Party conduct and clean government construction
Yingquan, Fuyang: Adhere to the "One, Two, Three, Four, Five" Working Method to Strengthen Party Building
Time: July 2, 2018 Author: News source: Procuratorial Daily [Font size: large | in | Small

Anhui Province Yingquan District, Fuyang City The People's Procuratorate strives to solve the problem of restricting grass-roots procuratorates Party building The "bottleneck" and "short board" problems of in-depth development, the "one, two, three, four, five" party building work method, and the party building work of grass-roots procuratorates were further strengthened and standardized.


Insist on "One Leader"

High point station leads development


   Yingquan District The CPC Leading Group of the Procuratorate carefully analyzed the current situation, existing problems and weaknesses of the construction of the grass-roots institutions of the procuratorate, put forward the overall idea of "focusing on party building, strengthening the team, leading the team, and promoting work" and the goal of "striving for the first place in three regions, and creating a first-class city in the whole province", and solidly promoted the construction and development of the grass-roots institutions under the leadership of the party building work, with a high point of standing.


Adhere to "Two Positions"

Deeply carry out party building activities


   Give play to the advantages of network platform  


Use "two micro and one end", procuratorial intranet and other publicity platforms to deliver the "good voice" of party building. Build WeChat of "Weiyingquan" of the District Committee micro-blog new media , introduce the advanced deeds of the General Party Branch of the People's Procuratorate of Yingquan District, and expand the procuratorial influence; Establish a procuratorial portal, set up columns such as procuratorial affairs publicity, procuratorial business, team building, and procuratorial culture, and sent more than 319 pieces of information; Give play to the role of new media studio, establish and improve WeChat of "Yingquan Procurator" micro-blog More than 256 promotional messages were sent; We improved the construction of the procuratorial intranet, opened a column of "two studies and one action", updated information in a timely manner, reprinted articles on party building, and released more than 200 pieces of information.


   Make good use of the office area platform  


Actively promote the standardization construction of grass-roots party organizations, and make use of the electronic office area display Rolling broadcast of political theoretical knowledge, party building work, and public information on party affairs; On the fifth floor, Party members' activity rooms with complete information and strong party building atmosphere are set up to carry out party building activities; Set up a warning on the seventh floor for the construction of clean government culture education Exhibition Center, update publicity pictures to show the procuratorial style.



Adhere to the "Three Grasping Hands"

Promote the development of procuratorial work


Do a good job in ideological and political construction
First, strengthen the armed forces of scientific theories. In depth learning Xi Jinping The General Secretary's important exposition on the political life, political culture and political ecology within the Party, in-depth promotion of the normalization and institutionalization of "two studies and one action" learning and education and the standardization of grass-roots Party organizations, and in-depth implementation of the special warning education activities of "stressing politics, respecting rules and setting an example".


Second, implement the Party's mass line Insist on doing a good job of mass work with heart, hard work and emotion, and organize police officers to visit the elderly in Yingquan Elderly Apartment to send warmth; Implement the requirements of targeted poverty alleviation work, and organize the police of the whole hospital to help the poor families in Liji Village and Liuhezha Village who have been insured; Assign personnel to non-public enterprises to hold knowledge lectures and publicize prevention Duty crime



Do a good job in building the procuratorial team
Set up a general party branch and four party branches, innovate the training and selection mechanism, select outstanding young police officers to serve as members of the general party branch and secretary of the party branch, and select and strengthen the leadership of grass-roots party organizations. The general party branch of the organ was rated as the advanced grass-roots organization of party building work in the whole district, and the general party branch of Liji Village, Xingliu Town, which assigned its staff as the first secretary of poverty alleviation, was rated as the advanced grass-roots organization of party building work in the whole district. It has won many district level advanced titles, such as Yingquan District's Advanced Unit in Selecting Work, District's Advanced Unit in Handling Letters and Calls, District wide Advanced Unit in Comprehensive Governance and Stability Maintenance.





Do a good job in procuratorial work
First, explore the establishment of a procuratorial supervision system for police stations (teams). The "procuratorial supervision mechanism for local police stations (teams)" was awarded the honorary title of "2016 Provincial Procuratorate Grass roots Hospital Construction Brand" by the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, and was rated as "Model Brand Unit" by the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate in the 2014-2016 "Focusing on Characteristics and Creating Brand Education Model" activity.


Second, actively carry out public interest litigation. stay Fuyang City The first civil public interest litigation case was filed in the procuratorial system, and the environmental pollution case of Fuyang Yijie Trade Co., Ltd. under its jurisdiction was filed, and personnel were sent to attend the court as public interest litigants to perform their duties.


Adhere to "Four Activities"

Strengthen the quality of the procuratorial team


   Develop procuratorial profession morality Educational activities  

Organize police officers to study the history of procuratorial development and the profession of prosecutors morality The basic principles have determined the hospital motto of "respecting the law, being honest, dedicated, responsible and dedicated", established the centralized oath system for prosecutors, and further deepened the professionalism of prosecutors.


   Carry out the learning and education activities of the Party's fine traditions  

14 members of the General Party Branch, Party Branch and some young policemen were organized to carry out education and learning activities in the revolutionary holy land of Jinggangshan to further strengthen the revolutionary tradition education Organize police to go Lu'an City Jinzhai County Martyrs Memorial Hall carried out the party member day activity of "remembering the revolutionary martyrs and inheriting the fine tradition", carried forward the national spirit and enhanced the patriotic consciousness.


   Development《 Ethics Lecture 》Activities  

The theme of "carrying forward the revolutionary tradition, strengthening ideals and beliefs", "country and family" and "youth, struggle and dedication" Ethics Lecture We should carry forward the spirit of revolutionary tradition, strengthen revolutionary ideals and beliefs, give up our family and care for everyone, and highlight the exemplary leadership and exemplary role of advanced Party members.


   Carry out comprehensive ability training activities  

Relying on the labor union of the hospital and the Association of Young Prosecutors, a series of colorful comprehensive quality training activities were carried out. Organize young prosecutors to talk with the Fuyang Blue Sky Rescue Team about the spirit of the May 4th Movement and improve the sense of dedication; Organize young policemen to visit Fuyang youth Electronic Commerce Industrial Park Enhance the sense of innovation; Organize the police of the public prosecution department to carry out the activity of "paying attention to the left behind children and sending the law to the campus" in Yingquan Xingliu Town Central School to cultivate the service concept.





Adhere to the "Five Promotions"

Improve the level of procuratorial work


Mechanism with clear wind ecology atmosphere

A week-long spring training activity with the theme of "Strict governance of the Party and strict inspection" was carried out. All departments and bureaus carried out discussions around two topics: "Start from me, start from now, start from small things", and "How to focus on the efficiency construction of the hospital". Yingquan District Procuratorate unified consensus and stimulated enthusiasm, initially forming a positive, clean and positive organ ecological atmosphere.


Promoting judicial accountability reform In depth development

The party group of Yingquan District Procuratorate took the initiative to assume the main responsibility of reform, and transferred outstanding party members and cadres to promote the reform task. Among the first 24 posts of prosecutors, 22 were party members, and the second two were party members. In terms of the selection of post prosecutors, the implementation of the judicial responsibility system, and the operation of the new case handling mechanism, we will give full play to the exemplary role of outstanding party members and prosecutors to ensure the judicial responsibility system reform Execute to the letter.


Promote the Party building work to achieve effective progress

Earnestly implement the "three meetings and one lesson" system, and carry out various learning activities that combine education with pleasure. Promote work through learning, promote team building through party building, strive to build a scholarly and dynamic procuratorate, and forge a strong procuratorial team. Through a number of measures, we have promoted the Party building work to achieve tangible progress.


The purpose of promoting justice for the people is rooted in

We have always adhered to the principle of "people's procuratorial work for the people", implemented the special action to eliminate crime, purified the rural environment, and made the people feel more secure, happy and gained. The 17th day of each month is designated as the Poverty Alleviation Day. The branch is the unit to carry out targeted poverty alleviation work. The "First Secretary" assigned to the village is to build roads and houses for special poor households and solve problems effectively.


Promote the construction of grass-roots procuratorates

We should guide the construction of grass-roots procuratorates with Party building, and further promote the eight modernizations of grass-roots procuratorates. In recent two years, Yingquan District Procuratorate has been successively rated as a model site for the construction of learning party organizations in Fuyang, a civilized unit in Fuyang, and a "zero" entry of Fuyang into Beijing petition Advanced unit, 2 people were rated as the business model of the procuratorial organ in Anhui Province, 1 person was rated as the top professional of the procuratorial organ in Fuyang City, 1 person was rated as a case handling expert, and 3 people were honored Fuyang City Third class merit of the hospital, one person was rated as the outstanding party branch secretary of Yingquan District, and one person was rated as the whole district Party building Advanced individual, awarded Yingquan District More than 30 district level advanced units, such as advanced units in selected work. Peng Qingquan's application state compensation The case was rated as one of the top ten high-quality compensation cases in Anhui Province; Hao Wenlong's drug abuse case was rated as one of the top ten high-quality investigation and supervision cases in Anhui Province.



Anhui Procuratorate new media Production


Contributed by Yingquan District, Fuyang City Procuratorate Liu Lili