Local developments
Chizhou, Anhui: flood control and rescue commandos are on standby
Time: July 16, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
 Chizhou: flood control and rescue commandos are ready

In recent days, heavy rain has been falling all over Chizhou, the water level of rivers and reservoirs has soared, and the pressure on flood control continues to increase. In the face of the flood situation, Chizhou Municipal Procuratorate acted quickly, formulated a work plan, and set up a flood prevention and rescue commando of the Municipal Procuratorate to be ready at any time.

 Chizhou: flood control and rescue commandos are ready
Inspectors carefully patrol along the dam to eliminate dangerous situations

In the morning of July 13, after receiving the order from Chizhou Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, Chizhou Procuratorate was moved by the order and sounded the "assembly number" for flood control. The first group of six inspectors were organized to go to the designated flood control site - Laochikou Wharf Dam to be on duty for 24 hours in turn to check whether there was any danger such as water gushing and sand overturning.

 Chizhou: flood control and rescue commandos are ready
Inspectors carefully patrol along the dam to eliminate dangerous situations
 Chizhou: flood control and rescue commandos are ready
Guo Lei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Chizhou Procuratorate, went to the duty point to see the personnel on duty
 Chizhou: flood control and rescue commandos are ready
Field inspection at flood control front line

Guo Lei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Chizhou Municipal Procuratorate, was concerned about the flood situation, and went to the flood control front line for field inspection in the first time in the rain to supervise the flood control work of the municipal procuratorate. He stressed that we should further enhance the sense of responsibility and take the safety of people's lives and property as the starting point of all work. To overcome the paralyzed fluke mentality, we should always tighten the string of flood control safety. We should strengthen early warning on duty, ensure that problems are found and handled in a timely manner, and make every effort to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

 Chizhou: flood control and rescue commandos are ready
Staff count flood control materials

In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the flood control work, the relevant departments of Chizhou Procuratorate purchased raincoats, rain shoes, flashlights, essential balm, mosquito repellent incense, instant noodles, mineral water and other materials in advance, so as to ensure that the materials are stored in special warehouses, managed by special personnel, and distributed in time to ensure that the materials are in place. In addition, in order to ensure the correctness of case handling and flood prevention, the hospital also carried out "physical examination" of official vehicles in advance, allocated special vehicles and full-time drivers to participate in flood prevention and rescue and personnel transportation, and stood ready at any time to ensure logistics.

 Chizhou: flood control and rescue commandos are ready
Distribute flood control materials to people on duty