Party conduct and clean government construction
Party building "Pilot" brand display | Education Guidance Office Branch: "Building Fortress Action" to build a solid battle fortress
Time: July 6, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

[Editor's Note] According to the deployment of the Working Committee of Anhui Provincial Organs on implementing the "pilot" plan for grass-roots party building, since 2019, Anhui Provincial Procuratorate has focused on improving organizational strength, highlighted political functions, and spent three years cultivating and selecting a group of advanced party branches with exemplary and leading roles to form a group of party building brands, We should follow the example and catch up with the goal of Party building work, and improve the overall level of Party building work of provincial procuratorates from point to area. A total of 8 Party branches of the Provincial People's Procuratorate have been included in the "pilot" project cultivation plan, and we will show you in turn——

   Fortification operation  

——Introduction to "Building Fortress Action" Party Building Brand of the Party Branch of the Education Guidance Office

 Party building "Pilot" brand display | Education Guidance Office Branch: "Building Fortress Action" to build a solid battle fortress

   Comments of the Party Committee: This party branch has older members and many cadres who have changed jobs. A year ago, it was formed by the integration of the functions and personnel of two departments in the organizational reform. The branch committee has always promoted business construction with the construction of branches, insisted on carrying out active and healthy political life within the party, established integrity, strict rules and strong responsibilities, and strived to build advanced battle fortresses. This department is also responsible for macro guiding the party building work of the whole province, and has thought of many good ways.

The Party branch of the Education Guidance Office focuses on improving its organizational strength, giving full play to its political functions, and building the Party branch into a strong battle fortress. The standardization construction work in 2017 was one of the first batch of provincial procuratorate organs to pass the acceptance branch of the provincial working committee. In 2019, it was selected into the provincial procuratorate organ's "pilot" plan cultivation library. 2019 is the year when the provincial procuratorate has the largest investment in training, the largest number of trainees, the richest level and the best practical training effect. The provincial procuratorate directly trained more than 3600 people, a year-on-year increase of 40%. It organized more than 8000 people to participate in various online trainings. There were 486 leading cadres on the platform throughout the system. The experience of "four steps to improve the quality and efficiency of Anhui procuratorial education training" was reprinted by the Political Department of the Supreme People's Procuratorate. The party building of the branch effectively ensured the realization of the goal of "carrying out large-scale business training with unprecedented strength".

   ——Build the heart. Insist on improving the Communist Party's theory of public mind, arm the mind with Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, improve political literacy, unify ideological understanding, and lay the ideological foundation for joint efforts.

   Read the classics and learn the original works. Carefully read the classic works of Marxism, systematically study the original works of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and other older revolutionaries as well as the Party history and national history, follow up and study the series of important speeches of Comrade Xi Jinping in a timely manner, deeply understand the scientific connotation of Marxist theory, deeply grasp the spiritual essence of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and deepen the understanding of the theory, road, system Understanding the inevitability of culture and history and the superiority of reality can effectively enhance the "four self-confidence".

   Know the rules and obey the discipline. Systematically study the Party Constitution and Party rules, laws and regulations, and various procuratorial work rules and regulations, timely follow up and study the relevant documents of the Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Provincial Procuratorate Party Leadership Group, connect with reality, and enhance the consciousness and accuracy of abiding by political discipline, political rules, and implementing superior decision-making and deployment.

   Read good books and improve your literacy. According to personal interests, encourage reading good books, learn traditional culture and modern comprehensive knowledge, enrich cultural heritage, enhance personal comprehensive quality, and cultivate healthy and noble life interests.

   Emphasize methods and seek actual results. Promote the normalization and institutionalization of "two studies and one action" learning education and the institutional construction of "never forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind"; Expand theoretical learning channels, make full use of network platforms such as "learning power", Anhui Cadre Education Online, China Prosecutorial Education Training Network College, and strengthen online political theory learning. Through writing learning experience, discussion and exchange, "theory leading learning" forum and other ways, and carrying out classic evaluation, reading recommendation and introduction and other activities, improve learning interest and enhance learning effect.

   —— Zhude We should firmly establish socialist core values, adhere to the Party's absolute leadership over procuratorial work, and forge procuratorial professional ethics with loyalty, serving the people, responsibility, fairness and integrity as the core, and social ethics with honesty and fraternity as the core.

   Deepen the "three cases" warning education activities, enhance the sense of discipline, and strengthen self-discipline. In combination with the cases of Zhao Zhengyong, Zhang Jian, Guo Jianjun, Yin Kunyang, Chen Dong and other typical cases of violations of laws and disciplines, in-depth discussions were carried out to check and rectify the deep problems of the branch and individual party members, such as impure political ideology, weak sense of discipline and rules, weak self-discipline, untrue work style, inconsistent appearances, inconsistent knowledge and practice, lazy and lazy, lazy and lazy, We should guide all Party members to firmly establish socialist core values and consciously abide by the norms of procuratorial professional ethics and civil society ethics.

   We will take political life within the Party seriously and improve the quality of organizational life. Strictly implement the system of "three meetings and one lesson", organizing life meetings, democratic appraisal of party members, heart to heart talks, party day activities (party member activity days), etc., adhere to the leadership of branch secretaries in attending party classes, continue to implement the activity of "everyone speaks party class in branch", make good use of the sharp weapon of criticism and self-criticism, and constantly enhance the political, epochal, principled, and militant nature of the political life of the branch, Constantly enhance the Party spirit cultivation of Party members.

   Strengthen the education, supervision and management of Party members. Strictly implement the Party Constitution and regulations, educate and guide Party members to respect and keep the bottom line, build a clean and self-discipline defense line, and strictly observe professional ethics. Implement the relevant system of encouragement, care and assistance within the Party, regularly analyze the ideological situation of Party members, timely understand the difficulties and sufferings of Party members, carry out heart to heart talks, and achieve "six must talk, five must talk, and three must visit". Adhering to strict management means loving people. The Party branch strengthened the supervision and management of Party members' thoughts and behaviors, extended the supervision beyond 8 hours, and effectively promoted the supervision and management of Party members in the armed forces from loose to tight.

   We will strengthen Party members' practical training and work experience. Strengthen the awareness of serving the people, organize party members to enter the community, help in pairs, volunteer anti epidemic services, poverty alleviation consumption, special donations and other thematic practice activities, and enhance the feelings of the people; Build a platform for the training and growth of Party members, burden them, undertake major difficult and complicated work, and make them forge a strong Party spirit in hard work.

   ——Zhuneng. Strengthen oneself, improve quality and efficiency. Strengthen education, guidance and professional learning and training, and improve self work ability; Actively innovate the concept and mode of education and training, constantly improve the quality and efficiency of training, and help the province's procuratorial talent team to build the "four major projects".

   Carry out the activity of "focusing on learning, promoting work and comparing highlights". Vigorously strengthen the self construction of the education and training team, continue to strengthen the organization and management ability to improve training, and become an expert in the organization, management and guidance of education and training. Implement the project management system of education and training, and constantly improve the quality and efficiency of education and training; Compare learning and catch up, and constantly create featured highlights.

   Adhere to the integration of political construction into business, and highlight the improvement of the procuratorial team's political literacy. We should firmly grasp the unity of the political and professional nature of procuratorial work, integrate political elements into professional training, and educate and guide prosecutors to grasp the unity of political, social and legal effects in the practice of law enforcement and case handling.

   Highlight the key points of training and increase training efforts. Set up training courses closely around the pattern of "four major procuratorates", "ten businesses" and the central work and key work deployed by the provincial procuratorate party group; We will continue to do a good job of leading cadres going to the podium, prosecutors teaching prosecutors and conducting training; Plan online and offline as a whole, make full use of and explore network resources, develop high-quality courses, increase training efforts and expand training scale; Adhere to the orientation of practical training and combat, encourage post training and business competition, and cultivate and select more business experts, business pacesetters and case handling experts while improving the overall quality of the procuratorial team.

   ——Foundations. Give full play to the organization and coordination role of the Education Guidance Office, deepen and implement the "Year of Grass roots Construction", strengthen investigation and research, summarize and promote experience, find out the weakness of work and grass roots needs, focus on the "two ends leading the middle", organize and coordinate provincial procuratorate leaders and internal institutions to strengthen targeted guidance, and promote the overall level of provincial grass roots procuratorate construction.

   Consolidate the guarantee foundation of the Party branch. Consolidate and develop the achievements of standardization construction of the Party branch, strengthen the leading role of the Party branch committee, improve the working mechanism of the branch, standardize the working procedures of the branch, rebuild the activity room of the Party member, add an activity garden, study and exchange exhibition garden, etc., consolidate the organizational foundation and infrastructure foundation of the work of the Party branch, and give play to the role of the Party branch in supervising and assisting the education and guidance work.

   Strengthen research guidance. According to the deployment of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Provincial People's Procuratorate, carry out major research activities on the construction of grass-roots courts, formulate research plans, clarify the division of tasks, draft research reports, and find out the main work achievements and existing problems; The provincial procuratorate leadership should redefine the point of contact with the grassroots and internal institutions to provide assistance, formulate a list of tasks, organize and coordinate the leadership of the procuratorate and internal institutions to investigate and guide the grassroots and help solve problems based on the weakness of the grassroots. Assist the Cadre Office to implement the opinions of the deputies to the provincial People's Congress and CPPCC members, investigate and clarify the fact that there are more people than reality in grass-roots institutions, and ease the difficulties at the grass-roots level.

   Promote typical and brand experience. According to the decision of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Procuratorate, the activity of "double leading and double showing" of typical experience and brand work in the construction of grassroots procuratorates was carried out, the preliminary list of typical experience and brands was proposed, and a notice was issued in time to promote the experience and practices in the provincial grassroots procuratorates. Cultivate advanced individuals and collectives of grassroots institutions, review the annual merit recording and commendation application of grassroots institutions, recommend the merit recording and commendation list of grassroots institutions, and timely commend individuals and collectives of grassroots institutions for merit recording and commendation.

   We will strengthen rotation training for procurators at the grass-roots level. Implement the "four major projects" of talent construction deployed by the provincial procuratorate, focus on the rotation training plan for grassroots procurators, ensure that the rotation training task for grassroots procurators off the job for more than 5 days is completed this year, and improve the overall quality of grassroots procuratorial teams.

   Guide the grass root institutes to strengthen the party building work. Assist the party committee of the organ to carry out training on party affairs, and improve the party building capacity of the grass-roots hospital; Guide and deepen the warning education of "three cases", and strengthen the construction of discipline style at the grass-roots level; According to the survey on the construction of basic level institutes, analyze the work of party building in basic level institutes, cultivate the brand of party building in basic level institutes, guide the work of party building in basic level institutes, and help consolidate the construction of party organizations in basic level institutes.