Party conduct and clean government construction
To the east of Chizhou: implement the "secretary project" of party building, and inspect the emblem to shine the red flag of the party
Time: July 2, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Shiny red flag

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the general requirements for party building in the new era, and made a new deployment to promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth. Chizhou Anhui Dongzhi County The People's Procuratorate takes Xi Jinping as the new era Socialism with Chinese characteristics Under the guidance of ideology, we should innovate ideas and make careful plans according to the requirements of Party building in the new era and the needs of practice and development, Implement the secretary project of "Shining Inspection Emblem and Three Improvements" of Party building And promote new development of grass-roots party building.

Spiritual learning of the 19th National Congress ▼










First, improve the exemplary role of Party members and leading cadres Cultivate and bring up a cadre team with firm politics, outstanding ability and excellent style to meet the new requirements of procuratorial work in the new era of "stressing politics, considering the overall situation, seeking development, and focusing on self-improvement".
Set up posts and define responsibilities Improve the self of leading cadres education An effective mechanism for self-management and self-improvement, scientifically set up posts, clarify post responsibilities, sign a letter of responsibility for leading cadres to perform their post responsibilities, and accept the supervision of the masses.
Comprehensive report on work and focus on actual results. objective fair To evaluate the work performance of the procuratorial police, it is required to continue to carry out a comprehensive report on their work in terms of "ideology and conduct, ability and performance, research achievements, professional ethics", etc., in order to comprehensively, truly and accurately reflect the performance of their posts.
Perfect the mechanism and improve the assessment. The Measures for Performance Appraisal of Dongzhi County People's Procuratorate (for Trial Implementation) was formulated. Adhere to the working method of combining individual self-evaluation with organizational assessment, combining routine assessment with annual assessment, and combining qualitative assessment with quantitative assessment to comprehensively reflect and evaluate work performance.
The second is to enhance the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members. We will train a number of outstanding Communist Party members and advanced Party workers who are politically strong, professionally competent and have a correct style of work.
Implement the system of democratic evaluation of party members to stimulate enthusiasm for work. Formulate a highly operational implementation plan for democratic evaluation of party members, and evaluate party members through individual self-evaluation, mutual evaluation of party members, leader comments, mass evaluation and other links.
We will improve the incentive, care, and heart to heart talk system to enhance the sense of belonging of Party members. Adhere to the unity of strict management and care and trust, encourage in politics, support in work, guarantee in treatment, and care in psychology, and enhance the sense of honor, belonging, and acquisition of Party members.
Accelerate the integration of party building and business, and eliminate the "two skins" phenomenon. We will implement the double percentage assessment system of "Party building+procuratorial work" and highlight the role of Party members in carrying out ecological procuratorial work Public interest litigation Prosecutors play a pioneering and exemplary role in contacting villages and towns, focusing on supervision business, expanding supervision functions, and promoting the deep integration of party building and procuratorial business.
Strengthen discipline construction to ensure smooth inspection orders. Regularly carry out discipline inspection and supervision, continue to punish their own corruption, and adhere to zero tolerance for disciplinary violations.
The third is to upgrade the battle fortress of the Party branch. Carry out the construction of "double strong" party branches, strengthen the "five good" party branches with good leadership, good party members, good working mechanism, good work performance, and people's reflection.
Carefully carry out the "three meetings and one lesson" activities, and strictly adhere to the standards and seek for practical results. Establish the system of holding "three meetings and one lesson" regularly to learn and understand the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the new era of Xi Jinping Socialism with Chinese characteristics Thought as a spiritual guide. Through carrying out volunteer services, work without inspection, pair aid and other activities, we will guide Party members to exercise their Party spirit in the specific practice of serving the masses.

   We will carefully carry out activities to jointly build the Party and promote new contributions to poverty alleviation. Establish a joint party branch with Zhushan Village, Muta Township, the assisting village, and appoint the general secretary of the institute as the deputy secretary of the joint party branch to assist in poverty alleviation and development and poverty alleviation.


Carry out "Theme Party Day+" activity ▼




Hold a democratic life meeting to criticize and self-criticism ▼






Carry out a series of party member activities ▼






▲ Speech contest


▼ Red education


Volunteer to help poor villages ▼




Dongzhi County Procuratorate, in accordance with the overall plan of "focusing on creation this year, promotion next year, and consolidation next year", focuses on the theme of "not forgetting the original intention, but keeping the mission in mind" education The activities are realistic, pragmatic, pioneering and enterprising, implement the "secretary project", pay close attention to the party building work, ensure that the project promotion measures are powerful and effective, and the project implementation effect is qualitative and quantitative. To provide a strong political, ideological, organizational and talent guarantee for procuratorial work in the new era, and truly achieve a bright party flag.

Anhui Procuratorate new media Production


Reviewed by Wu Yihuo

Contributed by Dongzhi County Procuratorate Xu Zhi Yu Jinyu