Party conduct and clean government construction
"Gas station" of party history, learning party history together with community party members
Time: July 5, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party and further promote the in-depth and practical learning and education of the Party history, the Party Branch of the Procuratorate Security Department of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate and the Party Committee of Qianshuiwan Community, Heyedi Street, Shushan District, Hefei City recently carried out the activities of pair building and "Party Lessons Opened".  

   [Party history education] The "gas station" of party history, learning party history together with community members

   The party representatives of Qianshuiwan Community and the party police of the party branch of the Procuratorate Security Department walked into the history exhibition hall of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, learned about the historical changes, procuratorial functions, team building and other contents of the provincial procuratorate, and had a more intuitive understanding of the extraordinary struggle process of the Anhui procuratorate. In the public case handling area of the provincial procuratorate, community party members have had a real sense of the daily wisdom of procuratorial organs in handling cases in recent years by visiting places such as the procuratorial hearing room, the interrogation room, and the remote interrogation room.  

   [Party history education] The "gas station" of party history, learning party history together with community members
   [Party history education] The "gas station" of party history, learning party history together with community members

   In the subsequent "Party lesson begins", Yang Jingao, secretary of the Party branch of the Procuratorate Security Department Communist Party Members Should Always Keep Their Original Intention as Rock and Their Mission as Shoulder I reviewed the glorious course and great achievements of the Communist Party of China's arduous struggle with all Party members from four aspects, In the future study, work and life, we should have the feelings of loving people and be willing to be a "willing ox"; Be responsible for the people and be brave to do "pioneering cattle"; We should have the ability to benefit the people and do a good job of "old scalpers"  

   [Party history education] The "gas station" of party history, learning party history together with community members

   "I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China, supported the Party's program, and complied with the Party's Constitution..." The activity ended when all members reviewed the oath of joining the Party. The members of the Procuratorate Security Department said that learning the history of the Party and understanding the ideas with community members is a "gas station" for learning and educating the history of the Party, which will certainly encourage everyone to play a better role in leading the role of party members in their own posts and contribute their due strength to the construction of the motherland.