Party conduct and clean government construction
Party building "pilot" brand display | The first procuratorial department branch: strive to be the "pacesetter" of party building in organs
Time: July 6, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   [Editor's Note] According to the deployment of the Working Committee of Anhui Provincial Organs on the implementation of the "pilot" plan for grass-roots party building, since 2019, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate has focused on improving organizational strength, highlighted political functions, and spent three years cultivating and selecting a group of advanced party branches with exemplary and leading roles to form a group of party building brands, so that the party building work of the organs can learn from examples Catch up with goals and improve the overall level of party building work of provincial procuratorate organs from point to area. A total of 8 Party branches of the Provincial People's Procuratorate have been included in the "pilot" project cultivation plan, and we will show you in turn——

   Building a "Pioneer" Branch Led by Political Construction

   ——Introduction to the "Pioneer" Party Building Brand of the Party Branch of the First Procuratorial Department

   Comments of the Party Committee: Pioneers are the soldiers who walk in the first line. The First Procuratorial Department, guided by being the "pacesetter" in the party building of the organ, encourages the party members to strive to be the pioneers, and the party branches to strive to build battle fortresses, set an example, and strive to be first-class. In addition, this branch has a strong sense of integrating party building with business and integrating politics into business.

   In recent years, the Party Branch of the First Procuratorial Department of the Provincial Procuratorate has insisted on holding high the banner, grasping the core, finding the right position, and grasping the key points, and striving to build the branch into a "pacesetter" who is loyal to the new era, overcomes difficulties, and serves the grassroots. Two police officers were rated as advanced individuals in the province's cigarette crackdown, and one was rated as advanced individuals in the province's procuratorial organs' special fight against crime.

   Hold high the banner of "two maintenance" and strive to be the vanguard of political construction.

   Deepen the system science and build the ideological and political foundation. We will continue to systematically and thoroughly study Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second, Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, adhere to reading the original work, learning the original text and understanding the principles, organize collective learning every week, conduct regular exchanges and seminars, and guide Party branch members to build a solid ideological foundation for holding high the banner, listening to the Party's command, and being loyal to their mission.

   Combined with responsibilities, implement the "two maintenance" to their own work. Adhere to the spirit of the important instructions and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decisions and deployment of the CPC Central Committee, and combine the work deployment and requirements of the Provincial Party Committee, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial People's Court, strengthen planning, refine measures, and pay close attention to implementation. In specific work, we should pay attention to grasping the direction politically, summarizing and improving, and firmly act as the "knife handle" of the Party.

   Read the "Curse of Tightness" and supervise and educate Party members and cadres to achieve unity of knowledge and practice. Adhere to the principle of "two protections" as the most fundamental political discipline and political rules, actively carry out thematic discussions, strengthen positive incentives and negative warnings, pay attention to taking the lead in demonstrating and "chanting scriptures" regularly, and constantly improve the determination and ability of party members and cadres to achieve "two protections".

   Grasp the core of tamping the organizational foundation and strive to be the pacesetter for improving organizational strength.

   Strengthen organizational construction. The branch committee shall clarify the work direction, focus and division of labor, and achieve the goal, plan and responsibility of the work. Party members' activity room of the branch will be built, and the working system and working conditions of the branch will be made public on the wall to create a good atmosphere for organizational life. Strictly implement the system of "three meetings and one lesson" and party member activity day, ensure the seriousness and standardization of organizational life, and enhance the ideological, political and behavioral identity of party members and cadres.

   Pay attention to guidance and demonstration. Insist on carrying out heart to heart talks, organizing life meetings and democratic appraisal activities of party members as an important starting point to understand the spiritual outlook of party members. Through active and healthy ideological struggle and education and alertness, we can achieve the goal of preventing creeping problems, encouraging and refreshing, and enhancing the effect of unity. Adhere to the "head goose effect", and the members of the branch committee take the lead in claiming key work and undertaking major cases. Since June last year, branch secretaries have had five party lectures, and the number of cases handled by department leaders has reached 29.6% of the total number of cases handled by departments throughout the year.

   We will do a good job in managing Party members. Timely incorporate new and transferred party members into the management of the branch, calculate and collect party dues on a monthly basis, and ensure the strict implementation of the party organization relationship management system. Give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, and Party branch members actively participate in charity donations, epidemic prevention duty, unpaid blood donation and other activities, so as to implement the original mission into action.

   Find out the orientation of the Party building work of the branch, and strive to be the pacesetter of political integration into procuratorial performance.

   Insist on putting emphasis on politics in the overall situation of the service guarantee center. Deeply understand the spiritual essence of "procuratorial work is a business work with a strong political nature and a political work with a strong professional nature", focus on the central tasks such as the special fight against organized crime, the "three major battles", and safeguarding the private economy, actively strengthen internal and external communication, formulate relevant documents, carry out a series of special work, and strengthen guidance and supervision, We will change the emphasis on politics from passive demands to conscious thinking and action.

   Adhere to the principle of stressing politics in the actual effect of handling every criminal case. Adhere to the combination of the implementation of the Party's policies and strict law enforcement, use legal means to solve politically sensitive problems, use political awareness to handle difficult and complex legal problems, and strive to achieve the unity of political, social and legal effects of law enforcement at a higher level. For example, eight cases involving the Liu brothers in Bengbu, Jiang's intentional injury, Cai's environmental pollution and other cases were selected by the Supreme People's Procuratorate as guidance cases and typical cases, and more than 10 major sensitive cases, including the "107" military related case, Zhang's "elite day humiliating China" case, and Zhang's defamation of national leaders, were properly handled.

   Insist on emphasizing politics in strengthening the construction of energy. Insist on building learning branches and departments, actively carry out the "Three Ones" activity of learning every week, giving lectures every month and giving a lesson every quarter, and the branch secretary and veteran party members talk about theory, experience and experience in combination with party building and business work; Pay attention to the learning and application of the "three platforms" of learning powerful APP, online learning and education of Anhui party members and cadres, and check answer network, and guide party members to deeply learn new ideas and explore new ideas; Give play to the "three meetings" function of expert argumentation meeting, case seminar and joint meeting of prosecutors to assist prosecutors in handling cases.

   Seize the key to discipline construction and strive to be the vanguard of improving style.

   Strictly implement the "two responsibilities" for building a clean and honest government. Adhere to the principle of "strictness", pay close attention to normality, actively organize the study of the Party Constitution, Regulations, Guidelines and other intra party laws and regulations and case reports, strengthen warning and vigilance, and urge the Party members and police to tighten the "strings" of discipline at all times.

   We will seriously carry out the special action of "strict transformation" and the warning education of "three cases". Adhere to the problem orientation, dare to expose the shortcomings, investigate and dig out 7 problems in the branch and 5 problems in the department, propose 20 measures to promote rectification, and effectively rectify a number of outstanding problems.

   Give prominence to serving the grassroots people. Adhering to the main principle and important experience of Party building of serving the grassroots people, focusing on the work issues such as the supervision of criminal proceedings of the grassroots courts, the application of the system of confession and leniency of punishment, the special fight against crime and evil, sentencing suggestions, and professional level, we have carried out more than 70 investigations and work guidance since this year, and formed 19 research reports, situation analysis and other materials, They were present to guide the grass-roots courts to properly handle 46 major difficult and complex cases, actively sent personnel to nine municipal courts such as Bozhou and Fuyang and some grass-roots courts to give lectures, organized a series of activities such as the provincial court observation activities, criminal prosecution business forum, business training classes, and promoted the quality and efficiency of the work of the business departments of the grass-roots courts.