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[Constitution Publicity Week] Representatives of Suzhou Youth League and Provincial People's Congress cross inspected Chuzhou's procuratorial work
Time: December 6, 2021-1Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   At the invitation of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, from November 29 to December 1, two deputies to the National People's Congress and seven deputies to the Provincial People's Congress from Suzhou, accompanied by Tao Fangde, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate, visited Chuzhou for a cross inspection of the procuratorial work. They successively came to Chuzhou Municipal Procuratorate, Lai'an County Procuratorate, Tianchang Municipal Procuratorate and other places to have a deep understanding of the procuratorial work.  

   November 29, 2021  

   @First stop: Chuzhou People's Procuratorate  

   The representatives visited the procuratorial work area, the museum of hospital history, the branch of the municipal library in the municipal procuratorate and the public interest litigation rapid detection laboratory in turn, and gave a thumbs up to Chuzhou Procuratorate.  

   At about 4 p.m., a symposium was held to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the representatives on procuratorial work. Zhang Qiguang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and vice mayor, attended and delivered a welcome speech. At the meeting, we watched the feature film "Procuratorial Blue" guarding the "Spring" of private economic development, which was broadcast by the Municipal Procuratorate. Tao Fangde, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Provincial Procuratorate, showed the delegates the ten highlights of procuratorial work in the province and put forward requirements for this cross inspection activity. Li Dewen, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Municipal Procuratorate, reported to the delegates.  

   Secretary Zhang Qiguang said in his "eyes": Focusing on the overall service situation of the center, new achievements have been made in combating various crimes and promoting social governance, strengthening legal supervision and maintaining fairness and justice have new highlights, and new achievements have been made in improving the ability and quality of team building.  

   Deputy Procurator General Tao Fangde thought in his heart: Make every effort to provide good service and continuously improve efficiency. Representatives should be fully aware of the actual results of procuratorial work in recent years. Fully accept supervision and continuously improve work. We should take the opportunity of listening to the opinions and suggestions of the representatives to find the right direction for procuratorial work. Hear opinions wholeheartedly and implement them continuously. The opinions and suggestions put forward by the representatives should be carefully studied, implemented and fed back one by one, and implemented as soon as possible.  

   Procurator General Li Dewen said: Those who care about the big country will constantly improve the overall service influence; Improve people's wellbeing and constantly improve the credibility of judicial case handling; Abide by duties and missions, and constantly improve the influence of legal supervision; Build a solid foundation for development and constantly improve the combat effectiveness of the procuratorial team.  

   It is reported that Wang Yue, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Chuzhou Municipal People's Congress, Li Lingchen, Director of the Third Procuratorial Department of the Provincial Procuratorate, and Hu Chongshi, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of Suzhou Procuratorate also attended the forum that day. They all fully recognized the procuratorial work in Chuzhou.  

   November 30, 2021  

   @Second stop: Lai'an County People's Procuratorate  

   The representatives set out from Chuzhou City and drove to the Anxian County Procuratorate to inspect the service guarantee of private economy, public interest litigation and other work. Through the introduction of the chief procurator, display boards, on-site observation, field visits and other ways, the representatives witnessed and felt the work achievements of the Anxian County Procuratorate in recent years.  

   Observe a public admonishment activity of a private enterprise suspected of falsely issuing VAT special invoices, and invite more than 50 enterprise representatives in the county to attend, warning enterprises to operate in accordance with the law with real cases around them.  

   Go to the ecological environment protection base of the procuratorial organ, make on-the-spot investigation, urge and repair the environment, rectify environmental pollution, assist in environmental protection and other work by means of procuratorial suggestions, and guard a better life with heart and feelings.  

   December 1, 2021  

   @Third stop: Tianchang People's Procuratorate  

   The representatives first came to two key private enterprises, including Tianchang Anhui Tiankang Group and Anhui Xinbo Technology, to deeply understand the situation of enterprise normalization epidemic prevention and control, production and operation, existing problems and difficulties, and listen to the enterprise's judicial needs and satisfaction with procuratorial work.  

   Later, they visited the Tianchang Procuratorate's service guarantee private enterprise work exhibition board, procuratorial culture exhibition hall, etc., and the representatives praised the achievements of the Tianchang Procuratorate in serving the overall situation, justice for the people, legal supervision and team building.  

   The feedback meeting on the opinions and suggestions of the deputies to the National and Provincial People's Congress was held in the Tianchang Procuratorate. The delegates unanimously affirmed the highlights and achievements of the procuratorial work in Chuzhou, and said they would continue to make suggestions and support the procuratorial organs to find problems. At the same time, the delegates put forward constructive suggestions on further improving the procuratorial work in Chuzhou.  


   Liu Xiuyun, NPC deputy:  

   The procuratorial organ of Chuzhou City has done a lot of great things in serving the overall situation of development, participating in social governance, promoting civilization and the rule of law, and hopes to further improve the working mechanism, innovate work measures, and strive to escort high-quality economic and social development.  

   Yue Xihuan, NPC deputy:  

   The procuratorial organ of Chuzhou City has done a lot of distinctive work in procuratorial work, especially in the aspects of community correction and juvenile procuratorial protection. It has made many highlights, and many mechanisms and measures are in the forefront of the province. In the future, it can further strengthen exploration and innovation in these aspects.  

   He Guangming, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress:  

   Chuzhou Procuratorate has successively built a library and a museum of hospital history, integrating historical genes, regional culture and other elements into the whole process and all aspects of procuratorial case handling, which plays an important role in promoting the implementation of people centered and improving people's livelihood.  

   Wang Qiong, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress:  

   Chuzhou Procuratorate has given me an obvious feeling of "warmth", which is full of relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, which is enough to show that it attaches great importance to the construction of procuratorial culture and other self construction, especially helping to improve the cohesion, creativity and combat effectiveness of procuratorial work.  

   The achievements belong to the past, and the future has a long way to go. Chuzhou Procuratorate will seriously implement the opinions and suggestions of representatives, further clarify responsibilities, further clarify the division of labor, and ensure that the opinions and suggestions of representatives are translated into practical actions to promote the high-quality development of Chuzhou procuratorial work in the new era.  

   List of NPC deputies  

   Deputies to the National People's Congress  

   Liu Xiuyun Vice President of Wanbei Health Vocational College  

   Yuexi Huansi County Huayuanjing Community Secretary  

   Deputy to Provincial People's Congress  

   He Guangming, Vice Principal and Teacher of Suzhou Yifu Normal School  

   Chen Xiaohong Technician of Suzhou Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Technology Promotion Center  

   Cao Rong, No. 9 bus driver of Suzhou Public Transport Co., Ltd  

   Wang Qiongsi County Biyuntian Agricultural Circular Economy Professional Cooperative Chairman, Sizhou Yinxiang Family Farm Owner  

   Bao Dongfeng, a villager in Menglou Village, Yanji Town, Xiaoxian County, and the director of the specialized cooperative of farmers planting Jinsui wheat in Xiaoxian County  

   Huang Qingtian, member of Gaolou Village Committee in Yanji Town, Xiao County, and head of Qingtian Family Farm, Xiao County  

   Wang Qianqian, a villager in Guanhu Village, Yongzhen Township, Yongqiao District, Suzhou City, and the general manager of Anhui Weitian Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd