Local developments
Anhui Shitai: Cooperate with multiple units to carry out legal publicity and voluntary service activities
Time: September 27, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

    From September 23 to 24, the Procuratorate of Shitai County, Chizhou City, in conjunction with the Publicity Department of the County Party Committee, the County Women's Federation, the Youth League Committee of the County, and the County Customs Working Committee, jointly carried out the volunteer service activity of "I do practical things for the masses, and popularize law education into thousands of families".  


Publicity of the rule of law into the square    

   In order to guide the masses to know, abide by and use the law, on the morning of September 23, members of the "Mutong · Dianshi Studio" of the People's Procuratorate of Shitai County went to the gate of Shitai Hotel with staff from various units to carry out law popularization and publicity activities. Through setting up publicity booths at crowded places, distributing brochures of "combating pornography and illegal publications", on-site explanations and other forms, we have deeply publicized the Constitution, the Law on the Protection of Minors, the Civil Code and other laws and regulations closely related to life to the masses, and advocated the masses to read and surf the Internet in a green way. During the activity, more than 300 leaflets were distributed accumulatively, and more than 20 on-site public consultations were answered, which achieved good publicity results.  


Publicity of rule of law into bookstores    

   In order to create a healthy, progressive and civilized cultural environment, the studio members and the staff of the Publicity Department of the County Party Committee went to the physical bookstores to issue booklets of "combating pornography and illegal publications" to bookstores operators, conveying the important role of "combating pornography and illegal publications" in maintaining ideological security and cultural security, and introducing the focus of "combating pornography and illegal publications" as well as copyright protection Identify the knowledge related to pirated books, let the bookstore operators correctly understand the hazards of pirated books and unhealthy publications, stop selling all kinds of illegal and harmful publications, and purify the cultural environment.  


Propaganda of Rule of Law on Campus    

   In order to further strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of minors, on the afternoon of September 23, the members of the studio and various units went to Shitai Experimental Primary School and Shitai Middle School to make parents and students understand the relevant legal knowledge of the Juvenile Protection Law by issuing leaflets and explaining cases, especially focusing on the online protection, sexual assault, bullying and other aspects of minors, In order to improve the safety awareness of parents and self-protection awareness of minors.  


Publicizing the rule of law into the community    

   To create a good rule of law environment for rural revitalization and development, on the evening of September 24, the members of the studio and the staff of the Publicity Department of the County Party Committee and the County Women's Federation went to the Nanshan Group of Heping Community to hold a lively lecture on the rule of law.  

   In the class, the members of the studio introduced the background, main contents and new highlights of the Civil Code, explained the contents that villagers pay attention to, such as marriage, family and neighboring rights, and gave detailed answers to the questions raised by villagers through the form of case interpretation. In addition, brochures on "combating pornography and illegal publications" were distributed to the villagers to make them fully understand the work of "combating pornography and illegal publications", and introduced common illegal publications, such as "Liuhe Lottery", illegally imported publications, online illegally downloaded publications and infringing and pirated publications, and called on everyone to actively participate in the work of "combating pornography and illegal publications", support the legitimate edition and protect copyright, And jointly build a civilized and harmonious society.  

   Rural Night School  
    "Rural night schools are very useful for our people, and there is a new way to learn law. During the day, we have to be busy with working and farming. Prosecutors use the night time to make up lessons for us, so that we can learn the latest laws and regulations in time. It's really good!" Villagers of Nanshan Group in Heping Community have praised the activities of popularizing law in rural night schools.