Party conduct and clean government construction
The 86 year old procurator in Hefei will: pay 2000 yuan of party dues on my behalf in a lump sum
Time: December 3, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

"After taking part in the work, under the cultivation of the Party and the leadership, I overcame difficulties, selflessly made contributions, and did some useful work for the people..." "Please pay a one-time party fee of 2000 yuan to the Party organization of the Municipal Procuratorate on my behalf." This is Xu Yunsong, an 86 year old retired cadre of Hefei Procuratorate in Anhui Province, wrote two sentences in his will before he died.

On November 13, Xu Yunsong's relatives paid a special party membership fee of 2000 yuan to the Organization Department of Hefei Municipal Party Committee according to his dying wish.

The picture shows Xu Yunsong's will

As an old procurator who participated in the reconstruction of Hefei Procuratorate, Xu Yunsong, like other retired veteran cadres, has always cared about the procuratorial work and actively offered advice and suggestions for the development of procuratorial work after retirement, which fully reflects the loyalty of an old party member to the Party.

Procuratorial primacy

Existing Party Members of the Party Branch of Retired Cadres of Hefei Procuratorate 90, the largest of which is over 90 years old. Since the launch of the theme education of "Never forget the original intention and remember the mission", they have been full of political enthusiasm, forgotten their age, actively participated, and specially established a WeChat group of "Never forget the original intention" to timely convey the spirit and decisions of the Party Leadership Group of the Central, Provincial, Municipal and Hefei Procuratorate.

Theme Party Day Activities

On October 25, the Party branch of retired cadres held a theme party day activity. Retired cadres visited the Memorial Hall of the Crossing the River Campaign to receive revolutionary traditional education and review the oath of joining the Party. In the activities, some veteran cadres insisted on participating in all activities with the help of others because of their old age and infirmity. After the event, the veteran cadres said that they would continue to adhere to the principle of not retiring from their posts and leaving the party, further strengthen their ideals and beliefs, never forget the original intention of the revolution, become qualified party members, and contribute their own waste heat to the procuratorial cause.

Thematic education "One hundred questions test of knowledge and skills"

In thematic education Qi Mingfu, an old party member who lost his right arm due to injury, found it very inconvenient to read the test paper with one hand in the "One Hundred Questions Test of Knowledge and Skills". With the help of other veteran cadres, he insisted on answering all the test questions with his left hand.