Local developments
First line of flood control | Wuhu: Level I response, the flood control and rescue commando is at the forefront
Time: July 21, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
 [Flood control front line] Wuhu: Level I response, the flood control and rescue commando is at the forefront

The continuous rainstorm has caused the water level in the Wuhu section of the Yangtze River, the middle and lower reaches of the Qingyi River and the Zhanghe River to remain high. From 9:00 on July 17, Wuhu Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters upgraded the flood control emergency response from Level II to Level I.

In the face of the emergency flood situation, on the afternoon of July 17, the Wuhu Procuratorate quickly dispatched the first group of 10 commandos to join the flood control and rescue commandos of the municipal organs, rushed to the Wuwei Dam in Shuilou Village, Erba Town, Jiujiang District, and joined the local township cadres and the masses in the flood control work.

Under the arrangement of the village committee, the policemen are on duty and patrolling to prevent hidden dangers. They are on duty in shifts on the river embankment and cross patrolling with the villagers in strict accordance with the instructions of the superior and the flood control requirements. On the river embankment, the waves beat the sub embankment. On one side was the rolling river near the dam, and the villagers' homes were separated by a dam. The policemen, in groups of three or four, took every patrol seriously. They lit flashlights, waved mosquitoes with their hands, and ranked deep and shallow, carefully searching for possible seepage points, never letting go of any corner.

Since the beginning of the flood season, Wuhu City's two level procuratorates have taken flood control and flood fighting as an important task at present, focusing on both case handling and flood control. The party group of the procuratorate of the city held a special meeting in time to study and deploy, quickly set up 30 police emergency detachment for flood control and flood fighting, and set up a temporary party branch to be ready. The policemen of the two-level procuratorates stick to the front line of flood control 24 hours a day, charge ahead, shoulder the heavy burden bravely, and demonstrate the responsibility of the procurators in flood control and disaster relief.

 [Flood control front line] Wuhu: Level I response, the flood control and rescue commando is at the forefront

 [Flood control front line] Wuhu: Level I response, the flood control and rescue commando is at the forefront [Flood control front line] Wuhu: Level I response, the flood control and rescue commando is at the forefront [Flood control front line] Wuhu: Level I response, the flood control and rescue commando is at the forefront [Flood control front line] Wuhu: Level I response, the flood control and rescue commando is at the forefront