Party conduct and clean government construction
Party Building "Pilot" Brand Display | Cadre Branch: Where are the "Five Specialties"?
Time: July 1, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   [Editor's Note] According to the deployment of the Working Committee of Anhui Provincial Organs on the implementation of the "pilot" plan for grass-roots party building, since 2019, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate has focused on improving its organizational strength, highlighted its political functions, spent three years cultivating and selecting a group of advanced party branches with exemplary and leading roles, formed a group of party building brands, and achieved the goal of setting an example for the party building work of the organs, Improve the overall level of party building work of provincial procuratorate organs from point to area. A total of 8 Party branches of the Provincial People's Procuratorate have been included in the "pilot" project cultivation plan, and we will show you in turn——

   Insist on "Five Endeavours" and Create "Five Specialties" Branch  

   Introduction to Party building brand  

 Party Building "Pilot" Brand Display | Cadre Branch: Where are the "Five Specialties"?

   Comments of the Party Committee: A branch is a fighting fortress. The Cadre Division is characterized by its busy work, heavy responsibilities and relatively young average age of Party members. The Party branch has strengthened its political function and improved its organizational strength by strengthening learning and strengthening its awareness of political leadership, taking the initiative to cultivate the spirit of facing difficulties, honing its tenacity by being willing to work hard, and developing rules and habits with strict discipline.

The Party Branch of the Cadre Office of the Provincial Procuratorate currently has 12 full party members, and a five member branch committee has been established. The branch, in combination with the functional tasks and personnel composition characteristics of the department, adheres to building a strong team around the center, promotes the deep integration and mutual promotion of the party building and business work of the organ, adheres to the "Five Endeavours", and creates a "Five Specialties" branch. From 2015 to 2016 and 2019, the branch was awarded the title of "Advanced Grass roots Party Organization" by the Party Committee of the Provincial Procuratorate, and the Cadre Office was awarded the title of "Advanced Office" by the Provincial Procuratorate for five consecutive years, and was awarded the collective "Second Class Merit". One party member was awarded the title of Excellent Party Member of the Provincial Organ, and two party members successively won the personal third class merit.

   Insist on learning from the original works, forge ahead with ideals and beliefs, and build a special political branch  

Political sobriety, theoretical firmness and faith persistence are the basis of branch construction, especially the ideological and political construction of Party members. The branch continued to carry out the activities of "Party members take turns to speak classics" and "General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech and learn in time", organized party members and cadres to systematically study Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, followed up on the latest speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping, deeply studied the classic theory of the Party, and effectively nourished the original intention and led the mission with the innovative theory of the Party, Comprehend the original intention and forge the mission in the classic theory of the Party. The branch formulates a learning plan, adopts the combination of "online+offline", and carries out the activity of "learning the three ones of classics", that is, "selecting an original book of Marxism Leninism, writing a personal experience, and making a written speech". The leaders of the division take the lead in writing and speaking, and take the lead in setting an example. Young people are willing to compare their job responsibilities, combine work practice, learn deeply, understand carefully, and study machine theory, It has formed a good learning atmosphere of "learning more than learning and helping others".

Over the past two years, I have studied classic works of Marxism Leninism such as the Communist Manifesto, Anti Dulin Theory, and Critique of the Gotha Program. At the same time, Party members and cadres were organized to systematically study the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, follow up and study the series of important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping at various stages of the fight against the epidemic in a timely manner, understand the advantages of the system with the great practice of the Party leading the people to defeat the epidemic, and understand where the advantages of the socialist system come from from the classic theory of the Party, Improve the spirit of enterprising Party members and cadres and the driving force for real work, and lead the completion of various functions focusing on procuratorial reform and team building to a high standard.

   Insist on fighting against epidemic situation, forge ahead with the spirit of responsibility, and create a special fighting branch.  

Focusing on the central task of the department, focusing on training the wrestling team in the process of completing major tasks, and cultivating the fighting spirit of party members and cadres to "take responsibility and act bravely" is always an important way for the branch to strengthen the construction of party members. Since the beginning of the year, various tasks of cadre work have been carried forward successively. The branch has mobilized the majority of party members and cadres to overcome the impact of the epidemic, fight while fighting the epidemic, and ensure that the work of cadres is not stopped without stopping production. The leaders of the epidemic situation branch took the responsibility bravely. The leaders of the office took the lead in participating in the community duty of sinking cadres, and the branch secretary participated in voluntary blood donation for the sixth time in a row. At the same time of the war, the leaders of the division of labor and cooperation led the police to work overtime and work day and night, and completed the annual assessment of the provincial procuratorate, the report of the chief procurator of the municipal procuratorate, the special clean-up of post prosecutor refunds and other key work.

All Party members elected by cadres dare to act. Combining the work needs and the actual construction of the cadre team, from three aspects of "establishing a good employment orientation, strict selection criteria", "focusing on key links, strict implementation of regulations", "extending the scope of investigation, and strict physical examination", scientifically formulate the selection plan of department level cadres, and strictly organize the implementation to ensure the credibility, standardization, and accuracy of selection and employment. In strict accordance with the implementation plan of the reform of the rank of individual posts of public procurators and the relevant provisions of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the basic conditions and qualification conditions for the promotion of post public procurators were clarified, especially in the case of disqualification, and relevant departments were consulted to check one by one. Adhere to the principle of personal experience, strictly control the inspection, take the form of individual conversation, soliciting opinions, democratic evaluation and other forms, go deep into the internal organs of the organ, and comprehensively investigate and understand the political quality, moral character, professional training, work performance, integrity and self-discipline of 18 department level cadres and 28 post prosecutors who meet the promotion schedule, so as to provide the basis for the decision-making of the Party Leadership Group. The efficient promotion of cadre work has strengthened the overall strength of the team, mobilized the entrepreneurial power of the officers, and provided a strong organizational and talent guarantee for the high-quality development of the procuratorial work throughout the year.

   Insist on breakthrough, forge ahead with procuratorial reform, and create a branch that can bear hardships  

It is a powerful measure for the branch to strengthen the team building by focusing on improving the political ability of party members and cadres in the implementation of the superior's decision and deployment on procuratorial reform, completing urgent, difficult and dangerous tasks, and cultivating the practical spirit of grasping the iron with traces and fighting tenaciously. In recent years, a group of people from the Party branch of the Cadre Division has become both reform promoters and reform doers. They have worked hard to implement the reform with the spirit of nailing nails, and have taken root in various reform tasks such as promoting the classified management of personnel and the reform of internal institutions.

Since the beginning of the year, a team of staff from the branch has closely followed the decision and deployment of the Party Leadership Group of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Provincial People's Procuratorate on reform, and promoted the high starting point planning and high standard implementation of reform measures in the new year. We carried out in-depth research on the team building of the provincial three-level procuratorates. It is divided into three topics: leadership, young cadres, and professionals. It strives for excellence by burning the midnight oil. It extracts from the data stack of more than 7000 procuratorial police officers in the province, solves the mystery, compares and analyzes the status quo of team building in a multi-dimensional way, summarizes achievements, finds gaps, and puts forward countermeasures. Do a solid job of exchange and job rotation survey of city and county leadership. 903 members of the leading group of the provincial procuratorial organs, cities and counties, were checked one by one from the time of appointment, age structure, work experience, etc., comprehensively analyzed the beneficial practices and practical difficulties of job rotation exchanges, and put forward work suggestions for the decision of the Party Leadership Group. We will steadily promote the recruitment of secretaries under the employment system. In order to carry out the investigation work of the secretary of the detailed employment system, all party members and cadres of the branch drove more than 5000 kilometers to more than 20 cities and counties, such as Fuyang, Huoqiu, and other enterprises and schools on the spot under the premise of good protection, and strictly checked files, investigated and talked to ensure the effectiveness of the investigation. Up to now, through hard work, all the procuratorial reform tasks in the province have been implemented without any arrears, and the reform has achieved initial results. The reform experience materials such as "Anhui Provincial Procuratorial Organ Actively Explores New Approaches to Post Dynamic Management Closely Around the Three Key Links" were published in the full text of "Procuratorial Reform Dynamics" by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and "Research Report on the Construction of the Procuratorial Team in the Province" was awarded the top ten research reports by the Provincial Procuratorate. The high standard implementation of the reform task has optimized the staffing, enhanced the vitality of the system, and helped the comprehensive, coordinated and full development of the "four major procuratorates" and "ten major businesses".

   Adhere to clear responsibilities, forge ahead with the awareness of Party members, and create a dedicated branch  

It is always an effective way for the branch to unite and unite party members and cadres to start their own businesses by giving full play to the strengths of each party member and cadre, making them fit for their posts, making them give full play to their talents, clarifying their job responsibilities, and advocating the spirit of dedication. The work of the Cadre Division is heavy and complicated. The branch always advocates that "a branch is a fortress, and a party member is a banner". It encourages party members and cadres to make contributions and strive to become the backbone of the independent force, ensuring judicial reform, organ assessment, cadre selection, cadre coordination, appointment and removal of prosecutors, recruitment of civil servants, salary adjustment, staffing management The orderly progress of entry and exit examination, police rank assessment, cadre retirement, pension warehousing, community management, personnel files, law enforcement files, political work statistics, police pension and other work has won the unanimous praise of the police in the hospital.

Since the beginning of the year, in combination with previous work practices, the Cadre Division's Work Process and Responsibility Division Table has been formulated, which has broken down all the work of the division into 154 items, and clarified that position AB, position A, and position B bear the main responsibility and joint responsibility. In combination with the theme party day activity of "Loving my job and being responsible for my work" held in April, we further strengthened the sense of responsibility and compensation of party members and cadres, and educated and guided party members and cadres to take pains as pleasure and make silent contributions in the process of completing major tasks and dealing with complex problems. In view of the characteristics of many young cadres, many cadres transferred from the army and many women cadres in the Party branch, we carried out the activities of creating "Youth Civilization Post", "Military Transformation Meritorious Post" and "March 8th Red Bannerman" among Party members and cadres, gave full play to the role of the Party branch as a fighting fortress and the vanguard role of Party members, and provided a strong guarantee for promoting various functions of the organization.

   Adhere to principles, forge ahead with a sense of discipline, and create a special disciplinary branch  

Keeping rules is an important test of the party spirit of party members and cadres, and an important test of the loyalty of party members and cadres. It is always an important content for the branch to strengthen the construction of discipline and style of work to constantly strengthen the education of party spirit and clean government, educate and guide party members and cadres to maintain the political nature of "being pragmatic and honest for the people", and temper the political character of "being loyal, clean and responsible".

Organize life and strengthen political discipline. The implementation of cadre policies and procuratorial reform has achieved results, which is related to the construction of the cadre team of procuratorial organs and the sense of achievement and honor of the majority of police officers. Therefore, in the process of implementing the "three meetings and one lesson" organizational life system and carrying out the theme education of "never forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind", each time the branch focuses on the discussion and investigation of problems, it should take the "whether the reform task is implemented in detail" and "whether the cadre policy is implemented in place" of the Central Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate as the key content of the comparative inspection, as a test of whether the "two maintenance" is achieved And constantly strengthen political discipline and rules.

Practice and experience strengthen organizational discipline. In the practice of cadre work, we should adhere to the principle of using power according to law, using power impartially, and using power honestly. We must do our statutory duties, and we should not do anything without authorization. We should be afraid of what we say, and refrain from what we do. Always put organizational discipline in front, thoroughly implement the Party's organizational line and policies for cadre work in the new era, strictly implement the Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres, act in strict accordance with the policies, principles and systems, investigate and evaluate cadres realistically, resolutely resist the irregularities in the selection and appointment of personnel, and constantly improve the credibility and satisfaction of the selection and appointment of personnel.

Warning education strengthens honesty and discipline. Constantly strengthen the construction of a clean government and keep the team pure. Educate and guide Party members and cadres to adhere to the principle of separating public from private, putting public before private, and being dedicated to public affairs, resolutely fight against negative corruption, resolutely resist hidden rules, and consciously purify social circle, life circle, and circle of friends. Deeply carry out the warning education of "three cases", solidly carry out the big study of "case based reasoning", the big analysis of "case based interpretation of discipline", and the big discussion of "case based warning", strictly compare and deeply examine, strengthen rectification and promote improvement, and ensure that everyone is educated, warned, and improved. Achieve the goal of strengthening team building and promoting the work of the center with iron discipline.