Party conduct and clean government construction
[Ideological highland] Procuratorial Daily | | Hu Shengyou: Based on basic attributes, open up a new pattern of procuratorial work
Time: April 28, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Based on Basic Attributes, Open up a New Pattern of Procuratorial Work

Hu Shengyou


Implementation by procuratorial organs The overall requirements of "stressing politics, considering the overall situation, seeking development, and focusing on self-improvement" must focus on the "five basic attributes", actively build a "six in one" working pattern of political construction and inspection, business standing inspection, talent promotion inspection, reform of compulsory inspection, scientific and technological assistance inspection, and cultural education inspection, and constantly promote the innovative development of procuratorial work in the new era.

First, based on the political nature of procuratorial organs, we should firmly grasp the absolute leadership of the Party over procuratorial work "Root and Soul". The procuratorial organ is first of all a political organ. The absolute leadership of the Party is the highest principle and the greatest advantage of procuratorial work. It cannot be shaken at any time and under any circumstances. We should put politics first, strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", practice the "Two Safeguards", correctly handle the relationship between the absolute leadership of the Party and the independent and fair exercise of procuratorial power according to law, and adhere to the implementation of the absolute leadership of the Party in all aspects of procuratorial work. We should adhere to political construction and inspection, firmly grasp the soul of inspection, unswervingly implement the general requirements for party building in the new era, take the party's political construction as the leadership, comprehensively promote the party's political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction, style construction, discipline construction and system construction in procuratorial organs, and strive to create a new era with lofty political ideals that reassures the party and satisfies the people The procuratorial team with strict political discipline ensures that the procuratorial organs are firmly in the hands of the Party and the people.

Second, based on the people's nature of procuratorial organs, we should firmly grasp the purpose of serving the people with justice and dedication. Adhering to the people centered development thought is the starting point and end result of implementing the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, arming the mind with Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, guiding practice and promoting procuratorial work. The procuratorial organs must keep in mind that people's procuratorial work is the original mission of the people, always put the people at the top of their hearts, creatively implement the Party's mass line, ensure that procuratorial work reflects public opinion, rally people's hearts, and ensure that the Party's procuratorial organs always maintain close ties with the people. We should take meeting the people's needs for a better life as the basic orientation of procuratorial work and actively play procuratorial functions The role of "supply side" is to strengthen the judicial guarantee of people's livelihood, and strive to provide more and better legal products and procuratorial products for the people. We should take the satisfaction of the people as the fundamental standard to test procuratorial work, and take safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the people in the procuratorial link as the fundamental purpose of procuratorial work. We should exercise justice impartially and justice for the people, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Third, based on the legal supervision attribute of the procuratorial organ, we should firmly grasp the main business of business inspection, and constantly improve the legal supervision ability and case handling level. The procuratorial organ is the national legal supervision organ, and the procuratorial work must focus on the main responsibility of supervision. We should adhere to the principle of business inspection, handle more cases and major cases, promote supervision and handle cases together, correct the phenomenon of emphasizing cases and ignoring supervision, take evidence as the core, and quality as the lifeline to ensure that every case is completed "Iron case", strive to let the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case. We should take case handling as the core product of procuratorial supply, supervise in case handling, and handle cases in supervision, so as to realize the comprehensive and balanced development of the "four procuratorial", namely, criminal, civil, administrative, and public interest litigation. We should base ourselves on the new practice of procuratorial work, dare to break through the bottleneck of procuratorial supervision, complement the weaknesses of supervision, take talent construction as the foundation, and take intelligent procuratorial work as the support, accelerate the process of professional and professional legal supervision, and promote the transformation and development of procuratorial work. We should establish the concept that talents are the first resource, adhere to the principle of promoting inspection by talents, establish and improve the construction of specialized "talent pool" of procuratorial organs, promote the development, training, allocation and use of resources of professional talents in all categories, and provide talent guarantee for the sustainable development of procuratorial undertakings. We should adhere to science and technology to strengthen inspection, accelerate the construction of smart inspection, actively use the Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence to solve problems, and provide technical support for the improvement of legal supervision ability.

Fourth, based on the social attributes of procuratorial organs, we should firmly grasp the mission of centering on the center and serving the overall situation. Serving the overall situation of economic and social development is a major political task of procuratorial work. We should further identify the entry point and focus point of serving the overall situation, correctly handle the relationship between procuratorial business and the first priority, take the promotion of development of justice as the first responsibility, and never engage in services divorced from legal responsibilities. We should actively create a business environment based on the rule of law, adhere to the principle of equal treatment and equal protection between the public and non-public sectors of the economy, safeguard the right of private entrepreneurs to operate, property and personal rights in accordance with the law, prevent and correct the illegal filing of cases against private enterprises, the handling of cases beyond their authority, and the abuse of criminal prosecution power to interfere in economic disputes, so that private entrepreneurs can concentrate on entrepreneurship, invest with confidence, and operate with peace of mind. We should adhere to the overall plan of combating crime, maintaining stability and resolving risks, and promoting development, deepen the special fight against crime and evil, and take the initiative to provide services to ensure the prevention and resolution of major risks, targeted poverty alleviation, and pollution prevention "Three major battles" provide a strong judicial guarantee for building a well-off society in an all-round way.

Fifthly, based on the open nature of procuratorial organs, we should firmly grasp the power of pragmatism, openness, reform and innovation. With the deepening of the reform of the judicial system, the legal supervision function of the procuratorial organ, especially the content and configuration of the procuratorial power, is undergoing major adjustments. We should promote new reform with an unprecedented spirit of innovation, firmly establish the concept of reform and compulsory inspection, seize the opportunity of deepening reform, adhere to the problem orientation, focus on the prominent contradictions and problems faced by the transformation and development of procuratorial work, and deepen procuratorial functions The "supply side" structural reform focuses on strengthening the construction of procuratorial functions of procuratorial organs in criminal, civil, administrative, and public interest litigation, implementing the requirements of trial centered reform of the criminal litigation system, building a pattern of prosecutors with objective evidence as the core and public prosecution as the leading role, strengthening the construction of the supervision mechanism system, and performing the responsibility of representing public interests. We should closely combine the deepening of the comprehensive reform of the judicial system, deepen the reform of internal institutions, optimize the horizontal allocation of legal supervision power, straighten out the vertical structure of legal supervision levels, coordinate the promotion of judicial responsibility system, post system, procuratorial professional security reform and other reform measures, improve post management, case handling team, supervision and management, performance appraisal and other systems, Constantly inject new connotation into the contemporary Chinese procuratorial system. We should dare to face difficulties and risks, base ourselves on the practice of procuratorial reform, pay attention to strengthening the construction of procuratorial theory and procuratorial culture, adhere to cultural education and inspection, improve cultural self-confidence, pay attention to exploring and inheriting the essence of Chinese legal culture, reasonably absorb the idea and civilization of the rule of law outside China, and firmly adhere to the organic combination of basic theoretical research and practical application research, Actively elevate the practical experience and perceptual knowledge summary of grass-roots procuratorial reform into theory, provide scientific basis for improving the "top-level design" of procuratorial reform, and provide theoretical support for the innovative development of the procuratorial system in the new era.

(The author is the Procurator General of Hefei People's Procuratorate in Anhui Province)