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[Constitution Publicity Week] Representatives of Ma'anshan Delegation to the Provincial People's Congress cross inspected Tongling's procuratorial work
Time: December 6, 2021-1Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

From November 29 to 30, Zhu Laiyou, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Ma'anshan Municipal People's Congress, led some deputies to the People's Congress of Malaysia to Tongling to carry out cross inspection activities on procuratorial work. Geng Biao, a member of the Procuratorate Committee of the Provincial Procuratorate and a senior prosecutor at the first level, Chen Changsheng, deputy director of the Standing Committee of Tongling Municipal People's Congress, Cao Min, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and chief procurator of Tongling Procuratorate, accompanied the inspection and participated in relevant activities.

During their stay in copper, the inspection team successively inspected the Tongguan District Procuratorate, Anhui Tongdu Fluid Technology Co., Ltd., Anhui Liuguo Chemical Co., Ltd. and the Changlongshan phosphogypsum ecological treatment project site in the form of field visits. Along the way, the representatives listened to their work, talked about their experience, made suggestions, and thoroughly understood the good experiences and practices of Tongling Municipal Procuratorates in the protection of minors, public interest litigation, service and protection of private economic development.

In recent years, Tongling procuratorial organs have deeply rooted in the feelings of justice for the people, accurately grasped and actively responded to the judicial needs of the people, constantly improved the quality and efficiency of handling cases, promoted the comprehensive, coordinated and full development of the "four major procuratorates", and actively demonstrated procuratorial action in maintaining fairness and justice. Zhang Li, member of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese and director of the Maanshan Yangtze River Delta Social Work Service Center, spoke highly of this. She believes that Tongling procuratorial organ has provided a strong judicial guarantee for the high-quality development of the city's economy and society, especially for the development of escort private economy. It has a high political position, strong law enforcement and case handling, warm judicial concept, and deep mechanism innovation.

Representative Zhang Li said: "Previously, we focused more on local related work, which has certain limitations. Through this off-site inspection activity, we have the opportunity to systematically and intuitively understand the good experiences and practices of our brother cities. While broadening our vision, we can also learn from each other better, which is very helpful for us to play a better role in supervision in the future. "

Xu Hong, the former secretary of the Party Committee of Queqiao Community, Anmin Street, Yushan District, Ma'anshan City, said that the two-day off-site inspection activities fully reflected that procuratorial organs at all levels attached great importance to the work of representatives. Through the inspection, she deeply felt that Tongling's procuratorial organ was really doing good things for the people with a series of practical measures, and also created a high-quality legal environment for the local economic development of Tongling.

Representative Xu Hong also suggested that Tongling procuratorial organs should further strengthen the work of public interest litigation in the future, especially for food safety issues involving the vital interests of the masses, to give full play to the role of procuratorial organs and better protect and serve the people's livelihood.

After the two-day inspection, the representatives expressed at the feedback exchange forum that they would take this cross inspection as an opportunity to make active suggestions and suggestions in the future work, so that the democratic supervision role of NPC deputies could be better played.

   List of deputies to Ma'anshan Youth League Provincial People's Congress  

Zhu Laiyou Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Ma'anshan Municipal People's Congress

Zhang Li, member of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese, director of the Maanshan Yangtze River Delta Social Work Service Center, master supervisor of the Department of Chemistry and Biology of Anhui University of Technology, and vice chairman of the Maanshan Federation of Overseas Chinese

Qin Feng Professor, School of Computer Science, Anhui University of Technology

Zhao Jingru, General Manager of Anhui Xiaoma Creative Technology Co., Ltd

Liu Xia, driver of Ma'anshan Public Transport Group

Zhang Yebin Leader of Villager Group of Linghu Village, Laoqiao Town, Zhengpugang New District, Ma'anshan City

Zhang Xiuzhen, Head of Finished Product Technology Department of Anhui Jinxing Titanium Dioxide (Group) Co., Ltd

Xu Hong Former Secretary of the Party Committee of Queqiao Community, Anmin Street, Yushan District, Ma'anshan City

Tao Fuju, Vice Principal of Liyang No. 1 Primary School, He County, Ma'anshan City