Party conduct and clean government construction
Chen Wu went deep into the Party branch to teach Party lessons and explore the history of rule of law in the history of the Party for a hundred years
Time: August 12, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
 <Issue 3570>The Secretary of the Party Leadership Group goes deep into the branches to teach Party lessons and explore the history of rule of law in the history of the Party for a century <Issue 3570>The Secretary of the Party Leadership Group goes deep into the branches to teach Party lessons and explore the history of rule of law in the history of the Party for a century

Chen Wu teaches

 <Issue 3570>The Secretary of the Party Leadership Group goes deep into the branches to teach Party lessons and explore the history of rule of law in the history of the Party for a century

Zhou Yong Attends Class

   How has the Communist Party of China explored the rule of law in its centennial history? What historical achievements have been made, and what enlightenment has it brought to today's construction of China under the rule of law? On August 6, Chen Wu, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, went to the Party branch of the office to teach special Party courses to all Party members, cadres and policemen in the office, centering on the theme of "Historical Exploration and Practice of the Communist Party of China's Rule of Law", and centering on the main line of "History of the Exploration of the Rule of Law" in the centennial party history  

   During the teaching, Chen Wu learned and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech, From the agrarian revolution to the founding of New China, the socialist revolution and construction period, the reform and opening up to the fourth plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, and since the fourth plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee , systematically reviewed the glorious history of the transformation of legislative, judicial and legal concepts under the leadership of the Party over the past century.  

   The cases of rule of law and the "little stories" of the party history interspersed with them vividly represent the important historical moments of the party's exploration of rule of law. While exploring the sectional history of rule of law in the centennial history of the Party, Chen Wu also told The historical process of the procuratorial system under the leadership of the Party from scratch, from exploration to development, from comprehensive development to systematic improvement  

   Chen Wucong Historic leap from "rule of law" to "rule of law", successive amendments to the Constitution, four major conferences related to rule of law construction, and integrated promotion of domestic and international rule of law construction Four aspects It is combed and explained.  

   As for the historical experience of the Party in promoting the rule of law, Chen Wu focused on "Six Persistence" The propaganda was carried out, that is, to adhere to the absolute leadership of the Party, to uphold the authority of the Constitution, to adhere to the rule of law and abandon the rule of man, to adhere to the same direction of reform and the rule of law, to strengthen the construction of the rule of law culture, and to promote the construction of the rule of law at home and abroad as a whole.  

   Zhou Yong, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Procuratorate, director of the Political Department, and secretary of the Party Committee of the organ, gave guidance on how to hold a special organizational life meeting on learning and education of party history in the branch. Yin Di, the full-time deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the organ, gave guidance on how the branch and party members should write analysis and inspection materials.