Party conduct and clean government construction
Bengbu and Bengshan: Grasp the construction of Party conduct and clean government and strengthen the supervision of integrity and self-discipline
Time: June 29, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   On June 16, the Procuratorate of Bengshan District, Bengbu City held a joint working conference on the construction of party conduct and clean government, and learned the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the construction of party conduct and clean government, the Opinions of the Provincial People's Court on Further Strengthening the Construction of Party Conduct and Clean Government in the Provincial Procuratorate System in the New Era, the key points of the construction of party conduct and clean government and anti-corruption work of the People's Court in 2020, and the joint conference system. The meeting was attended by the main heads of the internal institutions of the Academy, the deputy secretary of the Party branch, the leader of the Party group, the leader of the discipline inspection and supervision team, and all the staff of the Political Department.  

   At the meeting, the work of the Institute on building a clean and honest government in the first half of 2020 was summarized, the main situation of developing the responsibility list of the Institute on building a clean and honest government was introduced, the importance of carrying out thematic practice activities was emphasized, the implementation of the responsibility of building a clean and honest government was constantly strengthened, and the supervision of integrity and self-discipline was strengthened.