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Flood prevention line | Go upstream! When the flood control of Anhui prosecutors is in progress
Time: July 21, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   In recent days, affected by continuous heavy rainfall, the flood situation in many cities of Anhui is serious. The procuratorial organs all over Anhui immediately sounded the assembly number of flood control and disaster relief, set up the flood control and rescue commandos, and the procuratorial police enthusiastically signed up to participate in the event, fully entering the state of flood control combat readiness  

   Tongling Procuratorate  

 Go upstream! When the flood control of Anhui prosecutors is in progress

   On the morning of July 14, Cao Min, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Tongling Municipal People's Procuratorate, went to Lianjian Village, Shuangxing Village and Jinghua Village, Yijin Town, Zongyang County, to inspect and guide the flood relief work, and visited the cadres and masses struggling on the front line.  

   Anqing Procuratorate  

 Go upstream! When the flood control of Anhui prosecutors is in progress

   At the critical moment when the flood control situation is severe, Anqing Procuratorate set up a temporary party branch, stood ready, sounded the "assembly number" for flood control, quickly formed a flood control and flood fighting commando team composed of 26 police officers, rushed to the rescue site, carried out a round the clock patrol of the levee, closely monitored the development of the flood season, and protected the safety of people's lives and property with practical actions.  

   Huangshan Procuratorate  

 Go upstream! When the flood control of Anhui prosecutors is in progress

   Affected by continuous heavy rainfall since the flood season, many rivers and streets in Huangshan City have accumulated garbage and silt. As the flood receded, the Huangshan procuratorial police charged in front, playing the post disaster desilting rally.  

   Chaohu Procuratorate  

 Go upstream! When the flood control of Anhui prosecutors is in progress

   In order to do a good job in flood control, Chaohu Procuratorate set up a flood rescue commando consisting of 32 police officers long before the flood season came, conducted field survey on the responsibility points of Huanhu Avenue in the charge of the procuratorate, and formed a flood control work plan. On the morning of July 19, He Honghai, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Hefei Procuratorate, Geng Yanqiang, Secretary of Chaohu Municipal Party Committee, Director of the Administrative Committee of Anchao Economic Development Zone, and Secretary of the Party Working Committee came to the flood control duty point of Chaohu Procuratorate to supervise the flood control work.  

   Feixi County Procuratorate  

 Go upstream! When the flood control of Anhui prosecutors is in progress

   On July 19, Tong Zuquan, the chief procurator of Feixi County Procuratorate, and Zhang Ruichun, the deputy chief procurator of Feixi County Procuratorate, organized and led the flood control team to carry out flood control patrol at Pengyun Road Crossing, Binhe Road and other flood control responsible sections in Feixi County, to get to know the flood situation and dangerous points at the first time, and report the flood control work to the county party committee and relevant departments in a timely manner.  

   Hefei Baohe District Procuratorate  

 Go upstream! When the flood control of Anhui prosecutors is in progress

   "Hurry up, we need sandbags here..." "Let's catch up and pass on together..." At 5:00 p.m. on July 19, the Procuratorate of Baohe District, Hefei City urgently assembled the first batch of procuratorial police, a total of 10 people, and rushed to the rural section of Nanfeihewei.  

   Lu'an Yu'an District Procuratorate  

 Go upstream! When the flood control of Anhui prosecutors is in progress

   In the afternoon of July 18, Wang Changhua, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Yu'an District, Lu'an City, visited the disaster stricken people in Danwang Township, which was often heavily waterlogged.  

   Jinzhai County Procuratorate  

 Go upstream! When the flood control of Anhui prosecutors is in progress

   On July 18, after the overnight rainstorm, the urban area was seriously flooded. The policemen of the Red Candle Volunteer Service Team of Jinzhai County Procuratorate were involved in the risk elimination of the urban main roads and residential areas, building a safe warning line for the masses.  

   He County Procuratorate  

 Go upstream! When the flood control of Anhui prosecutors is in progress

   On July 13, the He County Procuratorate received an emergency notice from the county party committee that due to the rising water level, some villagers' houses along the Shiba River in Jinhe Community, Liyang Town, He County were in danger of flooding. Under the leadership of Procurator General Zhang Xiaonong, the emergency reserve team for flood control and emergency rescue of the hospital quickly gathered to the scene to help villagers build cofferdams to avoid disaster.  

   Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate  

 Go upstream! When the flood control of Anhui prosecutors is in progress

   On July 16, the Youth League Branch of Wuhu Wuwei Municipal People's Procuratorate took the initiative to contact the Youth League Municipal Committee and request "returning" to help carry out volunteer activities. The youth police of Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate came to the urban material transfer station, joined hands with the Jinxiu Wuwei Volunteer Association, and distributed sleeping bags, rice oil, and waterproof equipment prepared by the One Foundation and the Volunteer Association to the relocation sites.  

   Qingyang County Procuratorate  

 Go upstream! When the flood control of Anhui prosecutors is in progress

   On July 13 and 15, the flood control commando of the Procuratorate of Qingyang County, Chizhou went to Tongbu Dock in Qingyang County to participate in the flood control work. When the commando team members are in place, they should clarify the way of dike patrol, accept the dike patrol task, and carefully investigate the dangerous situation.