Party conduct and clean government construction
Dangtu: carry forward the spirit of the Red Flag Canal and become a qualified party member
Time: December 11, 2018 Author: News source: Procuratorial Daily [Font size: large | in | Small

The People's Procuratorate of Dangtu County, Anhui Province and the county court recently went to the Red Flag Canal Cadre College to participate in the education and training activities of "carrying forward the spirit of the Red Flag Canal and becoming a qualified party member". During the training, the party members and cadres of the Court of Justice and the People's Procuratorate of the People's Republic of China deeply understood the Red Flag Canal spirit of "self-reliance, hard work and selfless dedication" by visiting the Memorial Hall of the Red Flag Canal, walking along the "Red Ribbon" and the "Great Wall of Water", watching the documentary "Towering Mountain Monument · Yang Gui Chapter", the drama "Red Flag Canal", listening to special lectures, and listening to the stories of model workers in canal repair.

(Wu Jingzhang Jing)