Party conduct and clean government construction
Hanshan, Ma'anshan: Five Measures to Enhance Party Building and Gather Positive Energy of Prosecutors
Time: July 2, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Anhui Province Ma'anshan City Hanshan County The People's Procuratorate is located in the east of Anhui to the north of the Yangtze River. There is a Lingjiatan cultural site that can be called the dawn of Chinese civilization, Wang Anshi The famous Baochan Mountain Huayang Cave , Wu Zixu's white haired Zhaoguan.

In recent years, the economy of Hanshan County has developed by leaps and bounds, Hanshan County Procuratorate It is a flag raised on this hot land. Hanshan County Procuratorate has always taken the party building work as the source of power to promote the upgrading of procuratorial work. With the goal of "satisfying the people and reassuring the organization", it has worked hard to build a procuratorial team with political firmness, loyalty to the party and strict discipline through five measures, and has vigorously promoted the development of procuratorial work throughout the court.

Hanshan County Procuratorate has been awarded the title of Anhui Advanced Procuratorate, Anhui Advanced Collective of Procuratorial Organs, National Civilized Reception Room, and Hanshan County Advanced Grassroots Party Organization for six consecutive years.


   Main practices  




Carry forward the red ideal

Founding loyalty team


Party member ideology education It is the core and soul of Party building. The key to the education of Party members lies in clarifying the melody, adjusting the tone and singing the theme.

In recent years, the procuratorate of Hanshan County has organized party members and policemen to carry out Paying homage to the red education in the martyr cemetery, reviewing the oath of joining the Party, and the solemn oath of the prosecutor The theme party building activities such as, let everyone immerse themselves in the scene, zero distance to receive red education, wash the mind, do not forget the original intention. Organize the police to study and implement Xi Jinping New era Socialism with Chinese characteristics Thought and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and through the establishment and improvement of carriers such as "Party member activity day", "telling the history of the Party, passing on the firewood", "learning experience speech contest", "micro party class", actively carry out the "two learning and one doing" regular institutionalized learning education, and the "emphasis on re doing" special warning education.


Reviewing the oath of joining the Party


union Hanshan County National Taxation Bureau went to Jinzhai Patriotism education



Hold the speech contest of "The Party is in My Heart"




Typical demonstration approach

Gather upward force


Vigorously publicize Hanshan County Procuratorate's "Top Ten Political and Legal Policemen of the Province", "Outstanding Party Members of the Provincial Procuratorate", and "First Class Merit of Advanced Individuals of the National Procuratorate" Tang Yuhe Comrades' advanced models, shooting and playing micro films reflecting their advanced deeds The Power to Go Up Actively cooperate with the Supreme Procuratorate, Heilongjiang Provincial Procuratorate Anhui Province The Publicity Department of the People's Procuratorate and other higher authorities, together with more than 10 mainstream news media, continuously interviewed and reported the typical deeds of Comrade Tang Yuhe, giving full play to the exemplary and leading role of advanced models.








Practical service People's livelihood  

Warm the hearts of the masses


Only when trees are rooted in the earth can they be luxuriant; Only when Party building is rooted in the masses can it maintain its vitality forever. The hospital took the initiative to sink the procuratorial force and serve the grass-roots level, so that the public can truly feel that the prosecutor is around.


   Promote the "Four Heart Work Method"  



In all aspects of law enforcement and case handling, Party members and police officers should be "enthusiastic in receiving the parties, patient in listening to appeals, careful in reviewing cases, and sincere in solving problems", and use "four hearts" to gain the satisfaction and peace of mind of the masses.


   Carry out the work of "Party building assistance"  



Party members, cadres and police were organized to go to the north neighborhood committee of Huanfeng Town for four times, and communicated with each other through activities such as learning and discussion of the village branch, report forum of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and research on party building work to jointly promote the development of grass-roots party building work.


Publicize the spirit of the report of the 19th National Congress


   Win the War of "Poverty Alleviation"  



Elections one person Party members and policemen serve as the secretary of the poverty alleviation village, Three Party members and policemen participate in the work of the Poverty Alleviation Task Force and arrange 35 Party members and policemen participated in the poverty alleviation contract work and helped three poor households per capita. More than 150000 yuan of support funds were raised and distributed throughout the year, and a large number of poverty-stricken villages that have been supported have significantly improved their production and living conditions, human settlements, ecology, and development environment.

The advanced deeds of Sun Bangfu, a police officer assisted by Hanshan County Procuratorate, were widely reported by the central, provincial, municipal and county media. Comrade Xie Weirong, the police officer helped by the hospital, was highly praised by Xu, a poor family member. Xu also made a special trip to the hospital and sent a thank-you letter and a banner with the words of "caring for the masses to solve their problems, helping the poor and warming the hearts of the people".








Strict party building standards

Promote standardized construction


Hanshan County Procuratorate is obtaining "Demonstration site for standardization of grass-roots party building" On the basis of the title, we will continue to implement the project of "Party building+standardization", and adhere to unremitting and meticulous implementation in accordance with the work standards of Party building stipulated by the superior.

Comprehensively promote the construction of the smart party building platform, do a good job in the data entry, real-time recording, uploading and use of the smart party building platform, realize the timely reflection, real-time query, supervision and assessment of the party building work, and effectively solve the problem of weakening the grass-roots party building work.

Keep going "Sunshine inspection" Party building brand building activities promote standardization by publicity, quality by standardization, and work by quality.

At the same time, it is organically combined with the pioneer post of Party members, the volunteer team of Party members, the public commitment of Party members and other carriers, so as to promote the good situation of the active participation of party members and policemen in party building. Including those from Hanshan County Procuratorate "Party volunteer" His deeds were continuously reported by the People's Daily Online, the Communist Party Network, Procuratorial Daily and other media.


Party volunteer cleaning




Cultivate procuratorial culture

Improve procuratorial spirit


Prosecutorial culture is the spiritual home of Party members and policemen. To promote cultural construction, we should focus on innovative carriers. Hanshan County Procuratorate vigorously promotes "Learning procuratorates, learning prosecutors" Build, compile and issue "Learn Everyday" mobile newspaper, transmit positive energy of procuratorial work, organize and carry out "Learn the New Party Constitution, and jointly build a procuratorial dream" read Activities, improve in learning, grow in learning.


A corner of the library


More than 100 surveys and information have been published by procuratorial daily, Fangyuan, Justice Network, People's Daily and other national media. The procuratorial theoretical research work in Ma'anshan City Ranked first in the year-end evaluation, which effectively promoted the innovative development of procuratorial work and was fully recognized by the local Party Committee and the National People's Congress.


   Hanshan County Procuratorate We will continue to adhere to the working idea of "focusing on party building, leading team building and promoting work", deeply study the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and firmly carry out the theme of "not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission in mind" education We will further strengthen legal supervision, integrate the work of Party building with team building and procuratorial work, and achieve a good situation in which the three work together in the same direction and at the same frequency.


Anhui Procuratorate new media Production