Party conduct and clean government construction
Party building "pilot" brand display | Fifth Procuratorial Department Branch: stick to our heart and finance our bank
Time: July 6, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

[Editor's Note] According to the deployment of the Working Committee of Anhui Provincial Organs on implementing the "pilot" plan for grass-roots party building, since 2019, Anhui Provincial Procuratorate has focused on improving organizational strength, highlighted political functions, and spent three years cultivating and selecting a group of advanced party branches with exemplary and leading roles to form a group of party building brands, We should follow the example and catch up with the goal of Party building work, and improve the overall level of Party building work of provincial procuratorates from point to area. A total of 8 Party branches of the Provincial People's Procuratorate have been included in the "pilot" project cultivation plan, and we will show you in turn——

   Stick to my heart, check and integrate my business  

——The Party Branch of the Fifth Procuratorate Department "sticks to our heart, checks and finances our bank"

Introduction to Party building brand

 Party building "pilot" brand display | Fifth Procuratorial Department Branch: stick to our heart and finance our bank

   Comments of the Party Committee: The Fifth Procuratorial Department is a "new and old" business department established after the transfer of functional responsibilities and personnel in the institutional reform The reform of criminal execution has achieved remarkable results, and the organic integration of branch work and business work has initially been achieved.

The Party branch of the Fifth Procuratorate Department (the Criminal Enforcement Procuratorate Department) has 14 members. The Party branch strives to improve its political function and organizational strength, and leads its own construction by "sticking to our heart and checking and financing our bank". "Perseverance in my heart" emphasizes the firm belief and firmness in thought and belief, which means that the firm belief follows the Party and the Party's purpose is in the heart; "Verification and Financing of BQD" emphasizes the implementation in action and practice, and the integration of party building and business.

   Take positive and negative models as the entry point, and educate Party members to keep their original intention  

   Wash the hearts of Party members with advanced models around them. The branch organized party members to focus on learning and discussion around several old, middle and young advanced models of the hospital's organs, felt the power of example from the familiar figures around, felt the greatness in the ordinary, inspired police officers to start businesses and strive to be advanced. Organize to learn and publicize the advanced deeds of Xu Mingshu, the former head of the procuratorial section of the prison of Guangde Procuratorate, the "national model prosecutor", carry forward the spirit of Xu Mingshu, use the example of the prosecutor to find the gap, and further forge the original mission.

   Warn and educate the people around you, and keep the alarm ringing Focusing on the cases of discipline violations in the procuratorial system, the criminal enforcement department and our hospital, we discussed topics, deeply analyzed the causes of discipline violations, talked about life, habits, hobbies, and life, and educated party members to tighten the discipline, know fear, guard against fear, and keep the bottom line. Consciously curb the thought of violating laws and disciplines.

   Take the branch garden as the carrier to guide the "three wishes" of the branch life  

The branch has carefully designed and built the cultural wall of party building and the spiritual home of the branch. When Party members sign in for work every day, they stand under the bright red party flag, and the 12 words of "stressing party spirit, comparing dedication, building image and promoting development" and the oath of joining the Party come into sight. In the column of "Party Member's Style", under each party member's photo is his life motto. "Diligent in learning, sincere in heart, faithful in action, faithful in faith", "tireless in life, loyal in action", "learn to choose, learn to give up" and other life maxims encourage each other and feel full of positive energy. In daily branch life, guide Party members to "be willing to learn, be willing to talk about experience, and be willing to tell the truth", open their hearts, find ideological resonance, feel the Party's struggle process and feelings for the people, and consciously build up ideals and beliefs.

   Focus on improving the organizational strength of the branch and achieve "three connections"  

   Link branch work with personal growth. In view of the large number of veteran Party members and comrades, we carried out the activity of telling the growth history of veteran Party members in the study of the branch at ordinary times. We reviewed the unforgettable history, felt the changes of the times, and thanked the Party for its kindness. We also invited the retired former Secretary of the Party Committee Chai Xueyou to the branch to talk about his experience of working for the Party and serving the procuratorial cause in all stages of his life, and talked with the police of Luzhou Academy, Discuss and exchange together. This kind of lively life course education for old comrades not only deeply educates and inspires young Party members to keep pace with the times, cultivate the spirit of craftsmen, improve their professional quality, but also teaches young comrades working methods and valuable work experience.

   Connect the work of the branch with the party building of the dispatched institute. The discharged police sent by the criminal execution department share the same working language with the five police officers of the provincial procuratorate, which facilitates in-depth emotional exchanges. The dispatched police officers also have their own advantages, and their mental state and work quality directly affect the overall performance of the provincial inspection work. The Party branch pays attention to strengthening the ideological exchanges with the three discharged police officers sent by the criminal execution procurators. Through party building, it works with them to improve the ideological realm, build a strong spirit of hard work, create a collective atmosphere of solidarity and progress, and has held discussions and exchanges with the three discharged police officers, strengthening their roots in the grassroots and being willing to contribute; Learn the experience of the Propaganda Department and other advanced branches together with the members of Luzhou Institute to jointly improve the level of party organization construction.

   Link branch work with business work. The branch believes that the purpose of party building is to gather strength, do a good job in business, make the party feel secure and the people satisfied. In the past year, facing the new situation and new tasks of criminal execution, we have taken the Party building as the guide, strengthened ideological construction, overcome difficulties, and worked hard to play the guiding role of the five departments to promote the execution and inspection business of the province to a new level. In 2019, among the 11 core business data within the inspection line, 8 of them ranked among the top 10 in the country, of which the investigation and handling of judicial staff's crime cases by taking advantage of duty ranked fifth in the country, and the comprehensive social governance such as the correction of leaks ranked third in the country, achieving the goal of promoting the integration of party building and business.