Party conduct and clean government construction
Learn from the Model Procurator (6)
Time: September 22, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Editor's Note  

   Only by advocating heroes can heroes emerge, and only by striving to be heroes can heroes emerge in large numbers. The deeds and spirit of heroes and models are a powerful force that inspires us to move forward.  

   In order to solidly promote the education and rectification of the procuratorial team, carry forward the spirit of heroes, encourage and guide the procuratorial police to faithfully perform their duties and take on their responsibilities, the procuratorial organs around Anhui have carried out activities to learn from the advanced deeds of the provincial political and legal heroes such as Zhou Huiming, Wang Min, Gao Haiyan, Zhao Yangfan, so as to lead the procuratorial police to follow the example of heroes, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and be brave in taking on their responsibilities Willing to contribute, the spirit of heroes has been transformed into a powerful driving force to promote procuratorial work in the new era.  

   Let's take a look at the sentiments and experiences of Anhui procuratorial police~  

   The power of example drives people forward  

   (Author: Fan Chunzhi, Department of Procuratorial Information Technology, Anhui Provincial Procuratorate)  

   Watching the advanced deeds of the provincial political and legal heroes gave me a more intuitive sense of impact. The sharers were either passionate or sad, and the viewers were boiling with blood. The deeds of the heroes delineate the image of the political and legal iron army who sticks to their posts in the new era, highlight the era style of loyalty and clean responsibility of the political and legal police in the new era, and set an example for the national political and legal officers to learn.  

   Gao Haiyan And engaged in the reception of letters and visits and handling of complaint cases in the complaint and appeal procuratorial department. The window of prosecution and application is the window of procuratorial image and the bridge between the procuratorial organ and the petition people. Letters and visits must be done face to face with visitors every day and at zero distance. What they do is also the most direct and realistic mass work. Visitors are often dissatisfied and even make a scene. Gao Haiyan warmhearted reception, warm persuasion, sincere work, heart for heart, practical solutions to problems, so that visitors come with gas, calm down and return.  

   The petition workers need more love. They should treat every petition crowd with a heart of great love, always keep them in mind, always care about their joys and sorrows, sincerely help them and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. Gao Haiyan dares to tell the truth, to be honest, to fight against behaviors that harm the interests of the masses, and to win praise. With the dedication of "doing one thing, loving one thing and being dedicated to one thing", we have been fighting in the posts of letters and visits for 14 years.  

   Zhao Yangfan , from Anqing People's Procuratorate, engaged in juvenile procuratorial work. Non procuratorial work is a warm work to handle cases involving minors, carry out assistance and education, prevent minors from committing crimes, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of minors. Minors are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. Caring for minors is caring for our future.  

   The stories of "Little Dream Yao" and "Little Peak" told by Zhao Yangfan made me deeply feel that only if the seeds of the rule of law are rooted in children's hearts, the voice of the rule of law will have a justice echo. The uninspected workers should have the spirit of racing against time, let the voice of the rule of law reach the front of the crime, let it ring in the classroom, let it spread on the Internet, let it penetrate the hearts of all children, send warmth and sunshine to the "problem children", save the lost children, raise their self-protection awareness, and let them grow healthily under the rule of law.  

   After seven years of inspection, "Sister Yangfan" and her team built a bridge of hope for lost children with the guidance of spring breeze and rain, and raised a protective umbrella for children with love and responsibility.  

   In addition to the heroes who walk into the screen, there are heroes everywhere in my work.  

   Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has taken poverty alleviation as the key task to achieve the first century goal, made a series of major deployments and arrangements, and launched a comprehensive fight against poverty. My department Chen Fuhua Actively respond to the call of the Party Central Committee and the Party Leadership Group, invest in poverty alleviation, a battlefield without gunpowder smoke, and practice poverty alleviation with practical actions. Take the initiative to visit people in their homes, actively solve problems, sincerely help and solve difficulties, and resolutely do not let a poor people fall behind. Use your own hardship index to exchange for the happiness index of the masses, and use the small family reunion to exchange for the satisfaction of the poor masses.  

   He often goes into the village and goes deep into the fields. The leather shoes could not be worn when walking for a long time. A pair of thousand ply cloth shoes were worn out. Now I have a pair of cloth shoes in my office that are about to "retire". Chen Fuhua wears them from poverty alleviation, sometimes. I once joked: "Chen Chu, you are too thrifty". He said: "This pair of cloth shoes has not yet reached its' laid-off 'time. This pair of cloth shoes is the last pair of cloth shoes that I have not worn out in the fight against poverty. It is of great significance. There are many stories that you do not understand." In winter, it is much colder in the countryside than in the city. Several times below zero, I walked to the poor families in the ice and snow to learn about the situation and send the warmth of the Party to the poor families. Chen Fuhua, with his industrious hands and a good thinking mind, made policies according to the families and people, and helped the poor with ideas, which was recognized and approved by the people. Chen Fuhua is a shining name, let's remember it.  

   Poverty alleviation is an earth shaking human initiative, which helps Chinese poor farmers get rid of poverty, and makes the country stable and magnificent.  

   A year ago, in the face of the sudden outbreak of COVID-19, the CPC Central Committee gave orders and 42600 medical personnel set out against the trend. Inspection Support Department Wang Hui's Lover Sasha On the petition for war organized by the provincial hospital to Wuhan, he resolutely pressed the bright red fingerprint. In front of the pandemic war exam, I left my two young children and bid farewell to my elderly parents. I volunteered to go to the front line of the epidemic fighting and shoulder the sacred mission of "angels in white". Wang Hui said goodbye to "natural awakening" and became a real good father. Shouldering work and family, we are running between two points and one line, taking care of the two children together with parents, silently contributing and supporting lovers, and demonstrating responsibility and responsibility with practical actions.  

   In the long time of the "Hands off Index", Wang Hui and his lover had only a very short talk time and a few words of WeChat, so that they could see their children and parents, and dilute their concerns to solve the pain of lovesickness. In this way, a bridge of missing was built from the sky in Wuhan to the sky in Hefei. At ordinary times, Wang Hui doesn't dare to call his lover first, because he is afraid that the phone will disturb his lover who has not enough rest time. He can only wait for the phone and WeChat, and answer the phone in seconds. Wang Hui's message to his lover is usually these words: "Daughter in law 520", "Daughter in law has worked hard", "Daughter in law take good care of yourself, don't forget about me at home!" What a moving words. In this war, Wang Hui is the most tired and the most beautiful daughter-in-law.  

   Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the whole country has worked together to prevent and control scientifically and implement precise policies. Dark clouds cannot hide the sun, and the haze will eventually disperse. We will surely win the battle of epidemic prevention and control, usher in the warm spring, and bring peace to all families.  

   The deeds of the heroes are moving and inspiring. They are a true portrayal of the political and legal team, fully demonstrating the era's style, integrity and responsibility of the political and legal team.  

   Learn from, catch up with and be advanced  

   (Author: Zhang Hongping, Procuratorial Supervision Department of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate)  

   At the second batch of "Anhui political and legal model deeds report online exhibition" report conference, nine model representatives from the provincial political and legal front told their own or their colleagues' touching deeds of fulfilling their mission, selfless dedication, and warmth with sincere feelings, simple language, and vivid examples, which were deeply touched and encouraged. The most profound experience from them is:  

   They always adhere to the supremacy of the Party's cause. Nine political and legal heroes come from different political and legal fronts, with different posts and positions, but they are all party members. They respond to the call of the Party and go where the Party needs to go. Head of Legal Supervision Division of Anhui Provincial Department of Justice Jiao Fengjun Nine years ago, he held a temporary post in the county for two years. The living conditions of the rural poor became his concern. Four years ago, in response to the call of the provincial party committee and government, he took the initiative to sign up and apply to join the "Poverty Alleviation Army", which lasted four years. During more than 1500 days in the village, he fought against poverty with more than 5300 brothers and sisters in Mazhuang Village and the elders and young people, making the poor households in Mazhuang Village "clean up" and the poor villages listed in high quality.  

   Grade IV Chief of the 18th Ward of Anhui Women's Prison Ren Shasha At the beginning of 2020, in the face of the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, I volunteered to be the most beautiful rebel, joined Anhui in supporting Wuhan's anti epidemic army, and cleansed my blood in the battlefield of life and death. Instructor of Luyang Public Security Bureau Patrol Brigade of Hefei Public Security Bureau Wang Jun When performing tasks, he always used to rush in front of his teammates, claiming: "I am a party member. At this time, I will not go up. Who will?"  

   They always adhere to the supremacy of people's interests. "What we deal with is an ordinary case, but for the party concerned, it is related to a person's life, even a family's future." This is the Deputy Procurator General of Shucheng County Procuratorate Wang Min A word that often comes to my lips. Senior Procurator of the Ninth Procuratorate Department of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate Gao Haiyan She was a good colleague and comrade in arms who fought side by side with me for a long time. She was admitted to the provincial procuratorate in 2007, and was assigned to work in the prosecution department of complaints and appeals. She has been working in this ordinary post for 14 years. Over the past 14 years, she has more or less had her grievances and incomprehension, but she always learned to think in terms of position. What should I do if the complainant is my family? She regards the petition people as family members, the petition problems as family affairs, and with her sincerity, true feelings and sincerity, her profound legal foundation and rich experience in mass work, she has helped solve the worries, troubles and worries of countless petition people. Director of the Legal Service Office in Linhuan Town, Suixi County Wang Shihong We should work together, love each other, and drill each other. We should explore the golden key to resolving mass disputes. Its innovative "one cup of tea" mediation method has successfully resolved numerous small contradictions and disputes among rural residents in the neighborhood, and effectively promoted grassroots harmony. It is their contribution that gives people a real sense of gain, happiness and security.  

   They always adhere to the supremacy of constitution and law. Deputy Director of Guichi Branch of Chizhou Public Security Bureau Yang Bigui In the face of the threat from the criminal family of the evil forces, "If you let my son go to prison, I will definitely retaliate against you! Let you lose your son!" He resolutely replied: "Please remember, I am a criminal policeman against the evil forces! I am not afraid of the evil forces, not afraid of retaliation, not afraid of you!". Procurator of the First Procuratorial Department of Anqing Municipal Procuratorate and Deputy Director of the Juvenile Procuratorate Office Zhao Yangfan We will use legal knowledge to prevent and replace juvenile delinquents, and fulfill the solemn commitment of "When youth is eager to fly, the law will escort you". Wang Minchang, Deputy Procurator General of Shucheng County Procuratorate, and his colleagues said that we should handle cases according to the law and regulations, grasp the rules of evidence, take facts as the basis, and take the law as the criterion, so as to achieve a clear conscience.  

   As an old Communist Party member who has joined the Party for more than 20 years, and an old prosecutor who has been serving in procuratorial work for nearly 30 years, I will take the model as an example in my future work and life, and consciously learn from, catch up with and be advanced.  

   First, we should be firm in our ideals and beliefs and be absolutely loyal to the Party. I will always remember that my first identity is the Communist Party member, and my first responsibility is to work for the Party and serve the people. We will further strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", and achieve the "Two Safeguards". We will conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee in procuratorial performance, and truly follow in thought, be loyal in politics, and defend in action.  

   Second, keep in mind the original mission and practice justice for the people. In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the country is the people, and the people are the country. It is the people's heart to fight and defend the country. The Communist Party of China is rooted in the people, its blood is in the people, and its strength is in the people." Procuratorial supervision and procuratorial work is related to the vital interests of the masses. I will always remember that "handling cases is the life of others", and adhere to the "small cases" around the masses It should be handled as a "big thing", integrating the principles of heaven, national laws and human feelings, achieving the organic unity of political effects, social effects and legal effects, so that the people have a real sense of gain, happiness and security.  

   Third, carry forward the spirit of dedication and dare to take on the responsibility. In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "to realize the great dream, we must work hard and unremittingly. Today, we are closer to, more confident and able to achieve the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history, and at the same time we must make more arduous and arduous efforts." In the face of the numerous tasks and heavy responsibilities of procuratorial work, As a new recruit of the procuratorial supervision department, I will carry forward the spirit of dedication, dare to take the responsibility, actively assist the director, unite and lead all the staff, and strive to successfully complete all the work tasks.  

   4、 Strengthen compliance with regulations and disciplines, and strictly observe the bottom line of integrity. Build a strong ideological defense line, effectively enhance the sense of discipline, consciously abide by national laws and regulations, often think about the harm of greed, always have a sense of discipline, always set up a strong line of discipline, warning lines, do not allow orders to be executed, and ensure that no line is touched and no line is crossed in work and life.