Local developments
[Constitution Publicity Week] Delegates of Huainan Delegation to the Provincial People's Congress cross inspected the Lu'an procuratorial work
Time: December 6, 2021-1Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   On December 1, at the invitation of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, two deputies to the National People's Congress and six deputies to the Provincial People's Congress from Huainan City walked into the procuratorial organ of Lu'an City to carry out a three-day cross inspection.  

   At the Lu'an Procuratorate, the representatives listened to the report of Yang Kaijiang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Lu'an Procuratorate, on the work of "Lu'an Procuratorate's services to ensure the healthy development of private economy".  

   It is reported that the procuratorial organ of Lu'an City insists on serving and ensuring the healthy development of the private economy as an important part of serving the overall situation, gives full play to its procuratorial functions, focuses on key and difficult points, and implements "wall chart warfare". Since 2018, a total of 25 "pending" cases involving private enterprises in criminal proceedings have been sorted out, and all of them have been cleared up. Smooth the channels for private enterprises to express their demands, and ensure that the procedural response within 7 days and the response to the process or results within 3 months are implemented. Since this year, a total of 89 complaints involving non-public economy have been handled.  

   After the report meeting, around the theme of "serving and ensuring the healthy development of private economy", the representatives visited enterprises such as Ocean Down Co., Ltd. and Soy Group, investigated the production workshop and product exhibition hall of the enterprises on the spot, communicated with entrepreneurs face to face, and listened to the introduction of the production and operation of the enterprises.  

   "Under the severe challenge of multiple risks, such as COVID-19 epidemic, rising raw materials and so on, the Lu'an procuratorial organ actively docked with our enterprise, provided accurate and effective legal services, severely cracked down on intellectual property infringement crimes, practically safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of our enterprise, and escorted the development of our enterprise..." The person in charge of the production of Ocean Down Co., Ltd. introduced the intellectual property protection cases handled by the Lu'an procuratorial organ to the representatives in detail.  

   The deputies to the National People's Congress fully affirmed the practical measures taken by the procuratorial organ of Lu'an City in serving the non-public economy and the efforts made to escort the economic development of Lu'an City.  

   Zhao Qizhong, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Huainan Municipal People's Congress, relevant responsible comrades of the Standing Committee of Lu'an Municipal People's Congress, Yang Kaijiang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Lu'an Municipal People's Procuratorate, Rui Hongjun, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of Huainan Municipal People's Procuratorate, and other relevant leaders accompanied the inspection.  

   List of NPC deputies  

   Deputies to the National People's Congress  

   Lu Shengxiang, senior welder of Anhui Huaihua Group Chemical Machinery Plant, part-time vice chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions  

   Liu Qin, farmer of Taiping Village, Gugou Hui Township, Panji District, Huainan City  

   Deputy to Provincial People's Congress  

   Wen Jibing, Chairman of Huainan Fuhua Clothing Co., Ltd., Vice Chairman of Huainan Federation of Industry and Commerce (not resident)  

   Sun Mingxia Secretary of the Party branch and head of the kindergarten directly under Huainan Municipal Government  

   Wu Minglou Legal Representative and Secretary of the Party Committee of Anhui Yiyi Dairy Co., Ltd  

   Zhang Wen Agronomist of Huainan Agricultural Science Research Institute  

   Xia Weiqi, Dean of Law School of Huainan Normal University, Deputy Secretary of the General Party Branch  

   Cao Jieming, Senior Lecturer of Fengtai County Vocational Education Center  

   Qi Shisheng, Deputy Director of Shou County Agricultural Technology Popularization Center