Party conduct and clean government construction
"Chen Shenghua Procurator Studio" was listed in Tianzhu Mountain Tourism School
Time: June 4, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
Xin'an Evening News On May 17, the "Chen Shenghua Procurator Studio" of Qianshan County Procuratorate was officially inaugurated in Tianzhu Mountain Tourism School. This is also the first studio named after the prosecutor established in Anqing.  
When the studio was established, the Qianshan County Procuratorate also signed an agreement with Tianzhu Mountain Tourism School on the joint construction of a juvenile care base, which will pool the school's strength, take the base as a platform, and carry out regular help and education and correction work for minors involved in crimes to help them return to society smoothly. Chu Dongyun