Party conduct and clean government construction
Party building "pilot" brand display | The fourth procuratorial branch: create an "upgraded version" of standardized construction
Time: July 6, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   [Editor's Note] According to the deployment of the Working Committee of Anhui Provincial Organs on the implementation of the "pilot" plan for grass-roots party building, since 2019, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate has focused on improving organizational strength, highlighted political functions, and spent three years cultivating and selecting a group of advanced party branches with exemplary and leading roles to form a group of party building brands, so that the party building work of the organs can learn from examples Catch up with goals and improve the overall level of party building work of provincial procuratorate organs from point to area. A total of 8 Party branches of the Provincial People's Procuratorate have been included in the "pilot" project cultivation plan, and we will show you in turn——  

   Deepen the construction of "four type" party branches Promote the integrated development of party building and business  

   ——The fourth procuratorial department party branch "deepens the construction of" four type "branches"  

   Introduction to Party building brand  

   Comments of the Party Committee: The work of this party branch has been solid, stable and effective for a long time, which lies in the standardized implementation of the daily work of the branch. On this basis, the construction of the "four type" branch is the carrier to improve the organizational strength of the party branch and provide a strong guarantee for the completion of business tasks. The "four type" party branch is the "upgraded version" of the standardized party branch.  

   The fourth procuratorial department of the provincial procuratorate is an important business department of the provincial procuratorate, which undertakes the procuratorial responsibility for crimes that undermine the order of the socialist market economy, and takes the lead in anti mafia, peace building (comprehensive management work) and comprehensive criminal procuratorial affairs. In recent years, the Party branch of the Fourth Procuratorial Department has taken the deepening of the construction of the "four types" of Party branches of learning, standardization, efficiency and service as a starting point, giving full play to the role of the Party branch as a fighting fortress and the vanguard role of party members and police officers, and realizing the deep integration and synchronous development of Party building and business. The party branch has been rated as the advanced party branch of the provincial procuratorate for many consecutive years. The department has been rated as the "National Advanced Collective for Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Women and Children", the provincial "Anti pornography and Anti fraud", the "Cigarette and Anti Counterfeit" advanced collective, the provincial civilized department, the "Women's Civilized Post", and honored the second class collective merit.  

   Deepen the construction of the learning party branch and build a political battle fortress  

   Always put political construction first, and firmly grasp the correct political direction of economic crime procuratorial work.  

   The political learning system is in-depth. Adhere to the weekly routine political learning system, determine a theme every month to carry out learning and exchange activities, arrange a quarterly party lesson education, carry out in-depth education activities on the theme of "never forget the original intention, remember the mission", comprehensively adopt multiple ways such as centralized learning, exchange and discussion, writing experience, and carrying out thematic practice activities, and combine learning, thinking and understanding, We should guide all Party members to be strict with themselves according to the standards of qualified Party members, firmly establish the "Four Consciousness", enhance the "Four Confidence", and resolutely achieve the "Two Safeguards".  

   Ideological education should be constantly promoted. Adhere to the combination of positive guidance and negative warning, and always carry out ideological education throughout the branch learning. Strictly implement the heart to heart talk system, adhere to the "six musts", achieve the "five musts" and "three musts", and timely help police solve ideological confusion and practical difficulties.  

   The learning form is constantly innovated. Pay attention to the combination of political learning and party member activity day activities, and actively carry out theme party days, party member activity days, revolutionary traditions and warning education and other activities. Establish branch WeChat groups, actively use online learning platforms such as "learning power", "Communist Party members" and "Anhui Pioneer Network", timely carry out party members' learning salon activities, build learning and exchange platforms, and expand the breadth and depth of learning and education.  

   Deepen the construction of standardized party branches and build a battle fortress with excellent organization  

   Adhere to the requirements of the standardized party branch to strictly standardize management, improve the standardization level of the branch organization, and enhance the organizational strength, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the branch.  

   Organization standardization. Timely adjust and enrich the branch committee, formulate the detailed rules for the implementation of the party building responsibility system of the branch, strictly implement "one post with two responsibilities", and create a strong core of the branch work. Actively do a good job in recruiting Party members and constantly enrich the strength of the branch.  

   Standardization of organizational life. We will thoroughly implement the Several Guidelines for Inner Party Political Life in the New Situation, strictly implement the inner party life system of "three meetings and one lesson", democratic life meeting, organizational life meeting, democratic appraisal of party members, and enhance the political, epochal, principled, and militant nature of the inner party political life. Promote intra party democracy, and adhere to collective research and decision-making on important affairs of the branch.  

   Standardization of Party members' activities. Strictly implement the system of "Party member activity day", and carry out theme party day activities every month. Enrich the content of Party members' activities, and timely carry out activities such as "political birthday", pair building, joint building between procuratorates and enterprises, and sending the law to military camps. Further improve the Party members' activity room of the branch, purchase learning books, open a column of Party members' style, and set up a branch honor display cabinet.  

   Standardization of daily management. Strengthen the system construction, refine and improve the various systems of the branch work, and ensure the standardized operation of the branch's daily work. Strictly enforce the procedures for collecting party membership dues. Party members voluntarily pay party membership dues every month and publicize them.  

   Deepen the construction of efficient party branches and build a battle fortress with excellent ability  

   Pay close attention to the construction of discipline, work style, ability to perform duties, honesty and self-discipline, and constantly improve the efficiency of the branch and the entrepreneurial ability of the officers.  

   We will strengthen discipline and work style. We will promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of work style construction, strictly implement the spirit of the Eight Provisions, highlight the rectification of formalism and bureaucracy, and root the concepts of discipline, strong work style, and standardized justice in the minds of every police officer and reflect them in their daily work.  

   Pay close attention to business capacity building. Focus on the procuratorial function of economic crimes, give play to the advantage of "integration of arrest and prosecution", strengthen the supervision of criminal proceedings, and promote the professional standardization of economic crime procuratorial work. With the goal of improving the professional level of police officers, adhere to the combination of professional training and practical exercise, and constantly improve the professional ability of police officers.  

   Pay close attention to the construction of honesty and self-discipline. We should strengthen the study of the Party Constitution and the Several Guidelines for Inner Party Political Life in the New Situation, the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Accountability, and the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Inner Party Supervision. Focus on the risk points of integrity in economic crime procuratorial work, deepen the warning education of "three cases", and guide all police officers to consciously form the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of resisting corruption and preventing degeneration.  

   Deepen the construction of service-oriented party branches and create a battleground with excellent performance  

   Adhere to the principle of serving the overall situation and serving the people, and practice the original intention and mission of the Party with practical work results.  

   Actively maintain social stability. We will firmly perform the duties of the "Anti Mafia Office" and the "Comprehensive Governance Office" of the Provincial Procuratorate, play the role of internal leadership, supervision and external coordination, and vigorously promote the in-depth implementation of the special struggle against "anti Mafia". The comprehensive social security management work of the provincial procuratorate has been rated as the province's outstanding for 11 consecutive years, and the special fight against organized crime has been commended by the provincial political and legal commission. Actively participate in the fight against epidemic prevention and control. While strengthening the fight against the production and sale of fake drugs, masks and other crimes in accordance with the law, we arranged several police officers to participate in the front-line community epidemic prevention work, donated epidemic prevention supplies to the community, and carried out legal publicity in combination with typical cases.  

   Actively ensure economic development. Focusing on the service guarantee, we will fight a battle to prevent and resolve major risks, and issue the Provincial People's Procuratorate's "No. 2 Procuratorial Recommendation" to the Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau to promote the strengthening of financial supervision; Focusing on the equal protection of the legitimate operation of private enterprises, we will continue to promote the special activities of case filing supervision and detention necessity review of non-public economic cases, focus on correcting economic disputes or illegal operations handled by criminal means, and establish a normal mechanism for screening and correcting wrong cases involving enterprises.  

   Actively promote people's livelihood inspection. Focusing on ensuring food and drug safety, we carried out special actions to implement the "four strictest" requirements for food and drug safety, promoted and improved the normalization mechanism of special supervision on food and drug safety crimes, and effectively maintained the safety of the people's tongue.  

   Actively carry out volunteer service activities. We will conscientiously implement the responsibility system for popularizing the law that "whoever enforces the law, who popularizes the law", and timely carry out financial risk prevention publicity activities. Actively organize Party members and policemen to actively carry out various voluntary service activities such as legal consultation, voluntary blood donation, poverty alleviation donation, etc.