, Wang Min, Gao Haiyan, Zhao Yangfan, so as to lead the procuratorial police to follow the example of heroes, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and be brave in taking on their responsibilities Willing to contribute, the spirit of heroes has been transformed into a powerful driving force to promote procuratorial work in the new era.  

   Let's take a look at the sentiments and experiences of Anhui procuratorial police~  

   Learn from model, practice original intention, strengthen thinking and improve ability  

   (Author: Huang Ti, Procuratorate Security Department, Anhui Provincial Procuratorate)  

   After watching the report on the deeds of several political and legal heroes, I deeply felt that the power of role models is endless, and noble undertakings need to be guided by role models. I was deeply moved and encouraged by the simple language of the heroes who spoke about their seemingly ordinary but actually great work achievements. The heroes have the most extraordinary experience in their ordinary positions. From their speeches, I can see that each of them is faithfully fulfilling their solemn commitments under the Party flag. The attitude towards the masses, organizations and responsibilities reflected in them most truly reflects their noble personality. Each of them is a model of political and legal police, a hero in the peaceful era, and the most lovely person in the new era!  

   After this study, I will follow their example, follow their example, firmly adhere to the concept of "establishing inspection for the public and enforcing the law for the people", practice my skills, practice my original intention, strengthen my thinking, and improve my ability based on my position, and strive to achieve the sublimation of my ideals and personal values in my own position.  

   Comprehension of Communists' feelings for the people  

   (Author: Zhou Yiyuan, Anhui Provincial Procuratorate Office Service Center)  

   Recently, I watched the provincial political and legal model's advanced deeds report network exhibition. Through learning and watching, I have a deep feeling! I was deeply moved by their conscientious work, their conscientious conduct and their true feelings for the people. What impressed me deeply was that Wei Jingjing ran back and forth several buildings in a community in the hot summer to recover the economic losses of the enterprise in order to obtain evidence for the relevant enterprise when hearing a project case. When people often ask about Wei Jingjing's children, why doesn't his mother accompany you? The child always replied that her mother was working. When she was at home, she sometimes asked her mother if she could stop working and accompany her for a while... At this time, as a mother, my eyes were filled with tears. In addition, Zhou Huiming is always on the front line of handling cases, and he often neglects to eat and sleep on time... The above political and legal heroes make me deeply feel the purpose of our party to serve the people wholeheartedly.  

   Since the birth of the Party, whether in revolution, construction or reform, it has always been to lead the people to create a better life and to make the people live a better life. Since its founding, the Communist Party of China has shouldered the glorious mission of saving the nation from subjugation and the people, representing the interests of the entire Chinese people and the Chinese nation. The original intention and mission of the Chinese Communists is to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. At the same time, it is precisely because our Party members always maintain the feelings of serving the people, all for the people, and rely on the people closely, that we can cross over one hurdle after another, meet one challenge after another, and win one victory after another.  

   I was lucky to become a glorious Communist Party member of China last year. In the future work and study, I will standardize my words and deeds according to the standards of the party members, learn from the heroes of the procuratorial system around me, and contribute my own strength to the procuratorial logistics service guarantee cause!