Party conduct and clean government construction
100 Questions on Basic Knowledge (I)
Time: September 24, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
   Editor's Note

   At present, the education and rectification of the second batch of political and legal teams in the country is progressing steadily. In order to promote learning and education throughout, Anhui procuratorial new media has launched a series of questions and answers about knowledge to help people learn more carefully, learn more often, keep their theories clear, and strengthen their awareness of action. Learn together~  

   1. Timing  

   It will take about three months from mid August to mid November 2021. The "three links" of learning and education, rectification, summary and improvement are respectively arranged for 15 days, 60 days and 15 days.  

   2. Object scope  

   Including all the procuratorial police on duty in the internal organs of the provincial procuratorate, directly affiliated institutions, and all the discharged from the hospital, and the on duty staff on duty shall be referred to.  

   3. Significance  

   It is an inevitable requirement to implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and ensure that educational rectification goes deep and solid in the whole procuratorial line. It is also an inevitable requirement to solve the outstanding problems of provincial organs and create a good political environment. It is also an inevitable requirement to promote the organic convergence of educational rectification from top to bottom and consolidate and deepen the existing achievements.  

   4. Four Tasks of Education Rectification  

   We should strengthen political loyalty, eliminate the black sheep, rectify persistent maladies, and promote the spirit of heroes.  

   5. Rectify "five types of problems"  

   Political disloyalty, unfair law enforcement, incorruptible justice, lack of responsibility in case of difficulties, and rigid style of work.  

   6. Objectives  

   Promote the further optimization of the procuratorial organ's political ecology, the further improvement of its disciplinary style, the further enhancement of its quality and ability, and the further improvement of its law enforcement and judicial credibility, create a loyal, clean and responsible procuratorial iron army, and strive to become a model for the procuratorial organs in the province.  

   7. Working principles  

   Adhere to organic connection, hierarchical classification, overall planning and combination, and strict management and love.  

   8. Education rectification "three highlights"  

   Highlight political construction, set an example, and establish rules and regulations.  

   9. "Three Tasks" in Learning and Education  

   Political education, warning education and model education.  

   10. "Three tasks" in the inspection, correction and rectification link  

   Self inspection and self correction, organization of investigation and treatment, and treatment of persistent diseases.