Party conduct and clean government construction
Suzhou, Anhui Province: held a warning education meeting on "eliminating discipline and standardizing justice with cases"
Time: October 25, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

ten month twenty-two According to Suzhou Procuratorate of Anhui Province Never forget the original intention and remember the mission The theme education leading group of Suzhou Procuratorate held Eliminate discipline and standardize justice with cases Symposium on Warning Education Prosecutors. Xu Huabing, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Acting Procurator General of the Municipal Procuratorate, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Wang Haiyan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General, presided over the meeting. Prosecutors and some assistant prosecutors from the first to the eighth departments attended the meeting.

The participants took the case of Guo Jianjun and Chen Dong as a mirror, learned the typical negative lessons of Zeng Chao, Jin Guangshan and Zhao Dan's violations of discipline and law, contacted their personal thoughts, work and judicial practice, carried out investigation and analysis, and discussed and exchanged their experiences.

Xu Li

Take the case as a warning and build a prison Four Consciousness , firm ideals and beliefs; remember well Original mission Strengthen responsibility; Practice Objectivity and impartiality , strictly abide by the discipline and rules. Fulfill their duties and responsibilities, and do a good job in civil procuratorial work in the new era.

Fan Hongli

Strengthen self-discipline awareness, and truly do not step on the bottom line, do not touch the red line; Strengthen the internal supervision, and truly make the internal supervision play a sword role; We will eliminate discipline through cases, standardize the administration of justice, and effectively implement them.

Wang Hongqi

I hope everyone can take a warning from several negative examples of this warning education. Keep a good check on desire, small matters, friends and responsibilities, and always walk by the river without wetting your shoes.

Zhang Yang

The familiar people around us and the former role models have become negative examples, which makes people sigh with regret. It is more worthy of our profound reflection and learning from them in future work. We should strengthen our ideals and beliefs, and lay a solid ideological foundation for sound conduct and discipline. We should abandon the fluke mentality and enhance our sense of fairness and integrity. We should give full play to the role of the system and build a solid defense against corruption.

Zhang Hailong

Take the case of Guo Jianjun and Chen Dong as a mirror to learn a lesson, earnestly strengthen the sense of rules and tighten the strings of discipline. We should strictly observe the discipline of handling cases, and take the opportunity of this special activity of the city's procuratorial organs to thoroughly clean up the backlog of cases and put an end to the illegal preservation of files to handle cases in strict accordance with the law; We must strictly abide by the incorruptible discipline, be a clean person and do things cleanly.

Wu Xiaoyan

We should find our own life value navigation mark in the complex social relations, never forget the original mission of serving the people, be strict in self-discipline, take responsibility, work hard, and establish a good image of the procuratorial organ with our own practical actions.

Song Dynasty Aromatic

Do not forget the original intention of the procurator, remember the mission of performing duties, earnestly maintain the political nature of party members, cadres and prosecutors, always be an honest and upright party member and prosecutor, and strive to make contributions to the party, the people and the procuratorial cause.

horse power

We should take the case as a mirror, take the case as a precept, and standardize judicial acts; We should draw inferences from other cases, self reflection and self innovation; We should be responsible in our hearts, able to brake our minds, and responsible in our actions; We should do something and not do anything. We should be loyal to the Party, the country and the people.

king peak

Once familiar with the people will stand in the dock, touched by their own great. As a young prosecutor, we should temper our will and strengthen self-discipline; We should standardize judicial case handling and actively accept supervision; Always take the case as a mirror and constantly remind yourself.  

Qiao Dongmei

Guo Jianjun and Chen Dong are people we know well. They used to be role models around us, but because of their depravity, they have become negative models, bringing us more grief and shock. While we feel sad and sorry for it, we are also deeply inspired: first, we should take the case as a mirror, and take the case as a warning; Second, we must firmly believe and stick to the bottom line; Third, we should be in awe and fulfill our duties.

Zhang quiet

Stick to the original intention and mission I will be selfless and live up to the people Be the loyal guardian of the Party; We should keep in mind the procuratorial mission of law enforcement for the people and do a good job in civil procuratorial work; We should consciously purify the three circles and keep the steelyard in mind; We should abide by Party discipline and national laws, and always maintain integrity and self-discipline.

Ma Chaoying

The case of Guo Jianjun and Chen Dong has taught us profound lessons. contact Remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind The general requirements of the theme education, combined with the duty crime procuratorial work, find out the deficiencies, examine the problems, and rectify the problems from three aspects of strengthening learning, strengthening responsibility, and strengthening self-discipline.

  Liu Sen

People around us, things around us and cases around us have a more intuitive deterrent, warning us to choose fair justice and integrity and self-discipline without hesitation when facing choices.

Jin Aiguo

We should strengthen our ideals and beliefs and firmly establish the purpose of taking the people as the center and justice as the people; We should study hard and improve our skills; We should show our actions and reflect the responsibility of the times; We should contribute our wisdom and jointly promote the prosperity of procuratorial work.

In his speech, Xu Huabing put forward five requirements for prosecutors and assistant prosecutors who participated in the forum:

We should establish correct ideas. Objective and fair performance of duties is the correct concept that prosecutors should establish. These four words not only reflect the constitutional orientation of procuratorial work, but also reflect the essential requirements of the new era for the profession of prosecutors. Prosecutors are both prosecutors of crimes and protectors of innocents; More importantly, we should strive to become the leader of socialist legal awareness and rule of law with Chinese characteristics, and the guardian of social public interests.

We should handle cases strictly in accordance with the law. For example, in handling cases involving mafia and evil, we should neither elevate nor lower the standard, neither let go nor gather the number, neither excessive nor inferior, and truly strike crime impartially, not wastefully, so that the facts are clear, the evidence is reliable and sufficient, and the case handling procedures are standardized.

We should shoulder the responsibility of supervision. Handling cases under supervision and supervision in handling cases; Dare to shoulder the responsibility and actively perform the responsibility of supervision, especially in the field of civil and administrative procuratorial supervision and the procuratorial work of public interest litigation.

Fourth, improve the ability to perform duties. As a prosecutor, you should have better political quality, higher political position, stronger political ability, and comprehensively consider the political effect, legal effect and social effect of handling cases; Don't forget your original intention, remember your mission, and be loyal to the Constitution and laws. Only under this premise, continuous learning can further improve the professional quality and enhance the ability to perform duties.

We should dare to take the responsibility. We should be good at and dare to perform the new duties and functions entrusted to procuratorial organs by law, and be active and brave to take on responsibilities. The system of confession, punishment and leniency is a litigation system based on the leading responsibility of prosecutors. We should boldly implement it, sink down, take the responsibility of guidance and supervision, and lead prosecutors in the business line to implement this system well.