Party conduct and clean government construction
Chizhou Procuratorate held Tomb Sweeping Day memorial ceremony for revolutionary martyrs in combination with the theme of the Party Day
Time: April 2, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


   The towering revolutionary martyr memorial tower stands solemnly in the green mountains and cypresses. On March 30, with great respect for the martyrs, the procuratorial police of Chizhou Procuratorate came to Chizhou Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery to hold memorial activities for the martyrs.  













   In front of the revolutionary martyrs memorial tower, the procuratorial police presented flower baskets and bowed in silence to the revolutionary martyrs to express their feelings of remembrance. Later, the party members and policemen faced the party flag and reviewed the oath of joining the party.  










   In front of the revolutionary martyrs' tomb, the procuratorial officers were solemn, holding flowers, and gently placed them in front of the tombstone in order to pay homage to the revolutionary martyrs who were sleeping forever.  

























   After the memorial ceremony, the procuratorial police came to the martyrs' memorial hall to watch patriotic educational films, review the revolutionary stories and further enhance patriotism.  










   Green mountains are full of green trees, and the revolutionary spirit nurtures future generations. The martyrs fought against foreign aggression with the spirit of fearless sacrifice, and shed their blood for national independence and national liberation. The years of war are unforgettable history, and the great achievements of the martyrs are unforgettable memories. At the end of the activity, the procuratorial police said that they should inherit the revolutionary tradition, deeply root the red gene in their hearts, cherish the hard won happy life, keep in mind the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, devote themselves to the procuratorial cause with more full enthusiasm, and contribute to the construction of the rule of law.  


Text&Photography: Liu Chen