Party conduct and clean government construction
Suzhou: "Six Guarantees" Promote the Effective Development of "Strict and Strict"
Time: August 21, 2018 Author: News source: SRC-822311103 [Font size: large | in | Small

Since July of this year, the Municipal Procuratorate has strengthened its political awareness, strengthened its organizational leadership, strictly adhered to the goals and requirements, strictly controlled the time nodes, and implemented the measures to promote the solid and effective implementation of the thematic warning education in accordance with the unified deployment of the municipal party committee's "Strict Establishment" thematic warning education.








   1、 Mobilize and deploy to ensure the ideological understanding is in place.  

After the mobilization meeting of the city's special warning education of "Loyalty, Discipline and Political Morality", the party group of the municipal procuratorate attached great importance to it and acted quickly: First, hold a meeting of the Party Leadership Group to study and deploy. Timely convey the spirit of the speeches made by Li Jinbin, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Shi Xiang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, at the provincial and municipal special warning education promotion and mobilization meetings respectively, and study and deploy the municipal procuratorate to carry out special warning education. The second is to hold a full mobilization meeting of the whole hospital. Zhang Li, the secretary of the Party Leadership Group and the chief procurator of the hospital, presided over the mobilization meeting of the special warning education of "stressing strict discipline" and made a mobilization speech, requiring the police officers of the hospital to fully understand the importance and necessity of the special warning education of "stressing strict discipline", to clarify the objectives and tasks, to enhance timeliness and pertinence, to focus on the four key links of "learning, investigation, reform and promotion", and to focus on the three major tasks, Closely combine the three tasks, be solid and orderly, and take appropriate measures to ensure the effectiveness of thematic warning education.





   2、 Formulate plans to ensure that activities are carried out in place.  

In order to ensure the orderly and effective implementation of special warning education, the Suzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate has formulated the "Implementation Plan of Special Warning Education on Loyalty, Discipline and Political Morality", which defines the overall requirements, main contents, implementation steps, tasks and organizational leadership of the Suzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate to carry out special warning education, and makes arrangements for the implementation of the entire activity. The List of Key Tasks of Special Warning Education for Municipal People's Court Organs and the Flow Chart of Special Warning Education for Municipal People's Court Organs were studied and formulated, which provided a supporting basis for further consolidating work responsibilities, refining work measures and grasping time nodes. According to the requirements of the Notice of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection on Carrying out the Activity of Educating People around with Side Events, the Opinions on the Implementation of the Special Warning Education of the Procuratorial Organs in the City of "Taking Cases as a Mirror and Enforcing Strict Inspection" has been formulated. By holding special warning conferences, watching warning educational films, visiting warning education bases and other ways, it highlights the use of side events to educate people around, and guides all police officers to reflect deeply Learn from the lessons, draw inferences from one instance, and learn from others. We will continue to strengthen our sense of integrity and self-discipline, and our ability to resist corruption and prevent change. We will be conscientiously aware of fear, guard against fear, and keep the bottom line.

   3、 Establish an organization to ensure the organization guarantee is in place.  



Zhang Li, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Court, served as the group leader, and other members of the Party Leadership Group served as deputy group leaders "Loyalty, strict discipline and political morality" The coordination group of special warning education and the leading group of the warning education activity of "taking cases as a lesson and strict inspection" are specifically responsible for the organization and development of special warning education. By means of the theoretical learning center group of the party group and the "three meetings and one lesson", the spirit of the meeting of the municipal hospital of "stressing the importance of being strict" was quickly conveyed and implemented. The members of the party group, the secretary of the branch, and the person in charge of the internal organization took the lead in setting an example, taking the lead in learning, discussing, listening to opinions, putting problems in place, really criticizing, and focusing on rectification, so as to achieve efficiency in both above and below Overall linkage, everyone actively participates in the good atmosphere of warning education.

   4、 Organize learning to ensure that education and guidance are in place.  


   everything The theoretical learning center group of the Party Leadership Group takes political theory learning as the first task. Learn first, make learning plans, arrange learning topics, focus on learning and discussion, implement learning measures, and play a leading role in demonstration Second The Party branch and the Party group fully combine the "three meetings and one lesson", organize all Party members of the branch and group to deeply study Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and the spirit of a series of important speeches on comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, learn the Party rules and regulations, and learn typical cases of violations of laws and disciplines within the Party; Third By combining concentrated learning with individual self-study, learning theory with thinking work and other forms, we urge and guide Party members and police officers to closely follow the "six focuses" in their learning. We should not only "get higher", read the original work, learn the original text, understand the principles, and constantly improve political position and political awareness, but also "get lower". We should learn to believe, learn to think, and learn to act, and constantly deepen our understanding Real implementation in action. Fourth We organized 41 procuratorial policemen, including all members of the theoretical learning center group of the Party Leadership Group and new recruits in the past three years, to go to Suzhou Prison to receive warning education, listen to the honest and clean government report of duty crime prisoners on the spot, effectively promote the in-depth implementation of the special warning education of "stressing strict discipline", and achieved good warning effect and education effect.





   5、 Enrich the form to ensure that the effect is put into place.  




   The first is the combination of warning education and theme education. Through the implementation of the "Five Ones" activity, we will educate and guide the Party members and policemen to firmly establish the lofty ideal of communism, remember the oath to join the Party, remember the struggle course of the Party, remember the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and always achieve "always keep the original intention and always strive". Up to now, the party group and party branch secretaries of the hospital have attended party classes 6 times, organized party members and masses to watch warning education videos 5 times, and went to Suzhou Prison to carry out warning education activities once; Party members and cadres were organized to review the oath of joining the Party in front of the Party flag, and members of the center team were organized to carry out the party spirit education activity of "remembering the revolutionary martyrs and inheriting the red gene" in Xuefeng Park. The second is the combination of warning education and volunteer services. Police officers were organized to go to the community to carry out a volunteer service activity with the theme of "building a national civilized city", and carried out a rule of law education activity of "staying away from illegal crimes and being civilized and law-abiding primary school students" on campus. At the same time, the "Suzhou City Initiative for Building a National Civilized City" was issued to community residents and students, advocating community residents to strive to be civilized citizens and practice civilized behavior Leading the trend of civilization. The third is the combination of concentrated discussion and control inspection. On the basis of organizing all party members and cadres to study in depth, organize all party members to carry out centralized discussions around "Do not forget the original intention, and remember whether the mission is firm or not?", and require each party member to carefully investigate personal problems and write personal comparison and inspection materials; A rectification "looking back" was conducted against the list of problems fed back by the provincial party group inspection center in the early stage, and the implementation of rectification measures was strengthened.

   Paying homage to the monument and Peng Xuefeng Revolutionary Memorial Hall  













   Civilized construction, residential inspection first  













    6、 Strengthen publicity to ensure that the atmosphere is created in place.  

Strengthen public opinion guidance and create a good atmosphere for special warning education activities. everything Make full use of the procuratorial intranet and the procuratorial portal website to publicize the implementation of warning education. The Special Warning Education Coordination Office strengthened cooperation with all branches, and timely wrote and uploaded information on phased activities; Second Make full use of new media platforms such as "two micro and one end" and the TV station's "procuratorial live room" column to vigorously publicize and report the new progress and new results of special warning education activities, and strive to create a good atmosphere of public opinion.




















Special warning education is of great significance. "Two micro enterprises and one end" work together




New media produced by Suzhou People's Procuratorate

Planning/review: Huang Chunlei

Editor: Zhao Yuhong

Picture: Zhao Yuhong