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Media focus | Anhui Dingyuan: "one-stop operation" of juvenile cases works well
Time: June 2, 2020 Author: News source: Legal Daily [Font size: large | in | Small
 [Legal Daily] Dingyuan, Anhui: "one-stop operation" of juvenile cases works well
(June 1, Legal Daily · Politics and Law)  

Original title: Dingyuan County Procuratorate established a "one-stop" case handling and rescue mechanism for minor victims

   Promote the "one-stop operation" of evidence collection, dispute resolution and rescue  

Juvenile victims are often too young or afraid to state the course of being infringed in detail, and repeated inquiries in the process of handling cases will aggravate their psychological injury. In the People's Procuratorate of Dingyuan County, Anhui Province, these problems have been solved with the establishment of the "one-stop" case handling and rescue mechanism.

As one of the innovative practice bases of the national non prosecution work determined by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, since 2018, the Supreme People's Procuratorate has actively built a special area for juvenile procuratorial work, and promoted the "one-stop operation" of evidence collection, mediation, dispute resolution, and rescue, which not only effectively avoided secondary injuries to juvenile victims, but also helped them repair their psychological trauma and deliver judicial warmth. Up to now, the hospital has accepted 82 criminal cases against minors, 120 people, and the "one-stop" case handling and rescue mechanism operates well.

   Get involved in advance and complete the inquiry at one time  

 [Legal Daily] Dingyuan, Anhui: "one-stop operation" of juvenile cases works well

Fresh wallpaper, small tables and chairs, lovely toys... When you enter the juvenile procuratorial work area of Dingyuan County Procuratorate, you can see seven areas, including the inquiry room, the catharsis room, the psychological counseling room, and the physical and mental relaxation room. Both the functional division and the hardware facilities here are well adapted to the psychological characteristics of minors and create a warm and soft case handling atmosphere.

"At the beginning, we explored the 'one-stop' case handling and rescue mechanism for juvenile sexual assault cases. Because the victims are young and physically and mentally injured, it is also difficult to handle such cases." Yuan Yuan, deputy director of the Fifth Procuratorial Department of the Dingyuan County Procuratorate, said that the most difficult thing is to obtain evidence.

In this regard, the Dingyuan County Procuratorate strengthened the coordination of investigation and prosecution, countersigned with the public security organ the Work Opinions on Handling Juvenile Criminal Cases, and Several Provisions on Establishing a "one-stop" Evidence Collection for Sexually Infringed Juveniles. On the basis of promoting the unconditional intervention of sexual assault cases in advance Methods Make detailed provisions one by one to guide the public security organs to complete the case inquiry, information collection, physical and mental testing, psychological counseling and other work of minor victims at one time.

"We coordinated the hospital to establish a relatively concealed examination room for minors for physical examination and treatment of injuries. With the consent of the minor victim and his legal representative, the public security organ can take the victim to our hospital to conduct inquiry and other evidence collection work. The prosecutor, police and the victim's legal representative communicate to initially understand the basic situation of the victim. At the same time, our hospital's psychological consultant will evaluate the victim to determine whether he can make a record. According to the age of the victim, different ways of questioning shall be adopted and the outline of questioning shall be drawn up. " Yuan Yuan said.

In order to avoid repeated inquiries, when investigators ask, prosecutors will guide investigators to collect evidence through synchronous audio and video recordings, so as to ensure that public security organs collect and fix evidence comprehensively according to law, and avoid possible "secondary injuries" caused by case handling.

   Tracing and relieving psychological trauma in the whole process  

 [Legal Daily] Dingyuan, Anhui: "one-stop operation" of juvenile cases works well

"This is a 'safe island'. Although there is danger outside, no one can hurt you when you arrive at the 'safe island'..." After finishing the game of "safe island" with a psychological consultant, 6-year-old Xiao Qing and 3-year-old sister Xiao Xin gradually become less timid and are willing to tell their "secrets".

It is reported that the Dingyuan County Procuratorate has hired two professional psychological consultants who are enthusiastic about public welfare as members of the uninspected studio "Sunflower Studio" to participate in the inquiry work. For the minor victims who need psychological counseling, they should find out the crux and open their hearts through card tests, sand table games, etc.

At the same time, the hospital also pays attention to "one case, one return visit". Professional personnel such as prosecutors and psychological counselors of the non prosecution department regularly return visits to the minor victims, timely grasp their physiological, psychological and family status, carry out follow-up assistance, and record the relevant information into the tracking rescue record card, so as to maximize the protection of the psychological health of the minor victims, Reduce the impact on their future study and life.

   Extend services and carry out judicial assistance  

 [Legal Daily] Dingyuan, Anhui: "one-stop operation" of juvenile cases works well

"That sum of money is" life-saving money "for us." Although it has been some time, Xiao Feng's family still appreciates the assistance of the Dingyuan County Procuratorate.

At that time, when handling a case of compulsory medical treatment, the prosecutor found that two severely injured minor victims were seriously injured and their families were relatively poor, so he took the initiative to apply for a relief fund of 30000 yuan together with the prosecution department, and also reported to the Chuzhou Procuratorate. The municipal court gave another 100000 yuan of judicial relief fund, which solved the urgent problem for the two families.

The case is not finished. The Dingyuan County Procuratorate will actively extend its services. Internally, the uninspected department will link with the complaint and appeal department. For minor victims who meet the conditions for judicial assistance due to physical injury, family financial difficulties, etc., it will timely inform them that they can apply for judicial assistance, and transfer the clues to the complaint and appeal department to assist in providing judicial assistance; Externally, we established a legal aid mechanism for juvenile victims of sexual assault criminal cases with the county judicial bureau, and launched legal aid procedures for juvenile victims who did not hire lawyers in a timely manner, so that juvenile victims could feel the warmth and care of justice.

"We also participated in the joint mediation of cases involving minors together with public security organs, school teachers, lawyers, etc., to ensure that minor victims receive timely economic compensation and spiritual consolation by making criminal suspects apologize and compensate for losses, so as to maximize the legitimate interests of minors," Yuan Yuan said.

The reporter learned that at present, the construction of "one-stop" case handling area has been promoted in the procuratorial organs of the province. Dingyuan County Procuratorate is "upgrading" the mechanism to radiate more types of cases involving juvenile victims.

(All the victims in the article are pseudonyms)