Party conduct and clean government construction
Strive for a Hundred Year Road and Start a New Journey | Inherit the Red Gene • Enter Fengyang, Anhui
Time: June 2, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

 <Issue 3405>Strive for a Centennial Road and Start a New Journey | Inherit the Red Gene • Enter Fengyang, Anhui

   <Issue 3405>Strive for a Centennial Road and Start a New Journey | Inherit the Red Gene • Enter Fengyang, Anhui

   (On June 1, the front page column of Procuratorial Daily titled "Strive for a Century and Start a New Journey")  

   Original title  

   "Inherit the red gene and carry forward the spirit of the times"  

   Large scale series report · entering Fengyang, Anhui  

   Expanding innovative ideas in daring to try  

   Our reporter Jin Lijun and Wu Yihuo  

   Correspondent Fang Guan Wenliang  

   <Issue 3405>Strive for a Centennial Road and Start a New Journey | Inherit the Red Gene • Enter Fengyang, Anhui

   The picture shows the police of Xiaogang Village procuratorial workstation carrying out the legal and safety protection knowledge publicity and education activity in Xiaogang Village Primary School with the theme of "Spring Bud Growth Procuratorial Escort". Photographed by Wu Changzhong  

   On a cold night in December 1978, 18 farmers in Xiaogang Village, Fengyang County, Anhui Province set up a "life and death situation" and signed a big contract, which opened the curtain of China's rural reform and became the first spring thunder of China's reform and opening up.  

   Over 40 years of continuous struggle has made people's life in Xiaogang Village more and more prosperous. The Xiaogang spirit of "dare to venture, dare to try, and dare to be the first" has now become a spiritual force, which has been inherited and developed in the progress of the times.  

   Recently, the reporter walked into Fengyang County Procuratorate to focus on the procuratorial story and explore the procuratorial practice of Xiaogang Spirit.  

   "Xiaogang's practice is the epitome of China's reform. Xiaogang's spirit has been passed down from generation to generation and has been integrated into the blood of the local people." Wang Chao, Procurator General of Fengyang County Procuratorate He said that Fengyang County Procuratorate has effectively integrated the spirit of Xiaogang into its work, absorbed the wisdom and strength of reform, and has the courage to innovate, take responsibility, and serve the overall situation in procuratorial performance, so as to promote social fairness and justice.  

   Set up workstations -- do practical things for the people  

   In 1978, Xiaogang Village's innovative practice of assigning quotas to each household proved that only by daring to try and be the first, can a new path be created and greater development be achieved.  

   "Xiaogang Village is a typical red education base, which cannot be governed according to conventional ideas. Previously, we had jurisdiction over Xiaogang Village through the way of itinerant procuratorial workstations, but due to the limited number and energy of police officers, it is difficult to solve the legal problems of the people in time." Wang Chao told reporters that in order to better play the role of procuratorial organs in grass-roots governance, After in-depth research, The hospital innovated its thinking and set up Xiaogang Village procuratorial workstation on June 4, 2019. Centered on this, it expanded procuratorial services to six surrounding towns, promoted the precise sinking of procuratorial forces, and served the people more timely  

 <Issue 3405>Strive for a Centennial Road and Start a New Journey | Inherit the Red Gene • Enter Fengyang, Anhui

   On June 4, 2019, Fengyang County Procuratorate set up Xiaogang Village procuratorial workstation. The picture shows the unveiling ceremony.  

   Fengyang County Procuratorate also specially formulated the Working System of Xiaogang Village Procuratorial Workstation and the Responsibilities of Xiaogang Village Procuratorial Workstation, and sent procuratorial business backbones to be on duty at the workstation all the year round to popularize legal knowledge, solve legal problems and resolve conflicts for the masses in a timely manner through special lectures on the rule of law and sending the law to the campus.  

   "Practical, fast and effective." This is Wang Duocai, a cadre of Xiaogang Village and a member of the Village Mediation Committee Evaluation of Xiaogang Village procuratorial workstation. "The procuratorial workstation has solved many practical problems for the village, and the villagers have generally responded well."  

   One of Wang Duocai's "real things" is to urge and solve the hidden danger of village lipstick and green light  

   In June 2019, the police of Xiaogang Village procuratorial workstation found in their duties that there was no traffic signal at the intersection of Provincial Highway S307 and Xiaogang Village Reform Avenue, which is the only way to enter Xiaogang Village. The traffic flow is large, and if there is no signal guidance, it is very easy to cause traffic accidents.  

   After research, Fengyang County Procuratorate issued a procuratorial proposal to the County Transportation Bureau according to law, suggesting that the intersection should be surveyed, and traffic lights should be arranged reasonably according to the degree of potential safety hazards. After receiving the suggestions from the procurator, the county transportation bureau attached great importance to the installation of traffic lights at the entrance of the village within one month, which eliminated potential safety hazards in time.  

   "In the past, there were about five or six serious traffic accidents at this intersection every year. After the traffic lights were set, the accidents were significantly reduced, and the villagers felt safer," said Wang Duocai.  

   Resolving contradictions and maintaining stability is also one of the key functions of Xiaogang Village's procuratorial workstation In August 2019, some people reported to the police at the procuratorial workstation that there was a dispute between some villagers in the village and Jinpeng Mining Company over land destruction and environmental pollution caused by production for a long time. Due to poor communication between the two sides, conflicts continued.  

   After multiple investigations, Xiaogang Village procuratorial workstation organized all parties to hold a symposium on environmental protection issues, fully coordinated and communicated, and finally both parties reached an agreement. At the same time, Fengyang County Procuratorate also issued inspection suggestions to the environmental protection department on the environmental pollution problems of Jinpeng Mining Company, suggesting the environmental protection department to urge the company to rectify. At present, the company has completed the rectification and got along well with the villagers.  

   "In the past, mediation of contradictions and disputes required a lot of work, and the cycle was also very long. After the establishment of the procuratorial workstation, I clearly felt that the dispute resolution was faster and the effect was better." Wang Duocai told reporters that two years ago, he also participated in the whole process of dispute resolution, which is still fresh in my memory.  

   "Since its establishment two years ago, Xiaogang Village's procuratorial workstation has achieved certain results. Next, we will have a deeper understanding of the needs of the masses, and strive to build the workstation into a 'bridge' for procuratorial organs to connect with the masses and serve the countryside, so as to better help the rural revitalization and construction." Mei Bo, Head of Xiaogang Village Procuratorial Workstation and Deputy Director of the Fourth Procuratorial Department of Fengyang County Procuratorate express.  

   Keep an eye on the manhole cover - dare to bite the "hard bone"  

   "According to Article 4 of the Regulations of the People's Procuratorate on Hearing Cases, a public hearing was held today on the case that the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Fengyang County failed to perform its duties in accordance with the law on the potential safety hazards of some manhole covers under its jurisdiction. The hearing was attended by..." When the reporter came to the Fengyang County Procuratorate for an interview, a public hearing was being held here.  

 <Issue 3405>Strive for a Centennial Road and Start a New Journey | Inherit the Red Gene • Walk into Fengyang, Anhui

   Fengyang County Procuratorate organized a public interest litigation hearing on manhole covers.  

   In April this year, the hospital found that four manhole covers in the southeast corner of Fengyang Middle School and other places were damaged, deformed, loose, misplaced and other problems, which may cause casualties and endanger public safety and interests. The hospital then issued a procuratorial recommendation to the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of the county, suggesting that it actively perform its regulatory responsibilities, take the lead in coordinating relevant departments, and promptly repair the problematic manhole covers to eliminate potential public safety hazards. At the same time, strengthen the troubleshooting of safety hazards of manhole covers in urban areas, carry out special rectification actions for manhole covers, and implement the regular inspection mechanism for manhole covers  

   After receiving the inspection suggestions, the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of the county immediately carried out rectification by comparison and repaired the relevant "problematic manhole covers". However, from the perspective of follow-up supervision, the responsibilities of the management and maintenance subjects are not clear, and the seamless connection and full coverage of construction, management and maintenance responsibilities have not yet been achieved. convene This public hearing is to ensure the rectification effect of the manhole cover problem, and explore the establishment of a normalized information sharing, coordination and linkage mechanism  

   "We have set up special patrol personnel to maintain and repair the manhole cover in time once it is found damaged."  

   "We have established a WeChat group. If we find problems, we will directly notify the group and send special personnel to solve them in time."  

   "We have set up a special tip off telephone for manhole covers. When people find problems, they can make complaints by telephone. There are also special records and case tracking."  


   At the hearing, Jiang Huai, Director of the Fourth Procuratorial Department of the Court This paper introduces the relevant contents of the "No. 4 Inspection Recommendation" of the Supreme Inspection Bureau, and the Housing and Construction Bureau, the Urban Management Bureau, the power supply company and other participating units discussed how to perform their respective duties and do a good job in the maintenance of manhole covers.  

   "For such a 'long-standing' problem that concerns the safety of the people's lives, the procuratorial organ can take the initiative to take the lead in holding hearings and promoting the formation of a normalized mechanism, which shows the procuratorial organ's responsibility for performing its duties." Ma Shanshan, deputy to the People's Congress of Fengyang County, and Li Jun, people's supervisor Said at the meeting.  

   "Since the reform and opening up, Xiaogang Village has made great achievements today. One of the important points is that the majority of grass-roots party members and cadres dare to take on the responsibility and bite the 'hard bone' for the benefit of the masses." Song Ling, Deputy Procurator General of the Court Tell the reporter: "Although the manhole cover is small, once a casualty accident occurs, it is difficult to heal the wounds of the victims and their families. Putting forward procuratorial suggestions is only the first step to solve the safety problem of manhole cover, and how to effectively promote and implement the comprehensive management of manhole cover operation is the key. Although the problem of manhole covers involves many departments, it is the duty of the procuratorial organ to protect the safety of the people, and we should take the initiative to do so, which is also the meaning of Xiaogang Spirit. "  

   Help enterprises to overcome difficulties -- help rural revitalization  

   "Our enterprise is running well now, and the procuratorial organ has solved the problem for us!" As soon as I saw the reporter, Cheng Cui, Assistant to the Production Director of Anhui Steamed Rice Food Technology Co., Ltd He talked about the relationship between his company and the procuratorial organ.  

   In June 2020, the company was frozen by the court due to a civil dispute, which may affect normal production and operation. The company's production director, Mr. Yan, came to the Fengyang County Procuratorate for help after reporting to several departments that there was no result.  

   The prosecutor of the court quickly carried out investigation and verification. original, In 2020, the company had a dispute with individual builder Zhao and sued to the court. After that, Zhao applied to the court for property preservation, and the court ruled to freeze the company's bank deposits of more than 1 million yuan  

   "According to the relevant laws and regulations, if the protected person has multiple properties available for preservation, the court should choose to preserve the properties that have little impact on his production and operation activities if the purpose of preservation can be achieved." Meibo said that after examination, the company has machinery equipment and property available for preservation in addition to bank deposits, and the latter is sufficient to achieve the purpose of preservation.  

   The prosecutor also learned that, The company is one of the key enterprises introduced by Xiaogang Village, mainly engaged in grain processing. The steamed rice brand produced by the company is a key guarantee material for epidemic prevention and control, and therefore it is listed as a manufacturer of key guarantee materials for epidemic prevention and control in Anhui Province. If the operation of the factory is affected, it will not only affect the employment of villagers in Xiaogang Village, but also have an adverse impact on the prevention and control of the epidemic  

   After discussion, the People's Procuratorate of Fengyang County, It was unanimously agreed to issue a procuratorial proposal to the court, suggesting that the freezing of the enterprise's working capital should be lifted, and that the machinery and equipment with less impact on the enterprise's production and operation activities should be preserved  

   The court adopted the recommendation of the procuratorial organ and made a ruling to unfreeze the bank deposits of the company and change it to seal up its machinery and equipment and the property provided, which is allowed to be used during the seal up period, thus ensuring the normal production and operation of the enterprise. In the end, Mr. Zhao also withdrew his lawsuit and reached a settlement with the company, which not only reduced the litigation cost of the enterprise, but also saved judicial resources and realized a win-win situation. The case was later rated by the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate as one of the top ten outstanding cases of the province's procuratorial organs serving to ensure the healthy development of private economy  

   "Stabilizing the enterprise is to stabilize employment, and ensuring employment is to ensure people's livelihood. By actively performing our duties, we helped this enterprise solve the problem of 'urgent difficulties and anxieties', which is to help rural revitalization." Wang Chao said, "After the' big package ', Xiaogang people crossed the food and clothing line overnight; under the guidance of the Central Committee's policy on agricultural and rural development, Xiaogang people embarked on a new journey of rural revitalization. The procuratorial organ has the responsibility and obligation to safeguard this hard won happiness and continue to inherit the Xiaogang spirit. "