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Wuhu Nanling: assist migrant workers in "asking for salary", procuratorial and judicial countersignature "Opinions"
Time: January 7, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
   Anhui Nanling: Assisting migrant workers in "asking for salary", procuratorial and judicial countersignature "Opinions"
Signing ceremony

In order to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's thoughts on the rule of law, the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the implementation of the Civil Code, and study and publicize the Civil Code, on December 31, 2020, the Procuratorate of Nanling County, Anhui Province, and the Nanling County Judicial Bureau jointly carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Code and Bright Life".

At the scene of the activity, the Nanling County Procuratorate and the Nanling County Judicial Bureau jointly signed the Opinions on Establishing a Contact Mechanism to Support Prosecution and Legal Aid Work, which defined the responsibilities of the procuratorial organ to support prosecution and legal aid work of the judicial administrative organ, listed in detail the types of cases that the procuratorial organ supports prosecution, and the procuratorial organ and the legal aid institution to cooperate Strengthen the specific process of contact, cooperate with each other, and work together to provide legal services to support prosecution cases. The establishment of this mechanism will effectively promote the special supervision activity of assisting migrant workers in "asking for salary", form a joint force to protect the legitimate rights and interests of special people according to law, improve the efficiency of judicial services, and achieve social fairness and justice.

The activity also held the appointment ceremony of the new civil, administrative and public interest litigation procuratorial liaison officers. The 13 procuratorial liaison officers appointed this time were from the key business personnel of the judicial offices and law firms in the county, and the appointment period was three years. The main responsibilities of the civil, administrative and public interest litigation procuratorial liaison are to publicize the procuratorial work functions of civil, administrative and public interest litigation to all sectors of society and the parties, correctly guide the parties to apply for supervision to the procuratorial organ, timely provide clues to the civil, administrative and public interest litigation procuratorial supervision cases, and provide professional opinions, etc, At the same time, timely feedback the opinions and suggestions of all sectors of society and the people on procuratorial organs and procuratorial work, especially civil, administrative and public interest litigation.