Party conduct and clean government construction
Tongling Procurator: Deeply Promote the Construction of Party Conduct and Clean Government
Time: April 10, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Recently, Cao Min, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of Tongling People's Procuratorate, presided over a meeting of the Party Leadership Group to convey and study the spirit of the city's Party affairs work conference, study and deploy the work of promoting the construction of a clean and honest government in procuratorial organs in depth. The meeting discussed and passed the Joint Meeting System of Tongling Municipal People's Court and Organs to Implement the Responsibility of Overall Strict Governance of the Party (for Trial Implementation).  

   At the meeting, Cao Min put forward requirements on strengthening the construction of party conduct and clean government in the municipal hospital: first, we should highlight political guidance, continue to work hard on learning and practicing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, strictly observe political discipline and political rules, strictly implement the collective responsibility of the leading group, the first responsibility of the party group secretary, and the "one post and two responsibilities" of the group members, We will promote Party leaders and all Party members and police officers to abide by the Party Constitution and Party rules, further strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", and achieve the "Two Safeguards"; Second, we should strengthen the basic work of party building, promote the standardization construction of grass-roots party organizations, focus on improving the quality and efficiency of "three meetings and one lesson", and give full play to the role of the party branch as a fighting fortress and the vanguard role of party members; Third, we should adhere to the deep integration of party building work and procuratorial work, guide party members and cadres to make contributions based on their posts, and ignite and maximize the "engine" momentum of party building work in all aspects; Fourth, it is necessary to study and formulate the list of main responsibilities of the CPC Leading Group of the Municipal People's Court for implementing the construction of a clean and honest government, continue to promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, and comprehensively and strictly control the inspection, and persevere in improving the style and discipline. The team members should lead the way above, give full play to the "head goose effect", and further create a good political ecology of clean, upright and honest.