Party conduct and clean government construction
Xu Xianggang: uphold integrity and self-discipline
Time: April 19, 2018 Author: News source: Anhui Legal Daily [Font size: large | in | Small

   Zhong An Online News   In 2016, Comrade Xu Xianggang was assigned twice by the Municipal People's Procuratorate to take a temporary post in Shannan Prefecture of Tibet to handle cases. During his duties, he successfully completed the task of reviewing and prosecuting the bribery case of Mr. Zhang in the Department of Communications of the Tibet Autonomous Region and the task of appearing in court for public prosecution, which strongly supported the procuratorial work in Tibet.

The high-profile "4.14" transnational telecommunications case was assigned to the He County Procuratorate and appointed as the main undertaker of the case. In the face of the difficulties of rights protection, fact determination, investigation and evidence collection, and public prosecution in court, he went up against the "difficulties", read 32 volumes of papers, recorded more than 150000 words, and interrogated suspects in various cities of the province for more than 40 times, successfully completing the task of reviewing, prosecuting, and public prosecution in court, The accused 40 defendants were all sentenced guilty by the People's Court of He County. By the end of the first instance, they had saved more than 2 million yuan of economic losses for the victims.

In case handling, he insisted on taking the facts as the basis and the law as the criterion, strictly implementing and abiding by various work regulations on organizational integrity, and handling cases in strict accordance with legal procedures. Over the past few years, he has handled more than 280 cases, including more than 30 difficult and complicated cases, none of which has been changed by the court, none of which has caused petitions and lawsuits due to careless handling of cases and failure to perform their duties, and none of which has violated disciplines and laws, maintaining the credibility of the law with a good image.

Since 2006, Xu Xianggang has been successively rated as an outstanding Communist Party member, outstanding political and legal police, outstanding public prosecutor, outstanding civil servant, and advanced individual by the hospital and county level authorities; In 2010, he was rated as "Outstanding Young Defender of Anhui Province"; In 2014, he was rated as "Outstanding Municipal Public Prosecutor"; In 2017, he was rated as "Ma'anshan Good Man". (Reporter Wang Jia)