Party conduct and clean government construction
Yuexi, Anhui: Deepening and Realizing the Theoretical Study of Party Members and Cadres
Time: October 23, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Since the implementation of the theme education of "never forget the original intention and remember the mission", the procuratorate of Yuexi County, Anqing City, Anhui Province has closely focused on the work arrangement of the theme education office of the county party committee, implemented the requirements of detailed regulations, and promoted the theoretical study of party members and cadres to go deep, to the heart, and to the reality.
   According to the schedule of the reading class, the leading group members, cadres at the level of deputy section or above, and post procurators of the hospital had a five-day intensive study, By means of self-study, watching the propaganda film and warning educational film of the deeds of advanced figures, exchanging experiences and other ways, study and discuss, read the original work conscientiously and understand the principles, and strive to achieve comprehensive and systematic learning, in-depth thinking, and practical learning, so as to effectively enhance "Four Consciousness", firm "Four Confidence", and achieve "Two Maintenance".

The Party branch of the organ held a party member study meeting to The content of "two books and one chapter" is the focus. All Party members talk about their experience, find gaps, exchange their learning experience and enhance the learning effect. At the same time, we will organize retired comrades to learn from the significance, objectives, requirements, organization and leadership of the theme education of "never forget the original intention, remember the mission" Learning guidance We will arrange special personnel to visit the elderly and infirm comrades who cannot attend the meeting "Send to school".

On the morning of October 11, the Institute organized all Party members to carry out the knowledge test of "two books and one chapter" to test the learning effect and consolidate the learning results. The test questions closely follow the scope of "two books and one chapter", and take the form of filling in the blank, short answer and thinking questions. The leadership of the Institute took the lead, and all Party members participated in the examination, answered the questions independently, and promoted learning through the examination. They strengthened the integration of learning, thinking, and application of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and unified knowledge, trust, and practice.