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First line of flood control | Quanjiao: Blasting for flood discharge, they are at the forefront of protecting the safety of the masses
Time: July 22, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
 [Flood control front line] Quanjiao, Anhui: Blasting for flood discharge, they are fighting at the forefront of protecting the safety of the masses
Pre flood survey

Recently, the water level of Chuhe River in Anhui Province has risen rapidly due to heavy rainfall. The flood situation is the order. On July 18, the Quanjiao County Procuratorate of Anhui Province acted quickly, launched the emergency plan formulated through full research before the flood, and settled in Ruyi River, Shashi Village, Baobao District.

 [Flood control front line] Quanjiao, Anhui: Blasting for flood discharge, they are fighting at the forefront of protecting the safety of the masses [Flood control front line] Quanjiao, Anhui: Blasting for flood discharge, they are fighting at the forefront of protecting the safety of the masses [Flood control front line] Quanjiao, Anhui: Blasting for flood discharge, they are fighting at the forefront of protecting the safety of the masses
Policemen are fighting in the front line of flood fighting  

Police officers quickly entered into the working state, rushed ahead, together with town and village cadres, carried out work such as danger removal and reinforcement, and carried out 24-hour patrol on the Baobao River embankment to find piping, observe the water level, and always fight in the front line of flood fighting.

 [Flood control front line] Quanjiao, Anhui: Blasting for flood discharge, they are fighting at the forefront of protecting the safety of the masses
Daily dike patrol  

In order to relieve the pressure of flood control, Quanjiao County of Chuzhou City carried out blasting flood discharge on the dam of Chuhe River. At 2:49 am and 3:27 am on July 19, with two loud sounds, the second and third polders of waste grass in Quanjiao County successfully broke the polders and discharged flood, relieving the flood control pressure of Chuhe River. Quanjiao County Procuratorate, on the one hand, resolutely obeys the arrangement of the county flood control headquarters and strengthens daily work such as dike patrol; On the other hand, we will fully assist the towns and villages to do a good job in public travel safety, material allocation, personnel on duty arrangements and other work, and protect the safety of people's lives and property.