Party conduct and clean government construction
Feixi: Lecture on Anti corruption and Rule of Law in the Party School
Time: December 18, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

The Procuratorate of Feixi County, Anhui Province recently sent prosecutors to the civil servant training class of the Party School of Feixi County Party Committee to give a lecture on anti-corruption and the rule of law for 40 civil servants. In combination with vivid cases and the revision of relevant laws, regulations and disciplines, the prosecutors described the new ideas and assertions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on anti-corruption, the new achievements of anti-corruption struggle, and how to create a good image of integrity, self-discipline, and law-abiding in the new era, to help students further enhance their awareness of integrity and law-abiding concepts.

(Zhou Yun)