Party conduct and clean government construction
Anqing Grand View: Take multiple measures to help police grow
Time: March 22, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Justice Network Anqing March twenty (Correspondent Ding Yanjun) Since the beginning of the year, the Procuratorate of Daguan District, Anqing City, Anhui Province has taken the opportunity of building a learning procuratorate and taken various measures to comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality of police officers, especially to help young police officers grow into talents.  

At the beginning of work after the Spring Festival, the hospital organized a two-day spring training activity. Focusing on the key and difficult points of procuratorial work such as review and prosecution, investigation and supervision, civil and administrative procuratorial supervision, complaint and appeal procuratorial supervision, and case quality management, the business backbone of each department and senior prosecutors told the procuratorial police how to protect our mother river, the Yangtze River, and the problems that need attention in handling dangerous driving cases by legal means, and how the procuratorial organ can initiate public interest litigation Use typical cases to interpret the National Compensation Law and the relevant institutional measures taken by procuratorial organs to ensure the quality of cases. Spring training activities sounded the horn of learning and striving to achieve a good start in the procuratorial work of the hospital.

It is reported that the school has formulated a study week system, and a police officer is assigned to give lectures every Friday afternoon to encourage the lecturers to learn and benefit the listeners by giving lectures. The learning week system continues to beat the pace of learning, and encourages the police to continue to learn and improve.