Local developments
Dangtu, Chuzhou: Carry out propaganda against domestic violence and the rule of law
Time: November 29, 2021-1Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Say no to "domestic violence"!

   According to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Combating Domestic Violence, domestic violence refers to physical and mental violations committed by family members by beating, binding, maiming, restricting personal freedom, and often abusing and intimidating.  

   At the same time, Article 37 of the annex stipulates that "acts of violence committed between persons living together other than family members shall be implemented with reference to the provisions of this Law."  

Domestic violence is a crime. When encountering domestic violence, we should learn to protect ourselves and protect our rights in time.

On November 18, at the approaching of the "International Day against Domestic Violence", the uninspected workshop of "Inspection and Escort" of Dangtu County Procuratorate in Ma'an City, Anhui Province carried out the publicity activity of "International Day against Domestic Violence" in Dongcheng Waterfront Square.

During the activity, the procuratorial police explained the serious harm to individuals, families and society caused by domestic violence to the masses on the spot by setting up a reference desk, distributing the reading books of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Anti Domestic Violence, and setting up propaganda banners, calling on the masses to establish a sense of rights protection, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests when domestic violence occurs, and dare to say "no" to domestic violence

   [International Day against Domestic Violence] Dangtu, Anhui: Carry out propaganda against domestic violence and the rule of law [International Day against Domestic Violence] Dangtu, Anhui: Carry out propaganda against domestic violence and the rule of law