Party conduct and clean government construction
[Procuratorial History ③] Procuratorial Work in the Soviet Area
Time: April 15, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In 1931, the people's procuratorial system was born with the establishment of the Provisional Central Government of the Soviet Republic of China. At the beginning of the system's birth, the procuratorial organs of workers and peasants at all levels, the Supreme Court (the temporary Supreme Court), the chief procurators and inspectors of the local judicial departments at all levels, the military procuratorial (investigation) offices at all levels and the procuratorial (investigation) section of the National Political Security Bureau, etc., together constituted the Soviet procuratorial institution system. Cracking down on crimes, punishing counter revolutionaries, consolidating revolutionary power and maintaining social stability are important contents of the Soviet legal system construction, as well as the important mission entrusted by the law to the Soviet procuratorial organs. In view of the complex situation at that time, the procuratorial organs in the Soviet area carried out a series of procuratorial work: the prosecution campaign, the anti-corruption storm, the suppression of evil

   Carry out a whistle blowing campaign We should strictly investigate and deal with class dissidents and vacillators in government organs and local armed forces; Set off a storm of anti-corruption To fight against corruption and strive to build a clean and diligent Soviet cadre team; Actively suppress and eliminate evil And completely eliminate counter revolutionary organizations and their activities. The procuratorial organs in the Soviet area carried out law enforcement supervision, work inspection, criminal investigation, preliminary hearing and public prosecution according to law, and played an important role in consolidating the red regime, serving the revolutionary war, and ensuring the economic construction of the Soviet area.

   Whistleblowing campaign  

   [Procuratorial History ③] Procuratorial Work in the Soviet Area
   [Procuratorial History ③] Procuratorial Work in the Soviet Area

On December 19, 1932, the Central Workers' and Peasants' Procuratorial People's Committee issued an order requiring the establishment of prosecution committees at all levels to investigate and deal with class dissidents and other lawbreakers in government agencies and local armed forces.

   [Procuratorial History ③] Procuratorial Work in the Soviet Area

On March 27, 1934, the Central Workers' and Peasants' Procuratorial Committee announced in Red China the situation of the central authorities and enterprises in the fight against corruption.

   [Procuratorial History ③] Procuratorial Work in the Soviet Area

Caricature of the Soviet whistleblowing campaign.

In the Soviet area, there is a song called "Whistleblowing Song": "Don't waste a minute, don't waste a liter and a grain, and save everything for the sake of war. Quickly, take class vigilance and hammer to wash away those who are corrupt, wasteful and lazy; eliminate class dissidents, counter revolutionaries, and criticize and persuade our comrades; We should help and educate our brothers with mutual spirit, supervise each other and help each other with all our efforts to improve our work and improve the revolutionary labor discipline. " These words still sound thought-provoking!

   Anti corruption storm  

   [Procuratorial History ③] Procuratorial Work in the Soviet Area
 [Procuratorial History ③] Procuratorial Work in the Soviet Area

The cartoon of Soviet anti corruption and anti waste.

   [Procuratorial History ③] Procuratorial Work in the Soviet Area

Red China's report on the investigation and handling of corruption cases by the Workers and Peasants Procuratorial Committee.

   Suppress counter attacks and eliminate evil  

   [Procuratorial History ③] Procuratorial Work in the Soviet Area