Party conduct and clean government construction
Suzhou: the first press conference in 2018 focused on three major reform battles of service
Time: June 15, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Suzhou, Anhui: the first press conference in 2018 focused on three major reform battles of service


On June 13, the People's Procuratorate of Suzhou City, Anhui Province held a press conference with the theme of "giving play to the procuratorial functions and serving the three major challenges". In order to conscientiously implement the decision-making and deployment of the municipal party committee, constantly enhance the political consciousness and political responsibility of serving the overall situation, and find the entry point and focus point of serving Suzhou's economic and social development, Suzhou Municipal Procuratorate issued the Opinions on Giving Full Play to the Procuratorial Function, Serving and Guaranteeing Suzhou's "Three Difficult Battles" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), It aims to provide more high-quality legal guarantee for the construction of five modern and beautiful Suzhou.

After the issuance of the Opinions, Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and Anhui Provincial Procuratorate gave full affirmation. The provincial procuratorate popularized the practice of Suzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate in the provincial procuratorial system through the Anhui Procuratorate Reflection. Shi Xiang, secretary of Suzhou Municipal Party Committee, commented that "the practice of Suzhou Municipal Procuratorate is very good, and can be printed and distributed in the name of the two offices for the whole city to learn from."

 Suzhou, Anhui: the first press conference in 2018 focuses on three major reform battles of service

At the meeting, Hu Chongshi, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of Suzhou Municipal Procuratorate, introduced the background and main contents of the Opinions.

   Requirements of Opinions The procuratorial organs in Suzhou should improve their political position, clarify their work objectives, always focus on the overall situation, serve the overall situation, safeguard the overall situation, give full play to the functions of attack, prevention, supervision, protection, etc., comprehensively strengthen legal supervision, prevent and resolve financial risks; Actively practice the new mode of ecological inspection, and create a beautiful Suzhou with "green mountains and green waters"; We will do a solid job in procuratorial work related to agriculture, help fight poverty, and safeguard people's livelihood and interests.

   The Opinions emphasized that, The two levels of procuratorial organs should distinguish "three boundaries" and achieve "three prudence" in the service of "three major battles". That is to correctly distinguish the boundaries between economic disputes and economic crimes, between individual crimes and enterprise violations, and between legitimate financing and illegal financing of enterprises; Carefully grasp the conditions for arrest and prosecution, carefully take coercive measures against enterprises and personnel suspected of breaking the law, and carefully release news information about relevant cases.

   The Opinions particularly emphasized that, Work responsibilities should be compacted, tasks should be broken down layer by layer, and various measures should be implemented. Establish and improve the system of joint meetings and regular briefings, take the initiative to strengthen cooperation and linkage with public security, courts and relevant functional units for typical and common problems found in handling cases, improve the mechanism of information sharing and case investigation, and form joint efforts. Strictly enforce procuratorial discipline, strictly standardize judicial behavior, strive to create a "pro" and "clean" political and commercial relationship, and maintain a good image of the procuratorial organ. Focus on creating an atmosphere, timely summarize and promote the good experience and good practices of various departments around the country, strengthen the contact and cooperation with the news media, spread the "good voice" of procuratorial work, and expand social influence.

 Suzhou, Anhui: the first press conference in 2018 focused on three major reform battles of service

Yu Huaqing, director of the research office of Suzhou Procuratorate, reported the typical cases of the city's procuratorial organs in serving the "three major challenges" in recent years, and answered questions from journalists.

Huang Chunlei, Head of the Publicity and Education Office of Suzhou Procuratorate, presided over the press conference

 Suzhou, Anhui: the first press conference in 2018 focuses on three major reform battles of service
 Suzhou, Anhui: the first press conference in 2018 focuses on three major reform battles of service
 Suzhou, Anhui: the first press conference in 2018 focuses on three major reform battles of service
 Suzhou, Anhui: the first press conference in 2018 focuses on three major reform battles of service

Nine news media, including People's Daily Digital Communication, Anhui Daily, Anhui Legal Daily, Zhong An Online, Suzhou Radio and Television Station, Dawn News, Suzhou Release, Wanbei Morning News, Suzhou Radio and Television News, attended the conference. Some journalists from the news media asked questions about the hot work that the people and all sectors of society are generally concerned about.

 Suzhou, Anhui: the first press conference in 2018 focuses on three major reform battles of service
 Suzhou, Anhui: the first press conference in 2018 focused on three major reform battles of service

Produced by Anhui Procuratorial New Media

Source | Suzhou Procurator WeChat Official Account

Picture | Duan Lilun