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Learn to strengthen the country | Supervise the "chaos control" to create a new window for serving the masses
Time: April 30, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
 [Learning to become a powerful country] Huainan, Anhui: practical measures for "chaos control" supervision to create a new window for serving the masses [Learning to become a powerful country] Huainan, Anhui: practical measures for "chaos control" supervision to create a new window for serving the masses

Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Panji District, Huainan City, launched a campaign of public service of cases and public response to informants, and actively promoted a good atmosphere of integrity to demonstrate the confidence of procuratorial organs in "governing" social disorder.

It is understood that this activity was supported by the Panji District People's Congress and various administrative law enforcement departments and the active cooperation of the informants. The real name informant, Uncle Liu, revealed to the reporter that on March 18, Uncle Liu reported a large amount of coal gangue stacked somewhere in Junliu Village, Hetuan Town through the 12309 procuratorial service hotline, which seriously affected the beauty of the village and caused pollution to the surrounding environment. Unexpectedly, the People's Procuratorate of Panji District organized procurators to go to the scene the next day to have an in-depth understanding of the surrounding villagers and collect evidence through video shooting and other forms. At the same time, it delivered the Procuratorial Proposal to the People's Government of Hetuan Town. On March 20, the People's Procuratorate of Panji District delivered a notice of acceptance to the informant. On April 7, the People's Government of Hetuan Town thoroughly and properly solved the problem of coal gangue covering an area of 2 mu.

 [Learning to become a powerful country] Huainan, Anhui: practical measures for "chaos control" supervision to create a new window for serving the masses

Uncle Liu said: "I didn't expect that the problem I responded to through the 12309 procuratorial hotline would be solved so quickly and thoroughly. I am very satisfied."

It is reported that this activity is a practice of the Regulations of the People's Procuratorate on Handling Letters from the Masses issued by the Supreme People's Procuratorate. Against the background of the epidemic, procuratorial organs and administrative units overcame many difficulties and took active action to shorten the time from three months to half a month from the time when they received the letter from the masses to the time when they replied.

Huainan Municipal People's Procuratorate actively promoted the experience and practice of Panji District People's Procuratorate, and promised the society that in the process of people's letters, the people would feel that the "12309" procuratorial service hotline was useful and effective, and would take the initiative to apply it, guide the people to reflect and solve problems through the 12309 procuratorial service center with practical results, and make full use of the "12309" service hotline, We will strive to create a new window for Huainan Procuratorate to serve the masses, a new platform for law enforcement and supervision, and a new image of fair law enforcement, so as to contribute procuratorial wisdom to the construction of the rule of law in the city.