Party conduct and clean government construction
Hefei Municipal People's Court solidly promotes the party building work of the organs
Time: November 26, 2018 Author: News source: Hefei Evening News [Font size: large | in | Small

Since this year, Hefei Procuratorate has insisted on taking the party building work as the soul project of the construction of the procuratorial team, focusing on the implementation of the party building responsibility system, aiming to build a "double strong" party branch, highlighting political leadership, consolidating the grassroots foundation, building an activity carrier, and promoting the comprehensive improvement of the party building work of the organs.

In the work of party building, the institute insists on putting the political construction of the party in the first place and pays close attention to the implementation of the responsibility system of party building. In the daily work of party building, Party members and cadres should be organized to carry out political theory study and various special warning education in a planned way, and the system of regular study of party building work by the Party Leadership Group and the system of contact points for party building of the institute leaders should be established and improved. We will promote the establishment of a "one post, two responsibilities" responsibility system for Party building in government agencies, strengthen guidance and assessment of Party building in grass-roots Party organizations, extend strict Party governance to the grass-roots level, and strictly grasp the political life within the Party.

In order to consolidate the foundation at the grass-roots level and build a strong battle fortress for the party building of the organ, the institute has strengthened the construction of the party organization teams at all levels, successfully completed the election of the party committees, workers and young women and other mass organizations of the organ, conducted party affairs training for the members of the new mass organizations, and improved the ability of the grass-roots party affairs cadres to perform their duties. At the same time, the hospital also steadily promoted the standardization of party organizations and the construction of organ efficiency, solidly completed the basic party work, and timely summarized the party building work. The typical experience of party building written by the hospital, "Intensive cultivation in internal and external appearance, innovative implementation of" four virtues "education, initial results," was included in the "Provincial Procuratorate Party Building Work Experience Collection".

In order to create a distinctive brand of party building, the hospital has set up platforms such as staff library and party member activity room, and carried out a variety of cultural and sports activities, focusing on building a scholarly procuratorate, to create a positive and harmonious atmosphere in the whole hospital. At the same time, during the Spring Festival, July 1st and other holidays, the hospital also organized leading cadres to visit and comfort the old party members and those with difficulties in life, select and commend the advanced party branches, excellent party members and excellent party workers, organize police officers to carry out activities such as laws and regulations publicity, legal advisory services, transfer organizational warmth, and stimulate the enthusiasm of party members and police officers to strive for excellence. (Sun Lu)